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November 2009
Make a Shaker
Learn How. Discover Why. Build Better.
NOVEMBER 2009 #179
Knockdown Design
Is a True Knockout
Why Real
Really Wrong
Check out
Managing Editor
Megan Fitzpatrick’s
LVL Workbench
on page 32
How to Make
( And Hide )
Totes for Your
US $5.99
74470 01355
Display until November 9, 2009
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Learn How. Discover Why. Build Better.
november 20 09
F eatures
32 LVL Workbench
Tradition meets technology when we marry
an 18th-century workbench design with a
modern material – laminated veneer lumber.
by chrisTo p h e r s c h wa r z
& megan fiT zpaT rick
42 Turning for
even if you don’t do much turning, a lathe may
be a welcome addition to your shop. if you
don’t have much space, a mini-lathe might be
just the ticket. and, it won’t break the budget.
by kevin glen drake
45 Making Totes
& K nobs for
by making custom totes and knobs. we show
you the tricks to make it easy.
by charles murray
48 Shaker Swing-
Handle Carrier
This classic oval box with a handle is simple
and fun to make using basic tools and
straightforward techniques.
by j o hn w il s on
54 It’s a Secret
furniture are almos t a s much fun to make a s
they are to discover.
by charles bender
58 Knockdown
Computer Desk
ladders form the base of this modern
knockdown desk that’s designed to hold a
computer tower and schoolbooks.
by hunT er l a ng
Number 179, November 2009. Popular Woodworking ( I S S N 0 8 8 4 - 8 8 2 3 , U S P S 7 5 2 - 2 5 0 ) i s
published 7 times a year, which may include an occasional special, combined or expanded
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november 20 09
r egulars
8 Getting Worked
By the Wood
by chrisTopher schwarz
10 Table Saw
from our readers
14 Band Saw
From Logs
from our readers
by a dam c herubini
by m a rc s pagnuo lo
26 American
‘Bad Axe’ Saws
by our s Taff
by glen d. huey
64 Dovetail
by rob porcaro
66 The Thick &
Thin of Veneer
by bob flexner
72 Regulae
Stultis Sunt
by darrell pearT
on The
laminated veneer lumber makes this
knockdown workbench decidedly modern
– but it’s based on andré roubo’s
18th-century drawings. page 32.
cover phoTo by al parrish
Popular Woodworking November 2009
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november 20 09
O nline
On the Web Site
The Workbench Page
read about editor christopher schwarz’s
“workbenches: from design & Theory to
construction & use” and download free
sketchup plans for three classic benches:
the holtzapffel cabinetmaker’s workbench,
the english nicholson workbench and the
french roubo workbench (on which we’ve
based our new model in this issue).
V i d e o G a l l e r y
Turn a Chisel Handle
handle in jus t minute s in t his fre e vid e o. (and
read his story on the beneits of owning a
lathe in this issue on page 42.)
Computer Desk
This computer desk (featured on page 58 in
this issue) is a streamlined design that easily
knocks down for moving – perfect for dorm
Take a Tour of our
New LV L Workbench
watch how easily and quickly our new lv l
workbench breaks down (and goes back
together) and take a close look at the various
plus, check out senior editor glen d. huey’s
video on how to drill dog holes using a 3 / 4 "
upcut spiral router bit, plunge router and
simple (and cheap!) plywood jig.
LVL Workbench
bench to make it easier to build your own
version. in sketchup, you can take the bench
apart to see how the joinery works and make
custom modiications to the plans – before
ever putting blade to wood.
contact customer service
customer service
f ree project plans
article index
To ol reviews
editor blogs
writer’s guidelines
contact the staff
And More!
visit popularwoodworking.com/nov09 to
for this issue – including videos, additional
drawings and photos.
Popular Woodworking November 2009
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C ontributors
Learn How. Discover Why. Build Better.
Kevin Glen Drake After
graduating from the College of the Red-
woods ine woodworking program,
Kevin founded Glen-Drake Toolworks
in Fort Bragg, Calif., where he com-
bines woodworking, tool making and
education. His innovative tools include
the Tite-Mark marking gauge, which
was named in 2003 as one of the 12
best tool values ever by Popular Wood-
working editors.
Kevin thinks that woodturning skills
are essential for woodworkers, and
in this issue he writes about the tools
required to get started, along with some
of the beneits of having a lathe in your
shop (page 42).
NOveMBeR 2009, vOL. 29, NO. 6
eDITORIAL OFFICeS 513-531-2690
Publisher & GrouP editorial director
Steve Shanesy
editor Christopher Schwarz
X 11407 chris.schwarz@fwmedia.com
art director Linda Watts
X 11396 linda.watts@fwmedia.com
senior editor Robert W. Lang
X 11327 robert.lang@fwmedia.com
senior editor Glen D. Huey
X 11293 glen.huey@fwmedia.com
manaGinG editor Megan Fitzpatrick
X 11348 megan.itzpatrick@fwmedia.com
associate editor for the web Drew DePenning
X 11008 drew.depenning@fwmedia.com
PhotoGraPher Al Parrish
contributinG editors
Adam Cherubini, Bob Flexner, Troy Sexton
chairman & ceo David Nussbaum
cfo James Ogle
President Sara e. Domville
senior vP, manufacturinG & Production Phil Graham
executive vP, emedia John Lerner
vice President it, cio Mike Kuehn
events director Cory Smith
circulation director Linda engel
newsstand director Susan Rose
Production coordinator vicki Whitford
advertisinG director
Don Schroder
331 N. Arch St., Allentown, PA 18104
tel. 610-821-4425; faX 610-821-7884
disPlaY & classified advertisinG
sales coordinator
Krista Morel
tel. 513-531-2690 X 11311
Charles Murray can usually be
found in his shop up to his ankles in
shavings. He enjoys collecting and using
old hand tools, especially planes, which
dovetails into his work of making period
furniture as well as unusual kitchen
cabinets. He works mostly in the
William & Mary through Shaker styles
and has a particular interest in furniture
from 1680 -1770.
In addition to working wood for a
living, he’s a member of the Society of
American Period Furniture Makers
(SAPFM), past president of Wood-
workers of Central Ohio (WOCO) and
a member of Ohio Tool Collectors.
In his irst story for Popular Woodwork-
ing , Charles writes about making new
knobs and totes for handplanes (page 45).
Megan Fitzpatrick After
passing her exams for a Ph.D. in early
modern drama, Megan took a break
from writing her dissertation to build
her workbench for Popular Woodwork-
ing ’s shop. Like all the furniture she
enjoys building, Megan demanded
that her bench be massive – as big as
any of the other benches in the shop.
Also, she insisted that its benchtop be
low enough for her to use with hand-
planes. The side beneit of this custom
touch is that her bench is simply too
low for any of the other woodwork-
ers in our shop to use. To build your
own version of this bench (at the correct
height for you), turn to the story that
begins on page 32.
SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES: Subscription inquiries, orders
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com (click on “Customer Service”). Or by mail: Popular
Woodworking, P.O. Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32142-0235.
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Popular Woodworking November 2009
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