Fritz Lang - Clash by Night 1952.txt

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{5421}{5480}Okay, boys, let's get her unloaded.
{5488}{5535}Sooner the quicker.
{8526}{8603}Go to cannery, go to farm,|go to picking grape.
{8608}{8683}Everywhere I go, bosses says no.
{8718}{8791}Jerry is gonna be mad when he|come off his boat and find you here.
{8795}{8883}- So he's mad.|- Old man ought to sleep late in the morning.
{8888}{8930}Is old, 68?
{8934}{9019}Is old, 68?|No good for work no more?
{9023}{9087}Chop them up, old men,|chop them up like bait.
{9091}{9147}Coffee. And a brandy.
{9151}{9203}Better make it whiskey, lady.
{9551}{9641}I thought when I heard music it was you.|Now, come on home, Papa. Let's go home.
{9647}{9683}- Oh, home.|- No, no, no.
{9688}{9736}What's home? Sit thinking.
{9740}{9802}No wife, no music. It's nothing, home.
{9806}{9864}- Why don't you take up golf.|- Why don't you shut up.
{9868}{9923}Now, come on home, Papa,|and don't make no trouble.
{9928}{9964}Come on, now.
{10004}{10035}Now look what you did.
{10040}{10079}Oh, excuse, it's a mistake.
{10083}{10153}Oh, you're always making mistakes.|I'm sorry, miss.
{10157}{10230}If you'd stay home like I told you,|nothing would happen.
{10328}{10389}Hey, ain't you Mae Doyle?
{10456}{10543}Papa, you remember Mae.|Mae Doyle, Joe's sister.
{10547}{10591}I guess you don't|remember me, huh, Mae?
{10649}{10686}I don't remember a lot of things.
{10709}{10756}Guess I took on a little beef.
{10760}{10803}Jerry D'Amato.
{10808}{10866}Joe works on my boat.
{10904}{10956}- In the morning?|- Only when I have a cold.
{10960}{10997}- How much?|- A dollar even.
{11004}{11059}You coming home to stay?
{11064}{11142}- For a while.|- There ain't nothing like home, is there?
{11160}{11209}That's what they say.
{11310}{11393}Nephew, I didn't have me eyes closed|a second when... he's out of the house.
{11397}{11459}- All right, Uncle Vince.|- I'm trying to get a few winks.
{11463}{11492}- I'm so worn out.|- I know.
{11496}{11557}- Come on, Papa.|- I'm worn out taking care of him.
{11561}{11633}I said to myself, my nephew|would be hopping mad.
{11637}{11723}Blaming me as usual.|The old gent gets tanked and...
{13599}{13655}- Hi, Peggy.|- Hey.
{13682}{13721}I thought you...
{13735}{13802}I thought you weren't gonna eat|any more chocolate.
{13828}{13897}- You'll spread.|- So I'll spread.
{13909}{13939}- Don't, Joe.|- Why not?
{13943}{13986}I feel icky.
{14018}{14059}Mr. Homan went|in the warehouse today.
{14064}{14103}Found two girls asleep in the sacks.
{14108}{14137}- Did he holler?|- Murder.
{14141}{14212}Well, when a man pays your day's wages,|you owe him a day's work.
{14216}{14267}Irene came into work with a...
{14272}{14328}Irene came into work with a black eye.
{14332}{14406}That fellow she married when she was|working the fruit canneries...
{14410}{14444}...came down last night.
{14448}{14507}Wanted her to go back upstate|and live with him again.
{14511}{14576}And when she wouldn't,|he just beat her up awful.
{14580}{14643}- You should see her eye.|- Well, he's her husband.
{14647}{14693}So what?
{14697}{14751}I suppose you'd beat me up too|if I was your wife.
{14756}{14801}Sure, regular.
{14805}{14854}Let me see you try.
{14858}{14930}Just let me see any man try.
{14955}{15045}What would you do?|Scratch my eyes out?
{15061}{15146}Just try it. You'll find out.
{15186}{15215}- Tough, ain't you?|- Yeah.
{15220}{15276}- We should've had you in the 3rd Division.|- Let go.
{15336}{15450}When I want you to kiss me,|I'll let you know. By special messenger.
{15500}{15563}Aren't you going to|welcome me home, Joe?
{15676}{15708}Welcome home.
{15741}{15785}It's been a long time, hasn't it?
{15792}{15837}Ten years.
{15883}{15943}Can 10 years go that fast?
{16006}{16047}House looks nice.
{16052}{16102}She looks nice too.
{16111}{16171}Peggy, my sister, Mae.
{16176}{16212}- Hi.|- Hi.
{16259}{16313}Funny, coming home|and finding the door locked...
{16317}{16381}...and not having a key to it anymore.
{16676}{16737}I remember the house as bigger.
{16752}{16788}It isn't very big, is it?
{16792}{16827}It's big enough.
{16832}{16888}Is there any coffee? Mae must be tired.
{16892}{16940}On the stove.
{17148}{17199}Why didn't you come home before?
{17204}{17245}Why didn't I go to China?
{17249}{17299}Some things you do,|some things you don't.
{17304}{17369}The way you wrote,|I thought you'd come back rich.
{17373}{17409}- Where's it parked?|- What?
{17413}{17466}The car with the chauffeur|and the rich husband.
{17470}{17570}There isn't any car. There isn't|any husband, rich, poor, indifferent.
{17574}{17620}Ain't that what you left town for?
{17684}{17747}I left town because I...
{17765}{17806}...left town.
{17826}{17872}What do you want, Joe, my life's history?
{17876}{17960}Here it is in four words:|Big ideas, small results.
