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How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Pay
Equipment & items
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Catle
Kaariko Village and Viciniy
Getting he Goron’s Ruby
The Zora’s Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Foret Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganon’s Catle
Secrets & Specials
Mater Quet
Ganon’s Catle
Mater Quet Overworld Maps
How To Use This Guide
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How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Pay
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiri’s Emerald
Kokiri Foret
Inside he Grat Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Catle
Kaariko Village and Viciniy
Getting he Goron’s Ruby
The Zora’s Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Foret Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganon’s Catle
Secrets & Specials
Mater Quet
Ganon’s Catle
Mater Quet Overworld Maps
The Beginning / Kokiri’s Emerald
Enter keywords to ind a peciic word
or phrase.
he children of the forest, the Kokiri, are all blessed with a fairy companion—all except one, that is. here is a lone boy in Kokiri Forest
diferent from the others in that he does not have a fairy to watch over him. However, this is inally about to change. Upon waking from a
terrible nightmare, one in which lightning crashed over a castle as a young girl was spirited away on horseback, the boy inally receives his fairy
companion on orders from the guardian of the woods, the Great Deku Tree.
he Great Deku Tree senses that a malevolent force threatens Hyrule in a way never before seen. Not even the magic of the Kokiri Forest is
enough to turn back this growing evil. But the Great Deku Tree also knows that within the forest lives a child who will one day rise up and
challenge this unfathomable wretchedness.
And so the Great Deku Tree assigns the boy named Link his very own fairy companion. Navi, a spitire fairy, is tasked with seeking out Link
and bringing him to the Great Deku Tree. Time is of the essence, too, because evil is about to claim its irst victim in Hyrule.
Kokiri Foret
his forest is home to the Kokiri, also known as
the children of the forest. he Kokiri never grow
old, remaining sprightly youths for their entire
lives. Because all Kokiri have a fairy companion,
there is an assumption that something is not quite
right with one boy in their midst, Link.
Navi wakes Link from his restless sleep, telling the
boy that he’s been summoned to the Great Deku Tree. here’s no time to waste, so Link needs
to rub the sleep from his eyes and get going. Reaching the Great Deku Tree, though, requires
dealing with some of the less agreeable Kokiri...
Hearts: 3
Pieces of Heart: 0/36
Equipment/Items Found: Kokiri
Sword, Deku Shield, Deku Stick
Within each eGuide section, all
sub-sections are displayed for easy
hese Progress Boxes track the current heart count and Pieces of Heart if you follow this walk-through to the leter. You are
not required to collect the Pieces of Heart in our suggeted order—or even at all. here is a guide to the locations of all 36
Pieces of Heart in the Secrets & Specials chapter if you prefer to do it a diferent way.
Gold Skulltula Token
G Groto
To Lot
Link’s House
Saria’s House
Twins’ House
Kokiri Shop
To Hyrule
Mido’s House
House of the Know-It-All
Forest Training Center
Great Deku Tree
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How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Pay
Equipment & items
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Catle
Kaariko Village and Viciniy
Getting he Goron’s Ruby
The Zora’s Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Foret Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganon’s Catle
Secrets & Specials
Mater Quet
Ganon’s Catle
Mater Quet Overworld Maps
Hero School ............................. 6
Map of Hyrule ........................ 12
Equipment ............................... 13
Items ......................................... 15
The Big Checklit ................... 19
The Beginning /
Kokiri Foret .......................... 20
Impressing he Kokiri .................21
Inside he Grat Deku Tree ... 23
Get he Fairy Slingshot .............24
To he Basement .........................26
Basement Two .............................27
Boss: Gohma ..............................28
After Defaing Gohma ............28
Hyrule Field /
Hyrule Field ............................ 29
Exploring Hyrule Field .............29
Lon Lon Ranch ..........................30
Hyrule Catle ......................... 32
The Market .................................33
Braking and Entering ..............34
Meeing Princess Zelda .............36
Kaariko Village
Kaariko Village .................... 37
Kaariko’s Denizens ...................37
Graveyard ............................... 39
Exploring he Graveyard ..........39
Lot Woods ............................. 41
Exploring he Maze ...................41
Sacred Foret Madow .......... 43
Dah Mountain Trail ........... 44
Making he Ascent ....................44
Goron Ciy .............................. 46
Home of he Gorons .................46
Dodongo’s Cavern ................. 47
Map & Compass ..........................48
Floor 2 /
Getting he Bomb Bag .............50
Boss: King Dodongo .................52
After Defaing
King Dodongo .........................53
Zora’s River............................. 55
Getting Your Feet Wet .............56
Zora’s Domain ........................ 57
