Qigong-Falun Gong 2001.pdf

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Translation of Chapter I, II, III Updated in April 2001
Lunyu ............................................................................................................................1
Chapter I Introduction ................................................................................................1
1. The Origins of Qigong ...........................................................................................1
2. Qi and Gong ...........................................................................................................3
3. Gong Potency and Supernormal Abilities..............................................................3
4. The Third Eye ........................................................................................................6
5. Qigong Treatments and Hospital Treatments ......................................................10
6. Buddha School Qigong and Buddhism................................................................12
7. Righteous Cultivation Ways and Evil Ways........................................................14
Chapter II Falun Gong ..............................................................................................19
1. The Falun’s Function ...........................................................................................19
2. The Falun’s Configuration ...................................................................................20
3. Characteristics of Falun Gong Cultivation...........................................................21
4. Cultivation of Both Mind and Body ....................................................................23
5. Mind-Intent ..........................................................................................................26
6. Levels of Cultivation in Falun Gong....................................................................27
Chapter III Cultivation of Xinxing...........................................................................30
1. Xinxing’s Inner Meaning .....................................................................................30
2. Loss and Gain.......................................................................................................31
3. Simultaneous Cultivation of Zhen, Shan, and Ren ..............................................33
4. Eliminating Jealousy ............................................................................................34
5. Eliminating Attachments......................................................................................35
6. Karma...................................................................................................................36
7. Demonic Interference...........................................................................................40
8. Inborn Quality and Enlightenment Quality..........................................................41
9. A Clear and Pure Mind ........................................................................................42
Chapter IV Falun Gong Practice System ...............................................................44
1. Fozhan Qianshou Fa (Buddha Showing A Thousand Hands Exercise)...............44
2. Falun Zhuang Fa (The Falun Standing Stance Exercise).....................................50
3. Guantong Liang Ji Fa (Penetrating the Two Cosmic Extremes Exercises) .........53
4. Falun Zhou Tian Fa (Falun Heavenly Circulation Exercise) ...............................57
5. Shen Tong Jia Chi Fa (Strengthening Divine Powers Exercise) .........................60
Chapter V Questions and Answers...........................................................................67
1. Falun ( Law Wheel ) and Falun Gong ....................................................................67
2. Practice Principles and Methods ..........................................................................70
3. Cultivating Xinxing ( mind-nature ) ......................................................................84
4. Tianmu ( Third Eye )..............................................................................................88
5. Tribulations ..........................................................................................................93
6. Dimensions and Humankind ................................................................................94
Glossary of Terms and Pronunciation .....................................................................96
Lunyu 1
The BUDDHA FA 2 is most profound; it is the most intricate and extraordinary science
of all theories in the world. In order to explore this domain, people must
fundamentally change their conventional human notions. Failing that, the truth of the
universe will forever remain a mystery to humankind, and everyday people will
forever crawl within the boundaries set by their own ignorance.
So what exactly is this BUDDHA FA , then? A religion? A philosophy? It is
understood as such only by “modernized scholars of Buddhism.” They merely study it
on a theoretical level, regarding it as something that falls within the domain of
philosophy for critical studies and so-called research. In actuality, the BUDDHA FA is
not limited to the little portion in the sutras, which is only the BUDDHA FA at an
elementary level. From particles and molecules to the universe, from the even smaller
to the even greater, the BUDDHA FA offers insight into all mysteries, encompassing
everything and omitting nothing. It is the nature of the universe, Zhen-Shan-Ren, 3
expressed in different ways at different levels. It is also what the Dao School calls the
Dao, 4 and what the Buddha School calls the Fa.
No matter how advanced the science of today’s humankind may be, it can only
account for part of the universe’s mysteries. Once we mention specific phenomena of
the BUDDHA FA , there are people who will say: “We’re now in the electronic age,
and science is so advanced. Spaceships have flown to other planets, but you’re still
talking about those old superstitions.” To be frank, no matter how advanced
computers may be, they are no match for the human brain, which remains an enigma
to this day. Regardless of how far spaceships may travel, they still cannot fly beyond
this physical dimension in which our human race exists. What can be understood with
today’s human knowledge is still extremely shallow and limited—it is nowhere near a
genuine understanding of the true nature of the universe. Some people do not even
dare to face up to, approach, or acknowledge the facts of phenomena that objectively
exist, all because these people are too conservative and are unwilling to change their
conventional notions when thinking. Only the BUDDHA FA can completely unveil the
mysteries of the universe, space-time, and the human body. It can truly distinguish the
kind from the wicked, the good from the bad, and it can dispel all misconceptions
while providing the correct understanding.
