Scarlet by Archer24 COMPLETE.pdf

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Fanfiction Based On Characters From Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series
Rated MA for Mature Adult. Strong Language & Sexual Situations
By Archer24
Summary: Bella is the greatest thief the world's
never seen; she is only recognized by her scarlet
calling card. Edward is FBI, and has been able to
catch every criminal he's come across. Little do
they know, they are both about to meet their
match. AH, OOC, AU
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Chapter One
It was quieter than any night in Chicago should be,
almost as if it was holding its breath.
I circled the rim of my cup of coffee absentmindedly as I
tried to resist letting out an exasperated sigh.
I saw one of the officers sitting in the back of the van
with me stifle a yawn and attempt to glance at his watch
without letting me see.
I pretended not to notice, I felt the same way. We had
been outside this same building every night for weeks,
the only reason we were still here was because my
intuition could usually be counted upon.
Even though I hadn't been an FBI agent for as long as
the others, it was no secret that I was good at my job;
good enough to convince the captain that I didn't need a
partner. My name had been gaining recognition with
every criminal caught. I had been handed case after case,
handing them back with the criminal in cuffs. But I
wasn't satisfied; they wouldn't give me the one case I
wanted. I had watched for years as senior FBI agents
scratched their heads in puzzlement every time a
diamond, a painting, or some other large amount of
money was stolen. After they'd tried everything they
could to catch them, they would pass it on to another
agent. I started gathering information on my own time
just because I couldn't resist. It was only after I had
gathered as much information as was available, and had
mapped out each of the locations, that I began to see a
pattern. Many in the Chicago bureau thought it was
ridiculous, that the scarlet thief didn't have a pattern, but
the captain decided to give me a shot.
That was eight months ago.
Every time I came close, the scarlet thief would slip
through my fingers, taking priceless paintings and
jewelry with them. I was going to need some kind of
break in the case if I was going to keep it. Otherwise, my
chance at catching the uncatchable thief would be over,
and I doubt that I would get another shot.
I shook my head to clear the thoughts and took a sip of
my now cold coffee and grimaced at the bitter taste.
After another hour or so, I felt like I was rubbing my eyes
constantly to keep them open.
I lifted my coffee cup to my lips; almost spilling it on
myself when alarms started blaring all around me. I
immediately shot up, throwing my coffee somewhere,
and forced the sliding door of the van open.
I was sprinting as fast as my legs could carry me towards
the sixty story building in the busy nightlife of the
downtown streets of Chicago.
The building belonged to the CEO of BYS Insurance, a
very very rich man; and the owner of a very very
expensive painting.
I could already hear the sirens coming in from the
distance as I, and several police officers, rushed inside
the building, past the empty security guard post; pulling
out my gun in the process
They started the elevator, which had been shut off for the
night, and we began heading our way up to the 57th
It was difficult to contain my impatience.
I had set multiple police officers up on the 57th floor
where the painting was.
The plan was to wait for the thief to try and steal the
painting, and catch them in the act. I handpicked the
men to guard it while waiting for the thief to fall into the
I squeezed through the elevator doors once they crept
open, much too slow for my liking. The blaring of the
buildings alarms pounded louder in my ears outside of
the sanctuary of the elevator.
I ran down the hall and burst into the corner office.
I stopped in my tracks.
The feeling of achievement that I had felt since the
alarms first started ringing was instantly gone.
There, handcuffed to the desk and to each other, were
the police officers I had previously set up. They had tape
over their mouths.
My eyes widened in astonishment and horror.
I quickly spun around, my eyes shifting to the spot where
the painting should have been.
Instead, in its place, was an empty frame, cracked open
and hanging off its hinges, with a piece of scarlet silk
hanging from the frame.
The scarlet thief's calling card.
I strode over to the tied up men in rage and
disappointment. I ripped the tape off of one of their
mouths; he winced.
"What the hell happened!" I yelled.
He was breathing heavily when he answered, "He came
out of nowhere. 'Wasn't even in here for a minute." He
sounded frustrated and ashamed.
"How long ago did he leave!" I shouted.
"'bout ten seconds before you came in." He told me,
nodding towards the door.
I bolted out the door, yelling to the rest of the police to
untie them then get down to the bottom floor and cover
all the exits. I was not about to let them get away.
The police were covering the lobby; there was no way the
thief could get through; maybe hope wasn't lost after all.
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