{17990}{18037}The guy you wrote Ma|you were gonna marry.
{18084}{18175}I neglected to write|that he was already married.
{18186}{18236}Does it sound sordid?
{18240}{18297}All right, it sounds sordid.
{18312}{18382}He died, left me some money.
{18394}{18496}But they took it to court.|His wife, his brothers.
{18500}{18580}I almost drowned in outraged relatives.
{18620}{18708}Mae Doyle, 10 years later.
{18771}{18803}It's your life.
{18807}{18856}Yes, that's what's so funny.
{18860}{18914}It's really mine.
{18940}{18995}Well, do I go or stay?
{19124}{19159}It's your house too.
{19163}{19202}You can use Ma's old room.
{19206}{19269}Mae, I'll help you unpack.
{19331}{19411}You watch the coffee. Come on.
{19560}{19605}Joe said you lived in New York.
{19609}{19649}For a while.
{19653}{19719}- I don't think I'd like New York.|- Why?
{19724}{19811}I don't know. I'd be scared.
{19871}{19939}Nice. Did you get this in New York?
{19944}{20022}No, a drug store in Kansas City.
{20040}{20076}How old are you, Peg?
{20120}{20168}Twenty, the age of miracles.
{20172}{20251}- Here's your coffee, Mae.|- Oh, thanks, Joe.
{20268}{20343}- Do you want anything?|- A Cadillac.
{20370}{20413}Know what I'd really like?
{20417}{20452}A trailer.
{20456}{20509}Just go over the whole country|seeing places.
{20513}{20576}Where would you bring up the kids,|in the back seat?
{20580}{20634}Who said I'd have kids?
{20638}{20700}- You'd have kids.|- Yeah?
{20792}{20840}- Joe wants me to marry him.|- I gathered that.
{20844}{20887}But I hate people bossing me.
{20891}{20978}You marry a fella,|the first thing he does is boss you.
{20995}{21072}He can be real sweet sometimes.
{21084}{21152}But I don't wanna have to work|in a cannery if I got married.
{21156}{21196}Does Joe want you to work?
{21200}{21259}You know fellas.|They say a lot of things.
{21263}{21330}But wait till there's a bad catch|and money's short.
{21334}{21383}I'd go right back in the cannery.
{21388}{21448}I'd be stuck good.
{21452}{21488}You're very pretty, Peggy.
{21492}{21544}The boys whistle a lot.
{21548}{21621}I'm real glad you came back home, Mae.
{21695}{21733}Are you?
{21819}{21895}- Am I what?|- Glad you're home.
{21928}{21999}Home is where you come|when you run out of places.
{22200}{22255}I sure was surprised when|I walked into Angelo's...
{22260}{22313}...and there your sister was,|sitting at the bar.
{22317}{22389}- What's she gonna do now she's home?|- I don't know.
{22393}{22424}You got some twine?
{22546}{22609}- I bet she goes out a lot.|- Out?
{22628}{22729}You know, nightclubs,|theaters, stuff like that.
{22733}{22787}- She does all right.|- Sure.
{22791}{22866}Why shouldn't she,|swell-looking girl like Mae?
{22875}{22929}Hey, why don't you ask her out?
{22937}{23003}- Me?|- Well, why not you?
{23007}{23097}I wouldn't be any fun for a swell-looking girl|like Mae. She's used to nightclubs.
{23101}{23151}- Nightclubs?|- Yeah.
{23155}{23219}She ain't been out of the house|in two weeks.
{23712}{23791}Look out.|Watch out. Why, you dirty brat.
{23796}{23863}What do you want, the whole sidewalk?
{23869}{23926}Get off the street,|you little hoodlums.
{24031}{24078}I lost two bottles.
{24082}{24155}Rotten kids.|I hope they all get run over.
{24164}{24212}Dirty little rats.
{24324}{24380}What are you sitting|with your hat on for?
{24384}{24444}Crazy old gent sitting|in the house with a hat on.
{24448}{24491}Not important, hat.
{24495}{24556}It's what under the hat|that makes you worry.
{24560}{24638}What you got to worry about?|Son supports you, don't he?
{24738}{24821}Didn't move any of them checkers|while I was out getting the beer, did you?
{24845}{24909}Last night, under the bridge...
{24917}{24995}...they found a little baby,|4 days, 5 days old.
{24999}{25064}Nobody wants kids.|They clutter up the house.
{25159}{25238}I told you to close the icebox.|You'll burn the bulb out.
{25242}{25295}- Where'd all the beer come from?|- Schneider's.
{25299}{25358}I thought I told you|to stop charging stuff.
{25363}{25442}- Well, you're rich. You'll never miss it.|- I ain't rich.
{25518}{25613}A little baby, 4 days, 5 days old.
{25630}{25672}What's the matter with Papa?
{25722}{25787}They found a dead baby|under the bridge. He's worried.
{25792}{25863}People believe in nothing, nothing.
{25876}{25915}I know, Papa.
{25919}{25975}It's a sad story.
{26069}{26157}- My nephew's going out?|- To a movie.
{26228}{26301}- With who, may I ask?|- Mae Doyle, that's who.
{26363}{26431}I never married. You know why?|We spoil women in this country.
{26435}{26500}Too much education,|too much free speech.
{26522}{26603}Suppose I gotta sit in with the old gent|while you're out spending money?
{26607}{26648}It's my money, ain't it, Uncle Vince?
{26652}{26700}Right, throw it in my face.|I live off you.
{26704}{26745}I didn't mean that, Uncle Vince.
{26749}{26801}Just say the word.|I'll sleep in the gutter.
{26805}{26881}Nobody said anything about ...
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