The guiding principles of today’s human science confine its development and
research to this physical world, as a subject will not be studied until it is
acknowledged—it follows this path. As for phenomena that are intangible and
invisible, but objectively existing and reflected into our physical world as real
manifestations, they are avoided and treated as inexplicable phenomena. Stubborn
people have, on unsubstantiated grounds, entrenched themselves in their argument
that these are just “natural” phenomena. People with ulterior motives have acted
against their own consciences by labeling all of these phenomena as superstitions.
1 Lunyu (loon-yew)—“An explanation using language.”
2 Fa (fah)—“Law,” “Way,” or “Principles.”
3 Zhen-Shan-Ren (juhn-shahn-ren)—Zhen means “Truth, Truthfulness”; Shan, “Compassion,
Benevolence, Kindness, Goodness”; Ren, “Forbearance, Tolerance, Endurance, Self-Control.”
4 Dao (dow)—“the Way” (also spelled “Tao”); this term can also refer to one who has “attained the
People with unprobing minds have shied away from these matters with the excuse that
science is not sufficiently advanced to deal with them. Humankind will make a leap
forward if it can take a fresh look at itself and the universe, changing its rigid mindset.
The BUDDHA FA can provide people with insight into immeasurable and boundless
worlds. Throughout the ages, only the BUDDHA FA has been able to completely
explain human beings, the various dimensions of material existence, life, and the
entire universe.
Li Hongzhi
June 2, 1992
Chapter I
In our country, [China], qigong 5 has a long history, as it dates back to ancient times.
Our people thus have a natural advantage in practicing qigong . The two upright
schools of qigong cultivation practice, the Buddha School and the Dao School, have
already made public many great cultivation methods previously taught in private. The
Dao School’s ways of cultivation are quite unique, while the Buddha School has its
own cultivation methods. Falun Gong 6 is an advanced cultivation method of the
Buddha School. In this lecture series, I will first adjust your body to a state suitable
for advanced cultivation and then install a Falun 7 and energy mechanisms ( qiji ) in
your body. I will also teach you our exercises. In addition to all of these things, I have
Law Bodies ( fashen ) who will protect you. But your having only these things is
inadequate, as they can’t achieve the goal of developing gong 8 —it’s necessary that
you also understand the principles for cultivation at high levels. That is what this book
will address.
I am teaching the practice system at high levels, so I won’t discuss cultivation of
any particular meridian, 9 acupuncture point, or energy passage. I am teaching a great
cultivation way, the great way for true cultivation to high levels. Initially it might
sound inconceivable. But as long as those who are dedicated to practicing qigong
carefully explore and experience the practice, they will find all the wonders and
intricacies within it.
1. The Origins of Qigong
The qigong that we refer to today was not, in fact, originally called qigong . It
originated from the solitary cultivation ways of the ancient Chinese people and from
cultivation in religions. The two-character term, qi gong , is nowhere to be found in
the texts Scripture of Dan Cultivation , the Daoist Canon , 10 or the Tripitaka . 11 During
the course of our present human civilization’s development, qigong passed through
the period when religions were in their embryonic forms. It had already existed before
religions came into being. After religions formed, it acquired some degree of religious
overtones. Qigong’s original names were The Great Cultivation Way of Buddha, and
5 qigong (chee-gong)—a general name for certain practices that cultivate the human body. In recent
decades, qigong exercises have been incredibly popular in China.
6 Falun Gong (fah-lun gong)—“Law Wheel Qigong.” The names Falun Gong and Falun Dafa are both
used to refer to this practice.
7 Falun (fah-lun)—“Law Wheel” (see color page at front).
8 gong (gong)—“cultivation energy.”
9 meridian—the network of energy channels in one’s body that are thought to be conduits of qi . In
Traditional Chinese Medicine and popular Chinese thought, illness is said to arise when qi is not
flowing properly through these meridians.
10 Scripture of Dan Cultivation (dahn), Daoist Canon —ancient, classic Chinese Daoist texts for
practicing cultivation.
11 Tripitaka —“The Three Baskets,” also known as the Pali Canon. This is a collection of primary Pali-
language texts that form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism. Its three parts are: teachings
of the Buddha, the monastic code, and special philosophical treatises.
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