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Why does it work?
Humor is a release
Humor is a p rimal signal of intelligence
Humor is an ind ication of ad vanced p attern recognition
Bewar e if you ar e good -looking
Sar casm*
Sexual d oub le-entend r e
Smile d ur ing d eliver y
Pr actice tim ing
Pauses give weight and m eaning
Don't laugh at yourself
Humor is tension
If you d on't get a laugh, make a self-d ep r ecating r emar k
Sp ice things up , and then d elicately use them along the way...
Funny movies p ace things - so should you!
If a woman r esp ond s negatively, ap ologize in a good natur ed way, and then move on
If she d oesn't get over it, get r id of her
Calibration Assume she's cool, but ease your way in
Be WA Y over the top so she knows you'r e joking initially
It takes time for her to know when you'r e joking
Bor r ow as m uch as you like
Pr eface it with: "I hear d this guy talking ab out Bill C linton..."
Mistaken inter p r etation
"Your m om was eaten b y a s har k? T hat' s hor r ib le!
OH - she wor ks at the PAR K . You should have said that fir st!"
"I c an' t b eliev e you' r e hitting on m e in the gr oc er y s tor e..."
Fast-For war d
She's alr ead y your gir lfr iend , and you'r e b r eaking up with her
"I want a d iv or c e. You get the Yugo, I' ll take the hous e and the kid s ."
"I think we need to s ee a m ar r iage c ouns elor . We' r e jus t not wor king out. For tonight,
I'll d o my husb and ly d uty and p r etend ..." (License to get mor e p hysical...)
Exam ples
Role reversal humor
She's tr ying to p ick YOU up
"You' r e not going to get m e d r unk and get m e to d anc e top les s . N O way.
Oop s..! Did I say that? Oh, that has so NEV ER hap p ened to me..."
Put-up on hum or
Talk to her as if she's your bratty sister
"Oh- m y - god ... you' r e b ac k again? Look, I alr ead y hav e a s is ter , not as c ute as you,
but she's got a hookup at the cinema, so I get my movies for free. What have you got?
You' r e a d iva/m ovie s tar
"G eez, I s tar in one m ov ie, ear n one little Os c ar , and ev er y wom an on the p lanet wants to
get with m e. C an I jus t giv e you an autogr ap h and you' ll go away? "
"If you want to s tand her e, you m ight hav e to p ay r oyalties . I will m ake you look good though."
Exagger ation Hum or
She d oes something small wr ong
"Oh, that' s it. You want m e to for giv e you for hav ing that affair with that m ov ie s tar whats is nam e, b ut
(sniff sniff) now you d isr esp ect m e, too... b oo hoo hoo..."
Compliment return
When she com p lim ents you, you have
to go ov er the top to c r eate the fr am e
"You' r e funny..." "Oh, s ur e, you think you c an jus t flatter m e and I' ll jum p in b ed with you. Pleas e s top ,
it's so emb ar r assing. Now I'm getting a little tear y..."
Don't p oke too much fun at yourself
Don't rep eat a joke in the group you're in
Tell ONE joke max per group per night
Avoid politics & religion & race
1. Watch improv - "What's my line..."
2. Read a joke BOOK and choose to commit one to memory
Tell it to 3 people
3. Take an improv class
4. Watch good sit-coms for examples of timing & working the moment
Star t the conver sation with these, b ut d on't go too far !
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