Anshumana And Kalay-Can Splits Create Market Liquidity - Theory And Evidence.pdf

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PII: S1386-4181(01)00020-9
Journal of Financial Markets 5 (2002) 83–125
Can splits create market liquidity?
Theory and evidence $
V. Ravi Anshuman a, *, Avner Kalay b,c
The Leon Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration, Tel Aviv University,
P.O.B. 39010, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
c Department of Finance, David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
UT 84112, USA
We present a market microstructure model of stock splits in the presence of minimum
tick size rules. The key feature of the model is that discretionary trading is endogenously
determined. There exists a tradeoff between adverse selection costs on the one hand and
discreteness related costs and opportunity costs of monitoring the market on the other
hand. Under certain parameter values, there exists an optimal price. We document an
inverse relation between the coe3cient of variation of intraday trading volume and the
stock price level. This empirical evidence and other existing evidence are consistent with
the model. r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
JEL classification: G12; G18; G32
Keywords: Stock splits; Liquidity; Tick size; Discreteness; Trading range; Optimal price
$ This paper draws on the Ph.D. dissertation of V. Ravi Anshuman and an earlier joint working
paper. We have received helpful comments from Larry Glosten, Ishwar Murty, Avanidhar
Subrahmanyam (the editor) and anonymous referees. We would also like to thank J. Coles, T.
Callahan, S. Ethier, R. Lease, U. Loewenstein, S. Manaster, J. Suay, E. Tashjian, S. Titman, Z.
Zhang, and seminar participants at Ben Gurion University, Boston College, Carnegie Mellon
University, Cornell University, Hebrew University, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Rutgers University, Tel Aviv University, University of Utah and the European
Finance Association meetings for their helpful comments. The first author acknowledges support
from the Global Business Program, University of Utah and the Recanati Graduate School of
Business, Tel Aviv University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the
University of Texas at Austin. We take responsibility for any remaining errors.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-80-699-3104; fax: +91-80-658-4050.
E-mail address: (V.R. Anshuman).
1386-4181/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 8 6 - 4181(01)00020-9
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V.R. Anshuman, A. Kalay / Journal of Financial Markets 5 (2002) 83–125
1. Introduction
U.S. firms split their stocks quite frequently. In spite of inflation, positive
real interest rates, and significant risk premiums, the average nominal stock
price in the U.S. during the past 50 years has been almost constant. Why would
firms keep on splitting their stocks to maintain low prices?This behavior is
puzzling since, by doing so, firms actively increase their effective tick size (i.e.,
tick size/price), potentially exposing their stockholders to larger transaction
This paper presents a value maximizing market microstructure model of
stock splits. Our model joins practitioners in predicting that firms split their
stocks to move the stock price into an optimal trading range in order to
improve liquidity. 1,2 The driving force of the model stems from the fact that
prices on U.S. exchanges are restricted to multiples of 1/8th of a dollar. 3 This
restriction on prices creates a wedge between the ‘‘true’’ equilibrium price and
the observed price. 4 Thus a portion of the transaction costs incurred by traders
is purely an artifact of discreteness.
Anshuman and Kalay (1998) show that discreteness related commissions
depend on the location of the ‘‘true’’ equilibrium price on the real line. In other
words, whether the discrete pricing restriction is binding or not depends on the
location of the ‘‘true’’ equilibrium price relative to a legitimate price (tick) in a
discrete price economy. It may so happen that the ‘‘true’’ equilibrium price
(plus any transaction cost) is close to a tick. Discreteness related commissions
would be low in such a period. As information arrives in the market, the
location of the ‘‘true’’ equilibrium price changes, and discreteness related
commissions would, therefore, vary over time. They could be as low as 0 or as
high as the tick size.
Interestingly, liquidity traders can take advantage of the variation in
discreteness related commissions by timing their trades. Of course, such
1 Academicians have mostly relied on signaling models to explain stock splits (Grinblatt et al.,
1984). More recently, Muscarella and Vetsuypens (1996) provide evidence consistent with the
liquidity motive of stock splits. Practitioners, however, have all along held the belief that stock
splits help restore an optimal trading range that maximizes the liquidity of the stock (see Baker and
Powell, 1992; Bacon and Shin, 1993).
