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Erotic story: Amanda's Seduction

Amanda's Seduction


Miss Blue





Amanda looked at the little building behind the men's club and debated.

She  so  wanted to go in, to be tied up, or better yet, mummified to the

point of immobility and put on display with the only thing showing below

her  neck  her  nipple  clamped breasts and neatly trimmed cunt, so that

anyone  passing  by  could  have his way with her. Not that anything too

untoward  happened,  the  rules of The Back Room Dungeon were simple, no

blindfolds,  no  gags  and no sex. The rules allowed them to remain open

despite  all  the  city's attempts to shut it down. The no gag rule also

allowed the safe word to be spoken when needed and the no sex rule meant

that employees were able to enhance patrons' frustrations to the utmost,

because they knew there would not be any relief.


Amanda sighed and decided not to go in this time. She had to be to work

in  the  morning and really couldn't afford the Dungeon's exorbitant fee

anyways. She would wait for her birthday next week and treat herself.


  Amanda  was  5'  5''  and  190  pounds.  She still had something of an

hourglass  shape,  even  for her size, although it was beginning to look

more pear like. She was almost pretty, but her face was a bit too round,

too  full.  She was going on thirty, widowed and alone in the world. Her

husband  had  died  in  a car accident three years earlier. She had also

been  severely  injured  in  the  accident.  The steering wheel had been

smashed  down and into her stomach, and requiring the doctors to perform

a  hysterectomy.  They  explained  that  they had decided to perform and

experimental  procedure  in  which  her uterus had been removed, but her

ovaries were left to maintain a balance of hormones. As a result, she no

longer  had a period, but she still had all the sexual urges of a normal

woman  in  her  twenties. She actually didn't mind too much about losing

the ability to carry children, she didn't like kids and had never wanted

one  of  her  own.  Her husband she missed for a while, but now he was a

faded memory.


  Dr.  Smith  watched  Amanda's  car  pull  away. He had seen her at the

Dungeon  several  times,  the  first  time  being over two years ago and

thought  now she might be the perfect addition to his little farm in the

country.  He  had  checked up on every portion of her life and finances.

She  worked  in  the computer field at a technical call center that paid

her  half  of  what her skills were worth. She lived modestly in a small

house  that she and her husband had purchased a year before the accident

and which now she was having a hard time keeping the payments up on, and

on  top  of her other bills, the driver of the car that had crashed into

hers was uninsured and she had yet not paid off all of her medical bills

from  the accident. So there was a piece of leverage for him, she needed



  Dr. Smith knew other things about Amanda as well. One day about a year

ago  while  she  was  at work Dr Smith and his colleague Mr. Jones (they

kept  their  true  names  hidden  due  to  the nature of their work) had

entered  her  small  house on a reconnaissance mission. They skipped her

living  room, not expecting to find anything of interest there, and went

straight  to  the  bedroom.  The room contained a dresser, a locked book

cabinet  and  a four-poster iron bed. They found black silk ties tied to

each  of  the  four  posts, with slipknots in each so that she could tie

herself  spread-eagle  to the bed, and still be able to get out when she

needed  to. In the dresser they found a collection of dildos, ball gags,

nipple  clamps, and a corset which when worn must pad and push her small

breasts up very high and reached almost down to her pubic hairs. Looking

at  her  underwear they discovered that all her bras were pushups and or

heavily  padded. Unlocking the cabinet they found a collection of erotic

novels,  the  most  dog-eared of which were of women in bondage, tied up

while  innumerable  sexual  acts  were performed on them. Before leaving

they  placed  a set of hidden cameras around the room, and a transmitter

for  them in the attic. She did not masturbate every night, but when she

did she always tied herself up or put on the corset and tightening it to

the  point  of  being almost unable to breath. Often she blindfolded and

gagged  herself  as well and fell asleep after, arms and legs still tied

to  the  bedposts.  There  was his second piece of leverage; he knew she

would  enjoy  the  lifestyle  he  had to offer. Well, at least she would

after the first shock of it was over.


So the doctor watched her drive off, knowing that next time she entered

the  Back Room Dungeon, he would make her an offer he was sure she would

not refuse.




  Amanda  returned  to  the Dungeon in one week. She had called ahead to

make her arrangements and paid in advance. This time, she had made plans

to  be  there  the  whole  day  and  remain  overnight. This was special

birthday  present  to herself. She wore a long strapped black dress that

came  in  at  the waist and then flared out, hiding somewhat the size of

her  hips.  She  had purchased it special for this occasion, and doubted

that she would ever be able to wear it again.