Exploring he Domain ...............58
Lake Hylia ............................... 59
Jut a Day at he Lake? ..............60
Inside Jabu-Jabu’s Belly .......... 61
Finding he Princess ..................62
Basement .....................................62
Tentacle Trouble ........................63
Bigoto’s Surprise .................. 64
Making a Move on he Boss .....65
Boss: Barinade ............................66
After Defaing Barinade .........66
The Temple of Time ................. 68
Outside Hyrule Catle ..............68
Inside he Temple ........................68
Before he Foret Temple ....... 70
Epona ..........................................70
Graveyard ..................................71
Sacred Foret Madow ..............72
Foret Temple .......................... 73
Fist Floor ..................................74
Fairy Bow ....................................75
Poe Sites ...................................76
Boss: Phantom Ganondorf ......78
After Defaing Phantom
Ganondorf ...............................79
Before he Fire Temple ........... 79
Lake Hylia ..................................79
Temple of Time ............................79
Kaariko Village .......................80
Dah Mountain / Goron Ciy ....80
Dah Mountain Crater ...........80
Fire Temple .............................. 81
Meeing Darunia .......................81
Second Floor .............................83
Getting Hotter ..........................85
To Volvagia! ...............................87
Boss: Volvagia ............................87
After Defaing Volvagia .........88
Ice Cavern ............................... 89
Zora’s Fountain .........................89
Into he Ice Cavern ....................90
After he Ice Cavern .................91
Water Temple .......................... 92
Getting Your Feet Wet .............92
The Tower ...................................94
On he Way to he Boss ............97
Boss: Morpha .............................99
After Defaing Morpha ..........99
Before he Shadow Temple .. 100
Colleting Hart Pieces ..........100
Bottom of he Well .................101
The Shadow Temple .............. 104
Getting he Hover Boots .......104
Disobeying he Rules
of Graviy ...............................106
Deeper into he Temple ............107
Pay he Boatman ......................108
Boss: Bongo Bongo .................109
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How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Pay
Equipment & items
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Catle
Kaariko Village and Viciniy
Getting he Goron’s Ruby
The Zora’s Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Foret Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganon’s Catle
Secrets & Specials
Mater Quet
Ganon’s Catle
Mater Quet Overworld Maps
The Grat Deku Tree ............ 154
Get he Fairy Slingshot ...........155
Basement 2 ................................155
Basement 1 ................................155
To he Basement .......................156
Basement Two ...........................157
Boss: Gohma ............................158
Dodongo’s Cavern ............... 158
Map & Compass ........................159
Fist Floor Again ....................162
Boss: King Dodongo ...............163
Inside Jabu-Jabu’s Belly ........ 164
Finding he Princess ................164
Basement ...................................165
Tentacle Trouble ......................166
Bigoto’s Surprise ................ 166
Making a Move on he Boss ...167
Boss: Barinade .........................168
Foret Temple ........................ 168
Fist Floor ................................169
Colleting he Fairy Bow ........170
Poe Sites .................................171
Boss: Phantom Ganondorf ...173
Fire Temple ............................ 174
Meeing Darunia .....................175
Goron Liberator ......................176
Surviving he Maze ..................176
To he Boss ...............................177
Boss: Volvagia .........................177
After Defaing Volvagia .......178
Ice Cavern ............................. 178
Into he Ice Cavern ..................178
Water Temple ........................ 180
Criical Colleting ..................182
Water Adjutments ..................182
Queting for he Boss Key ......184
Boss: Morpha ..........................185
Bottom of he Well ............. 186
The Shadow Temple .............. 188
Getting he Hover Boots .......189
To he Lower Basement ...........190
Pay he Boatman ......................192
Gerudo Valley /
Haunted Wateand ........... 110
Gerudo Valley .........................110
Haunted Wateand ................113
Desert Colossus .......................114
Spirit Temple.......................... 115
Through a Child’s Eyes ...........115
Second Floor ...........................117
Adult Ation ...........................119
Final Push ................................122
Boss: Twinrova Sites,
Koume and Kotake ................124
Gerudo Training Grounds .....125
Ganon’s Catle ..................... 127
Entering he Catle .................128
Shadow Barrier .......................129
Water Barrier ..........................129
Foret Barrier ..........................130
Fire Barrier ...............................131
Spirit Barrier ............................131
Light Barrier ............................132
The Tower .................................132
Boss: Ganondorf .....................133
Boss: Ganon .............................134
Minigames & Divesions ...... 136
Hyrule Catle Town Market ..136