2 Independent of our work, Angel (1997) has also presented a model of optimal price level that
explains stock splits. In his model, the optimal price provides a tradeoff between firm visibility and
transaction costs. In contrast, our model examines the behavior of liquidity traders in the presence
of discrete pricing restrictions.
3 There are exceptions to this restriction and more recently the NYSE has initiated a move
toward decimal trading.
4 The ‘‘true’’ equilibrium price is the market value of the asset conditional on all publicly
available information in an otherwise identical continuous-price economy without any frictions
(transaction costs).
V.R. Anshuman, A. Kalay / Journal of Financial Markets 5 (2002) 83–125 85
strategic behavior is not costless. It involves close monitoring of the market
to take advantage of periods with low discreteness related commissions.
In general, liquidity traders differ in terms of their opportunity costs of
monitoring the market. Some liquidity traders may prefer not to time the
market because the benefits from timing trades do not offset their opportunity
costs of monitoring. In contrast, other liquidity traders who are endowed with
low opportunity costs of monitoring may find it beneficial to time their trades.
Such discretionary traders would trade together in a period of low discreteness
related commissions. The presence of additional liquidity traders in this period
(a period of concentrated trading) forces the competitive market maker to
charge a lower adverse selection commission than otherwise. Thus, discre-
tionary liquidity traders save on execution costs – adverse selection as well as
discreteness related commissions.
Because the tick size is fixed in nominal terms (at 1/8th of a dollar), the
economic significance of the savings in discreteness related commissions
depends on the stock price level. At low stock price levels, the savings in
execution costs due to timing of trades may be significant enough to offset the
opportunity costs of monitoring of most liquidity traders. There would be
highly concentrated trading at low price levels as most liquidity traders would
exercise the flexibility of timing trades. Conversely, at high stock price levels,
few liquidity traders would time trades because the potential savings in
execution costs are economically insignificant.
The key implication of the model is that the stock price level affects the
distribution of liquidity trades across time, and consequently, the transaction
costs incurred by them. In particular, we show that there exists an optimal
stock price level that induces an optimal amount of discretionary trading. This
optimal price results in the lowest (total) expected transaction costs incurred by
all liquidity traders.
Because investors desire liquidity (Amihud and Mendelson, 1986; Brennan
and Subrahmanyam, 1995), a value-maximizing firm should choose a stock
price level that maximizes liquidity (minimizes the total transaction costs
incurred by all liquidity traders). By splitting (or reverse splitting) its stock, a
firm can always reset its stock price to the optimal price level.
We present numerical solutions of the model to show that, under certain
parameter values, an optimal price exists. The numerical solutions show that
the optimal price is increasing in the volatility of the underlying asset and
decreasing in the fraction of liquidity traders. We also show that the
optimal price is (linearly) increasing in the tick size. Finally, using intraday
transaction data, we document a cross-sectional inverse relation between the
coe 3 cient of variation of time-aggregated trading volume (a measure of the
degree of concentrated trading in a stock) and the stock price level.
This empirical evidence and other existing evidence are consistent with the
V.R. Anshuman, A. Kalay / Journal of Financial Markets 5 (2002) 83–125
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses a numerical example
that illustrates the key features of the model. The model is developed in
Section 3. Section 4 presents numerical solutions of the model. Section 5
discusses empirical evidence relevant to the model, and Section 6 concludes the
2. A numerical example
Consider the following example that illustrates the central theme of the
model – endogenization of discretionary trading. We make the following
simplifying assumptions in the numerical example. (i) There are two trading
opportunities (Periods 1 and 2). (ii) Discreteness related commissions in each
period are either $0.02 or $0.10 with equal probability. 5 (iii) Firms are
restricted to choose between two base prices ($50 or $100) – the base price
could be thought of as the offer price in an initial public offering. (iv) Liquidity
traders are of two types: 80 liquidity traders face very low opportunity costs of
monitoring ($0.01 per dollar of trade) and 40 liquidity traders face extremely
high opportunity costs of monitoring. (v) In each period, there are a fixed
number of informed traders who speculate on information that is revealed at
the end of the period.