  As  soon  as  she walked through the door, a tall dark muscular man in

tight black jeans and white loose fitting shirt grabbed her from behind.

He  pulled  her  to him and covered her mouth with his hand, pulling her

head  back  to his chest. "Don't say anything and you won't get hurt too

badly,"  he said. She nodded and he pulled her into a room and through a

panel  in a wall down a flight of stairs to a basement she had not known

existed.  He  took  the  duffle  bag  she  carried with her spare set of

clothes and threw it into a corner and dragged her to a cage that really

more  resembled  an iron maiden, so small was it and at no more than one

foot  by  one foot and when he forced her into it Amanda had to stand at

an  angle  to fit. Her arms were practically pinned to her sides. "Don't

go  anywhere," her captor said as pulled on a chain that raised the cage

several  feet  in  the  air and then left the room. The cage was made of

bars  set  about  four inches apart in most places. Around her torso the

space between the bars was less than two inches. She could hardly move.


  'Well  this  isn't  very exciting,' Amanda thought as she swung in her

cage,  'I  hope  things  get  better than this.' She didn't have to wait

long.  Her captor returned with a box and Amanda could see leather cuffs

on top. "Let's get you ready. She watched as he reached through openings

in  the  cage  to put wide leather cuffs on her legs and wrists. Then he

lowered  the  cage and pulled out a wide leather collar, which he placed

around  Amanda's neck. The collar reached from her shoulders to her chin

and  held her head straight. She felt him pull laces on the collar until

it  was  tight and she was unable to turn her head in the slightest. She

felt  her  hair  combed back and pulled tightly into a French-braid. She

closed  her  eyes  and  tried  to lean her head back, but the stiff neck

collar prevented any movement.


  She felt leather straps fall across her face and opened her eyes wide.

"This  is  new,"  she  said,  not even realizing that she had spoken the

words allowed. Her captor grinned as he arranged the straps. "I told you

to  stay quiet," he growled. "And you wonder why I had to put you in the

restraint  cage before preparing you." He tightened the straps. One fell

horizontally  across  her forehead, two across her nose, one on her chin

and  one  under her chin. These were connected by a strap that came down

off  the  top of her head and between her eyes, split and continued down

either  side  of her nose and coming back together under her chin, where

it  was  attached to the collar around her neck. This mask was tightened

and hooked in the back to the collar. When he was finished with the mask

Amanda could hardly open her mouth.


  She  was  starting  to  get excited. She loved being tied up more than

anything  else  in  the world. She wanted him to rip her clothes off and

use  his beautiful lips suck on her nipples until she couldn't stand it.

She wanted him to finger her and make her cum where he stood. Her captor

saw the want in her eyes and smiled again. "Not just yet he said, I have

a  surprise  for you." He walked to the box and took out a fat five-inch

long  dildo.  Amanda  wondered what he was going to do with it since she

still  had  all  her  clothes  on.  "We  have  rules about these sort of

things,"  he said to her, looking at the dildo, which Amanda now saw had

straps  at  it's  base,  "but for special occasions, we make exceptions.

Open wide." With that he raised the dildo/gag to Amanda's lips.


  Amanda  panicked  and closed her mouth tight. "Your not using the safe

word,"  her  captor said. Amanda closed her eyes and kept her lips shut.

She  didn't know if she wanted this, but she didn't want her night to be

cut  short,  as  it  would  if she used the safe word. She felt a warmth

creeping  down  her  belly. He nose was pinched shut and when she opened

her mouth to breath she felt the length of the dildo forced into it. She

fought  the urge to gag as the dildo touched the back of her throat. The

base  of  it  stretched  her lips wide. The straps of mask forced her to

bite  down hard on it, and she doubted she would be able to push it out,

but  that  option  was  soon  taken away from her as her captor took the

straps  form  the  base of the gag and connected them tightly behind her

head, forcing the dildo deeper into her throat. She suddenly became very

wet.  Her  captor pulled on the chain and raised her cage again, leaving

her  wondering  what would happen next. He went to a corner of the room,

sat  in  an  armchair  and watched as Amanda, who was becoming extremely

horny  in  her  bonds struggled to try to get an arm around so she could

touch  herself. It was a futile effort, and only served to make her cage

sway back and forth.




  While this was happening Dr. Smith was taking the opportunity to visit

Amanda's  house again. He was sure she would say yes to his proposal and

wanted  to  get everything she would need for her stay on his farm. This

included any documentation and any bills that might need to be paid, but

primarily  he  looked for medication she might be taking that he did not

know about.


