Big Grammar Book - 101 Worksheets for English Lessons.pdf
12030 KB
big grammar book
by Matt Purland
101 worksheets for English lessons
Essential English
Entry Level’s
big grammar book
ISBN 0 9546985 0 9
First published in the UK by English 2004
Copyright Matt Purland 2004
All rights reserved. Under no circumstances may all or any part of this book be resold,
distributed, repackaged, reproduced or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, without
the prior written permission of the publisher.
Photocopying Notice:
All worksheets in this book may be photocopied without charge for use by the person or
institution who has purchased it. Permission to copy does not extend to additional branches
of an institution. All other copying would require prior written permission from the publisher.
big grammar book
Hello there . . . !
. . . and welcome to English’s
big grammar book
. It’s the third
fantastic book from English Banana and the aim this time is to practise
grammar, grammar and, er,
more grammar!
It’s jam-packed from cover to cover with a great selection of photocopiable
worksheets taken from the popular English website. We wanted
to provide teachers with a really useful book of no-nonsense grammar
worksheets that they can dip into and use in class with students at Entry Level
(ESOL Core Curriculum Entry Levels 1 & 2). It is also ideal for students to
work with at home since the answers are all printed at the back.
The book is divided into four parts and is graded in difficulty, so that it begins
with some basic stuff and builds up to more challenging grammar activities. It
features a selection of
Essential English
worksheets which provide practice for
crucial basic areas of knowledge for learners at Entry Level, like using
numbers, writing the alphabet, spelling days and months correctly, and so on.
We hope that you find this book a big help and full of material that you can
use with your learners. A big thank-you must go to all the students who have
already been trialling these worksheets in class. Their feedback has been
invaluable to the development of this book. We’d also love to know what you
think! Send your comments, feedback, and questions about this book or
English in general to: i
All the materials on the English website are absolutely free, so
for access to over 400 original worksheets, as well as fun online games and
quizzes for practising English language skills, get your students learning with
English Banana today at:
Wishing you every success,
All the team at English
For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now!
big grammar book
English Banana 2003
big grammar book
i. Introduction
ii. Contents
Part One
1. The English Alphabet
2. Writing the Alphabet 1
3. Writing the Alphabet 2
4. Personal Details - Completing Forms
5. Basic English Written Test
6. Essential Spellings
7. Vocabulary Test (blank copy)
8. Just Vowels - Days, Months and Seasons 1
9. Just Vowels - Days, Months and Seasons 2
10. Days of the Week
11. Months of the Year
12. Understanding Dates 1
13. Understanding Dates 2
14. Common Irregular Verbs - Present Simple Tense
15. Common Irregular Verbs - Past Simple Tense
16. Common Irregular Verbs - Present Continuous Tense
17. Using Capital Letters 1
18. Using Capital Letters 2
19. Basic Sentence Punctuation 1
20. Basic Sentence Punctuation 2
21. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 1
22. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 2
23. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to be’ (Present Simple Tense) 3
24. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 1
25. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 2
26. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to do’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense) 3
27. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 1
28. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 2
29. Question Forms Using Verb ‘to have’ as an Auxiliary Verb (Present Perfect Tense) 3
30. Elementary Homophones 1
31. Elementary Homophones 2
Part Two
32. Using Numbers 1
33. Using Numbers 2
34. Using Numbers 3
35. Using Numbers 4
36. Using Numbers 5
37. Working Out Prices 1
For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now!
big grammar book
English Banana 2003
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