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Liczby, ilo¶æ, jednostki miar
zero, (BrE) nought = zero
one = jeden
two = dwa
three = trzy
four = cztery
five = piêæ
six = sze¶æ
seven = siedem
eight = osiem
He died when she was eight.
nine = dziewiêæ
ten = dziesiêæ
eleven = jedena¶cie
twelve = dwana¶cie
thirteen = trzyna¶cie
fourteen = czterna¶cie
fifteen = piêtna¶cie
I'll have him here in ten, fifteen minutes.
sixteen = szesna¶cie
I was sixteen when it happened.
seventeen = siedemna¶cie
eighteen = osiemna¶cie
I'll soon be eighteen.
nineteen = dziewiêtna¶cie
twenty = dwadzie¶cia
twenty-five = dwadzie¶cia piêæ
thirty = trzydzie¶ci
forty = czterdzie¶ci
fifty = piêædziesi±t
sixty = sze¶ædziesi±t
seventy = siedemdziesi±t
eighty = osiemdziesi±t
ninety = dziewiêædziesi±t
hundred = sto
two hundred = dwie¶cie
thousand = tysi±c
million = milion
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order = kolejno¶æ
Please sort the list of names in alphabetical order.
in order = w kolejno¶ci
previous = poprzedni, wcze¶niejszy
Jane thought of the previous night. (Jane pomy¶lała o poprzedniej nocy.)
His previous book was much better than this one. (Jego wcze¶niejsza ksi±¿ka była znacznie lepsza od
next = kolejny, nastêpny
Who's next? (Kto jest nastêpny?)
See you next week. (Do zobaczenia w przyszłym tygodniu.)
first = pierwszy
second = drugi
third = trzeci
fourth = czwarty
fifth = pi±ty
sixth = szósty
seventh = siódmy
eighth = ósmy
ninth = dziewi±ty
tenth = dziesi±ty
eleventh = jedenasty
twelfth = dwunasty
thirteenth = trzynasty
fourteenth = czternasty
fifteenth = piêtnasty
sixteenth = szesnasty
seventeenth = siedemnasty
eighteenth = osiemnasty
nineteenth = dziewiêtnasty
twentieth = dwudziesty
twenty first = dwudziesty pierwszy
hundredth = setny
thousandth = tysiêczny
millionth = milionowy
last = ostatni
I'm sorry, I don't understand that last sentence.
single = pojedynczy
double = podwójny
triple = potrójny
I would like triple chips.
once = jeden raz, jednokrotnie
I called her name once more.
He was there more than once, actually.
twice = dwa razy, dwukrotnie
She read the review twice, then gave up.
He had twice asked her to dance.
Jane didn't need telling twice.
three times = trzy razy, trzykrotnie
He phoned three times.
I knew three times wouldn't be enough.
He still comes to see me two or three times a year.
amount = ilo¶æ (synonim: quantity)
You lost a fair amount of blood.
There was an unusual amount of talk.
We don't have an infinite amount of time!
quantity = ilo¶æ (czego¶ co mo¿e byæ policzone b±d¼ zmierzone) (synonim: amount)
Quality counts more than quantity.
He felt thirsty, and drank a large quantity of cold water.
No reduction was made on taking that quantity.
number = numer
The room number was 245.
What number did you say?
unit = jednostka
(BrE) kilometre, (AmE) kilometer = kilometr
(BrE) metre, (AmE) meter = metr
(BrE) centimetre, (AmE) centimeter = centymetr
(BrE) millimetre, (AmE) millimeter = milimetr
mile = mila (1609 metrów)
yard = jard (0,9 metra)
(BrE) square metre, (AmE) square meter = metr kwadratowy
(BrE) square centimetre, (AmE) square centimeter = centymetr kwadratowy
(BrE) litre, (AmE) liter = litr
(BrE) cubic metre, (AmE) cubic meter = metr sze¶cienny
(BrE) cubic centimetre, (AmE) cubic centimeter = centymetr sze¶cienny
kilogram = kilogram
gram = gram
pound = funt (454 gramy)
ounce = uncja (28 gramów)
less = mniej
more = wiêcej
minimum = minimum
minimal = minimalny
maximum = maksimum
maximal = maksymalny
merely = zaledwie, jedynie, tylko
accurate = dokładny (synonim: precise, exact)
precise = precyzyjny, dokładny (synonim: accurate, exact)
exact = dokładny (synonim: accurate, precise)
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