Biology Dictionary.pdf

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and then -P!z-&sor of zooiogy a? I3lIke&~ cidieg
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d awarded an hmo,zzy duct0~mteb-y theutim-
sity of Zppsala in 197. He died in May 19?9 just
after 5nk&irg work on the sever&h edition ofthis dic-
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the Umversity of Aknxta from 1981. after having
been both Assistant Professor and Associate Profes-
sor in the same department since 1970. He has had
numerous papers published on lhis investigative re-
searches into lakes and rivers and has acted as a
consdtam for many oqpmzations. He is currentiy
engaged in mearch concerning effecis of ciimatiz
change upon the pastsr Lhistor)- of selecred _4lberm
lakes. He lives in Edmonron -kth his =ife 2nd two
Ifi 177u. Pit; TIas - lTr&kss&Boianpar
54, L. Johnsoc raughr zoolog at Birmingha~m TL‘nix-er-
sit)- for some years. aod rLvarchrd on respiratrion of
invertebrates and 011 ce-rve dqeoeration. She ther,
researched on selection md training of medical stu-
dents aI University College London and on perceptual
was .
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Ii4idxd ET- T was born in Worcesxershkx in
1943. He gained a mst sass Ho- iuc. in
Bioiogy and Botany from the University of Western
Ontario in 1966 and a PhD. in Phycoiogy and
Freshwarer Ecology from the University of Bristol in
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disorders in cerebral palsied children at Guy’s
Hospital, and became Reader in Architectural Educa-
tion at University College London. She then worked
with the new clinical course in the Cambridge medi-
cal school. Publications include Anatomy of Judge-
ment, Perceptual and. Visuo-Motor Disorders in Cere-
bral Palsy, Aims and Techniques of Group Teaching,
and (with P. M. Terry) Talking to Learn. M. L.
Johnson died in 1984.
Michael Thain was born in Hampstead in 1946 and
educated at University College School and Keble
College, Oxford, graduating in Zoology and gaining
a Diploma in Human Biology. After an. intro-
duction to History and Philosophy of Science at
University College London, he graduated in Philos-
ophy from Birkbeck College, London, in 1983, and is
currently studying History of Technology at Imperial
College, London. In 1969 he joined the staff of _
Harrow School, where he was Head of Biology for
eleven years and is now Head of General Studies
and in charge of the school’s conservation area. He
is collaborating on a- Dictionary of Zoology, also
for Penguin, and lives in Harrow with his wife and
two children.
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M. Abercrombie
M. Hickman
M. Hickman
M. L. Johnson
M. L. Johnson
M. Thain
: F
M. Abercrombie
M. Thain
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Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Qffices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England
First published as The Penguin Dictionary of Biology, 1951
Second edition 1954
Third edition 1957
’ Fourth edition 1961
Fifth edition 1966
Sixth edition 1973
Seventh edition 1980
Eighth edition, entiRed The New penguin Dictionary of Biology, 1990
Copyright 0 M. Abercrombie, C. J. Hickman and M. L. Johnson, 1951,1954,
1961, 1966,1973, 1980
Copyright 0 Michael Thain, the Estate of M. Abercrombie,
the Estate of C. J. Hickman and the Estate of
M. L. Johnson, 1990
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