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break down- zepsuć się They got caught quite easily as their runaway car broke down after few miles.

break up (with sb)- zerwać z kimś I didn't know Leven has broken up with Joe!

call off- odwołać (np. spotkanie) They had to call the meeting off because their partners asked for more time to decide on conditions.

calm down- uspokoić się They had a hard time in their relationship but now everything calmed down.

care for- opiekować się, troszczyć She cares for her younger sister.
carry on- kontynuować The light went out but the surgeon insisted on carrying on the operation

carry out - wykonać, zrealizować I hope she will carry out her research as it may be a real breakthrough.

depend on sth- zależeć (od czegoś) Our decision depends on the results of the test.

get in (into)- wsiadać, wchodzić How did all of you manage to get into such a small car?
The doors were closed and I couldn't get in.

find out- dowiedzieć się Did you find out how much he had paid?

get off (sth)- wysiadać, wychodzić To get to the museum you have to get off at fifth stop.
What time do you usually get off work?
get on- wsiadać do/na The bus was full so we couldn't get on.
get over- dochodzić do siebie, pogodzić się z czymś It took him over two years to get over his wife's death.

give up poddawać się Don't give up. There's still a chance.

grow up- dorastać Don't behave like a child! Grow up!

hurry up pośpieszyć się Hurry up! We have to be there at 5.

keep away- trzymać się z daleka od czegoś Keep away from him or you'll get into trouble.

look for- szukać I'm looking for a room to rent. Do you know of any in this area?
look forward- to cieszyć sie na coś, bardzo czekać na I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. obowiazkowy
look into- badać, przyglądać się The police are looking into the cause of the accident.

look out- uważać Look out!

pick up- podnosić Sue picked up the phone and dialled her boyfriend's number.

put on- zakładać (na siebie) It's quite cold so you'd better put on your coat.

put on- zapalić (światło) Put on the light please.

run out- kończyć się, brakować We've run out of the paper for printing.Time's running out, we've got only 2 minutes left.I ran out of butter in the morning so I had to go shopping.

show off- popisywać się, przechwalać się All he can do is just showing off!

switch off- wyłączyć Switch off the radio before you leave.

switch on- włączać Switch on the TV.

take off- wystartować When I was young I loved watching planes take off.

take on- zatrudniać Our company wants to take on two new programmers.


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