  When  he  looked  in  her  medicine  cabinet  he found no prescription

medicine.  He  did  find  vitamins  and  a bottle of that popular herbal

supplement  that enhance your metabolism to aid in weight lose, and also

a  new  herbal  supplement  that had only been available in stores for a

month.  In  his  illicit line of business he had been able to get it for

years,  but  he was surprised to find it here. It was meant to stimulate

breast  growth. The label advertised that if you took one pill a day for

three  months  you  could  increase your breast size one and a half cups

sizes.  The bottle was still sealed, and a little rummaging in the waste

paper  can he found the receipt, which was dated the day before. Well he

knew  of  Amanda's  self-consciousness about her breasts, after all he'd

seen  all  those  padded bras in her dresser. And if she did lose weight

(and  he fully intended that she would) her breasts would shrink to tiny

mounds. He knew from previous experiments that the supplement worked and

decided  to  take  both  bottles  with  him.  Of  course,  he planned to

administer the dosage a bit differently than the label suggested.




Amanda had been swinging, masked, gagged, fully clothed and helpless in

her cage for about fifteen minutes before the second man came in. He was

also dark haired, with only a little gray around the temples, well built

and  wore  a  navy  blue  tailored suit that fit him perfectly. When her

captor spoke to him he called him Doc. He walked over and spoke first to

her  captor,  then came over to look at her. He turned back to the other

man  and  asked him for something. Her first captor handed him a pair of

scissors.  The  man  in  the suit began to cut up the length of Amanda's

dress  in  front  and  back,  the cut the shoulder straps and pulled the

cloth  away.  Below her dress she wore a tightly laced black satin teddy

that  held  her  tummy  in and padded her breasts. Garter straps held up

thigh high stockings. Under this she wore silk lace underwear.


The skin on her thighs was pale and smooth and despite their ample size

had  no  sign  of stretch marks. He ran his hands down the outside of he

legs  then  brought  the  back up the inside, massaging he inner thighs.

Amanda  shuddered.  He reached up and felt the silk of her panties. "My,

my,  excited  already  isn't  she?" he said. "And the tests haven't even

begun."  Amanda  had no idea what he was talking about, and didn't care,

she  just wanted him to keep rubbing his hand on her, to put his fingers

in  her, she wanted to cum from his touch. All too soon he took his hand

away. She moaned in frustration. "Those are very pretty panties, but I'm

afraid  they must come off," her second captor said, taking the scissors

and  making  cuts on either side, then pulling the fabric away to reveal

her  cunt.  "Very  nice," he said brushing his hand across the skin over

her  bush.  He stopped and rubbed at a scar that ran horizontally across

her lower belly. "I wonder if this is the only scar from that accident."

It  was,  but  gagged as she was she couldn't tell him that. "Mr. Jones,

remind me to look later after we have removed her other garments."


The first man said that he looked forward to it, but hadn't they better

get on with the tests now.


  "Oh  yes, we had better." With that he lowered the cage and opened it.

Amanda  stepped  out shaking. She didn't know what tests they were going

to  perform  and  she  was  frightened. All she had ever experienced her

before  was strict bondage, never pain and now she couldn't even use the

safe word.


  She  was  pushed to a corner of the large room where she could see two

chains  hanging  about  four  feet apart and about eye level. Her suited

antagonist (she was beginning to think of him as the Doctor) grabbed her

right  wrist  and hooked her wrist cuff to the chain. He did the same to

her  left  wrist.  She could still bend her arms a bit, but she could no

longer  lower them to her sides. As she hung there the Doctor kicked her

ankles  wide.  Mr.  Jones  produced  a spreader bar and handed it to the

Doctor.  Amanda  felt  it  being attached to the cuffs on her ankles. It

seemed to have a sliding adjustment, because as she stood there her legs

were  forced  even  farther apart. She was spread incredibly wide and it

was  hard for her to keep her balance. Then Mr. Jones flipped a switch on

the wall and the chains on her wrists were pulled upwards. Her arms were

straightened and pulled away from her body, spreading her out further.


  When she was on tiptoe Mr. Jones flipped the switch down again and the

chains  stopped  moving.  The  Doctor  stood  in  front  of her with the

scissors.  "I  like  this  teddy,"  he said. "But it hides too much." He

carefully  cut  the  fabric  above each under-wire, exposing each of her

breasts.  She  moaned  as  he massaged first the right and then the left

one,  squeezing and then pulling the nipples straight out. He produced a

set  of  clamps.  He  pulled her right nipple tight and placed the clamp

over  it,  screwing it on tight. He did the same with the left. The pain...

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