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Date & time:


30 min


The class:


              size & composition:

                            12 students; 3 years old; 6 girls and 6 boys;


                            Beginners (first year of learning English, 5x30 min per week)



                            Cookie and friends







Ø      students are able to say simple greetings, name the main characters of the book and repeat after the teacher;

Ø      students know name of tree colours: red, blue, green and yellow;

Ø      students are able to listen and participate in children’s songs, dance and movement;

Ø      students are able to understand simple instructions in English;



Language content:

Ø      present simple greetings: hello, bye-bye;

Ø      name of characters: Cookie the cat, Lulu the kangaroo, Spider;

Ø      words describing the sex- girls, boys;

Ø      name of colours: red, blue, green, yellow;

Ø      classroom language- stand up, sit down, stretch, skip, go up, go down;


Personal aims:

Ø      to give students time to talk and play;


Anticipated problems:

Ø      difficulties with speaking in English- students can name colours in Polish;



Ø      big “treehouse”- green tree with doors, where cat and kangaroo lives;

Ø      Cookie puppet

Ø      CD “Cookie and friends”

Ø      Lulu’s poster

Ø      flashcards: green, red, blue, yellow;

Ø      red, green, yellow and blue stickers;




Form of work




“Hello song”- the teacher with puppet is singing a song and students are singing with him.

The teacher mime voice of the cat saying “Hello” to every child. Students say “hello” and give him hand or hug.

2,5 min

Whole class






Cookie the puppet

CD with “Hello” song



The teacher sits with children in a circle near to treehouse. He asks “What colour is it?” and shows them flashcards with four colours (red, yellow, blue and green). Students are answering.

5 min

Whole class

Flashcards: colours (red, blue, green, yellow);




Game: “Find the colour”.

The teacher puts flashcards in different place in class. When he is playing at drum students are running. The teacher stops and says e.g. “red”- students are looking for this flashcard and stand next to it.

5 min

Whole class



Flashcards with colours (red, blue, green, yellow);

Colour stickers;




Game: “Tell me the colour”. Students choose one sticker from the box and tell what colour is it.

Game: “Colours”. Students stick the stickers on t-shirts. The teacher asks e.g. “Blue stickers stand up and jump…”

15 min


Groups of children






“Bye, bye” song

The teacher and students are singing the song. After the song students are saying “Bye, bye” to Cookie.

2,5 min

Whole class, individually


CD with song “Bye, bye”


1.      Were the aims of the lesson achieved? Why/ Why not?

Yes, they were achieved. They answered correctly.


2.      What were the most effective parts of the lesson?

Whole lesson was effective because students were playing all the time and they didn’t recognise that they were learning.


3.      What were the least effective parts of the lesson?

The least effective part was revising the material at the beginning.


4.      Were there any anticipated problems? How were they dealt with?

Yes, there were some difficulties because students sometimes thought very long for answer. I chose games to change the activity so none was bored.


5.      What aspects of my teaching do I need to improve? How will I improve them?

I think I need to improve my vocabulary connected with children toys e.g. to give the answer when student ask me how we name it in English and I don’t know even how we name this in Polish.



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