Buzan, Tony - Use Your Head.pdf

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Since its first publication in 1974, Use Your
Head has acquired the status of a classic.
Translated into twelve languages, with
worldwide sales well in excess of 250,000,
Tony Buzan's book has helped scores of
people to understand the true capacity of the
human brain and realise and develop many of
the abilities that normally lie dormant.
Now in a new and revised edition of his
classic bestseller, Tony Buzan explains the
latest discoveries about the brain and helps
you to understand more clearly how your
mind works. Fully illustrated in colour and
black and white, with tests and exercises
designed to improve your reading power and
memory, Use Your Head will help you to study
more effectively, solve problems more readily
and develop your own ways of thinking.
Tony Buzan has produced a wide range of
books and television programmes on the
brain, learning, memory, time management
and associated fields.
His current activities are devoted to furthering
our knowledge in these rapidly evolving areas.
He is at the moment preparing books on the
brain's creative potential, the intelligence and
consciousness of animals, the family as a
learning unit, human aging, and the education
of the baby.
He has recently produced an award-winning
video package consisting of a six-hour tape
with manual, which is being widely distributed
throughout Europe to the business world.
In addition to writing a number of volumes of
poetry, he has also completed a programme
enabling instructors to teach others how to
learn, and is working on national and
multinational educational programmes.
Cover illustration by Stuart Hughes
Photograph of the author by Studio Tranan AB
CN 9046
Other books by Tony Buzan:
Speed Memory
Speed Reading
Spore One
Advanced Learning and Reading - Manual
(with Bernard Chibnall)
The Evolving Brain
(with Terry Dixon)
Make the Most of Your Mind
Business Brain
The Brain/Memory
Based on Use Your Head - a BBC series of ten television
programmes produced by Nancy Thomas.
Acknowledgement: the Illustration on page 12 is from
'The organisation of the brain' (page 102) by Walle J. H.
Nauta and Michael Feirtag, copyright © September
1979 by SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Inc. All rights reserved.
The Illustrations on pages 12,14 and 97-100 were drawn
by Lorraine Gill.
© Tony Buzan 1974,1982,1984
First published 1974
This edition published 1984 by Book Club Associates
by arrangement with BBC Publications
Set in Ehrhardt 10/12 by Phoenix Photosetting
Printed in England by Mackays of Chatham Ltd
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