Before the market opens, liquidity traders face a strategic choice. They know
that monitoring the market can help them time their trades into the period with
low discreteness related commissions ($0.02). Not only would they be saving on
discreteness related commissions but also on adverse selection commissions
because of the concentration of liquidity trades in a single period.
However, monitoring the market is not costless. Among the liquidity traders,
those with extremely high monitoring costs would not find timing trades
worthwhile. Such liquidity traders (40) behave like nondiscretionary traders.
Assuming that there are negligible waiting costs, these traders would be
indifferent between trading in Period 1 or trading in Period 2. Let equal
number of nondiscretionary traders (40/2=20) arrive in the market in each
The interesting question is with regard to the 80 liquidity traders with low
monitoring costs. Should they incur monitoring costs and time their trades or
join the bandwagon of nondiscretionary traders?If they choose not to monitor
(and, therefore, act as nondiscretionary traders), then each trading period
would consist of (80+40)/2=60 liquidity traders, assuming that the arrival
rate of nondiscretionary traders is constant (equal) in both periods. On the
other hand, if these liquidity traders choose to monitor, one of the trading
5 This assumption is purely for illustration purposes. In reality, there exists a probability
distribution of discreteness related commissions over the interval (0, tick size).
V.R. Anshuman, A. Kalay / Journal of Financial Markets 5 (2002) 83–125 87
periods would have 100 (80 discretionary and 20 nondiscretionary) liquidity
traders, and the other period would have only 20 nondiscretionary liquidity
traders. Hence the distribution of liquidity traders across the two periods
would be one of the following: (60, 60) if they choose not to monitor the market
and either (20, 100) or (100, 20) if they monitor the market.
Liquidity traders with low monitoring costs would think as follows. Their
choice to monitor or not depends on the total (per dollar) transaction costs
they face under each scenario. Total transaction costs are composed of adverse
selection commissions, discreteness related commissions, and monitoring costs.
Table 1 presents these costs at the two base prices in this economy.
Consider Panel A of Table 1 for the case when the base price is $50. Suppose
liquidity traders with low monitoring costs choose to monitor the market. Then,
in the period they trade, the adverse selection commissions would be low
because of the presence of 100 liquidity traders. In contrast, when they choose
not to monitor the market, the adverse selection commissions are going to be
higher because there would be only 60 liquidity traders. Assume that the adverse
selection commissions are $0.046 when there are 100 liquidity traders and
$0.535 when there are 60 liquidity traders (in the model, we derive the adverse
selection commissions endogenously). Monitoring the market and concentrat-
ing trades in a single period results in savings of ($0.535 $0.046)=$0.489 in
adverse selection commissions, or 0.978% of the base price of $50.
Panel B of Table 1 shows the adverse selection commissions when the base
price is $100. These numbers are scaled up versions of the adverse selection
commissions when the base price is $50. However, as shown in the (%) adverse
selection commission column, the adverse selection commissions (given a fixed
number of liquidity trades) are identical at both base prices in percentage
terms. Therefore, the benefit of concentrated trading (in terms of savings in
adverse selection commissions) is 0.978%, which is invariant to the base price.
Now consider discreteness related commissions when the base price is $50
(Panel A). If liquidity traders with low monitoring costs choose to monitor,
they would incur lower discreteness related commissions because they can time
their trades in the period with low discreteness related commissions ($0.02).
Note that they would incur expected discreteness related commissions of $0.04
(this is higher than $0.02 because it is always possible that both trading periods
have a realized discreteness related commission of $0.10). 6 In contrast, when
such liquidity traders choose not to monitor, they incur a higher expected
discreteness related commission of $0.06 (an average of $0.02 and $0.10). These
commissions ($ values) stay the same at the higher base price of $100 (Panel B).
6 The probability of both trading periods having high discreteness related commissions ($0.10) is
0.5 0.5=0.25. The probability of at least one period having low discreteness related commissions
($0.02) is 1 0.25=0.75. Therefore, the expected discreteness related commissions is 0.25
$0.10+0.75 $0.02=$0.04.
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