Kaariko Village .....................137
Lake Hylia ................................138
Gerudo Valley .........................139
Gold Skullua Locaions ... 140
Trading Game ....................... 143
The Happy Mask Shop .......... 145
Secrets of he Mass ...............146
Fairy Fountains .................... 147
Grat Fairy Fountains .............147
Normal Fairy Fountains ..........148
Bottle Locaions .................. 148
Magic Bans .......................... 150
Secret Grottoes .................. 151
Pieces of Hart ..................... 153
Boss: Bongo Bongo ................192
Spirit Temple.......................... 194
Through a Child’s Eyes ...........194
Adult Ation ...........................197
Boss: Twinrova Sites,
Koume and Kotake ...............200
Gerudo Training Grounds .....202
Ganon’s Catle ..................... 203
Entering he Catle .................203
Spirit Barrier ............................204
Foret Barrier ..........................205
Water Barrier ..........................205
Shadow Barrier .......................206
Fire Barrier ...............................206
Light Barrier ............................207
The Tower .................................207
Boss: Ganondorf .....................208
Boss: Ganon .............................210
Gold Skullua Locaions
(Mater Quet) ................... 211
Mater Quet Overworld
Kokiri Foret ........................ 214
Hyrule Field .......................... 215
Hyrule Catle ....................... 215
Lon Lon Ranch ..................... 216
Kaariko Village .................. 216
Graveyard ............................. 217
Lot Woods ........................... 217
Sacred Foret Madow ........ 218
Dah Mountain Trail ......... 218
Goron Ciy ............................ 219
Zora’s River........................... 219
Zora’s Domain ...................... 220
Zora’s Fountain .................... 220
Lake Hylia ............................. 221
Dah Mountain Crater ...... 221
Gerudo Valley ...................... 222
Gerudo’s Fortress ................ 222
Haunted Wateand ............. 223
Desert Colossus ................... 223
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How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to P y
Equipment & items
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Ca le
Ka riko Vilage and Vicini
Geting e Goron’s Ruby
The Zora’s Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fore Medalion
The Fire Medalion
The Water Medalion
The Shadow Medalion
The Spirit Medalion
Ganon’s Ca le
Secrets & Specials
Ma er Que
Ganon’s Ca le
Ma er Que Overworld Maps
How to Use This Guide
Welcome back to e Legend of Zelda™: Ocaina of Time™ 3D , widely considered to be one of the greatest video games of al time. And now it’s
on the Nintendo 3DS with signi cantly upgraded visuals (with 3D, of course), plus new features like motion controls and hint movies. Boss
Chalenge and Master uest o er an entirely new set of chalenges to experienced players.
But rst, what’s in this uide? Wel, everything! We give you a ful wak-through for the main adventure, complete with maps. We also reveal
the locations of secret Pieces of Heart, Gold Skultula Tokens, and more. If it’s in the game, it’s in this uide—including wak-throughs for the
tough new Master uest dungeons.
Chapter 1: The Story So Far
Nothing short of the fate of Hyrule is in the balance in
one of Link’s greatest adventures. Meet the main cast
and learn what features are new for the Nintendo 3DS
Chapter 2: How to P y
Before striking out into Hyrule, study up on combat
tips and tricks, the many uses of the ocarina, and how
the Touch Screen completely changes how you manage
Link’s inventory. (Hint: It’s much easier!)
Chapter 3: Equipment & Items
Link cannot stop the King of Evil with his bare hands.
Learn about al of Link’s equipment, such as weapons
and ecial tunics. Al of Link’s items are detailed here,
too, such as magic arows and potions. A checklist helps
you keep track of what items you can acquire and when.
Chapter 4: Walk- rough
e entirety of Link’s adventure—from his humle
origins in Kokiri Forest to his nal showdown against
the King of Evil—is laid out here. Dungeon maps reveal
every secret. Boss-ba le tips help you not just survive
but succeed. Enemies are detailed as you encounter
them. If it’s essential to saving Hyrule, it’s here.
Chapter 5: Minigame Guide
Minigames that are not essential to the primary
adventure are detailed here, complete with strategies for
completing them and ge ing top prizes.
Chapter 6: Secrets & Specials
ere are so many cool things to quest for in Hyrule.
Special-item locations are revealed here, such as Pieces
of Heart and Gold Skultula Tokens. e mask-trading
side quest and the Bigoron’s Sword trading sequence
are joined by Big Poe locations, bo le locations, and
a map of al the Magic Bean soil spots. Great Fairy
Fountain locations? We’ve got those here, too!
Chapter 7: Ma er Que Dungeons
e Master uest mirors Hyrule and remixes the
dungeons, uping the chalenge and changing puzzles.
Wak-throughs for al of the Master uest dungeons are
detailed here.
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How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Pay
Equipment & items
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Catle
Kaariko Village and Viciniy
Getting he Goron’s Ruby
The Zora’s Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Foret Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganon’s Catle
Secrets & Specials
Mater Quet
Ganon’s Catle
Mater Quet Overworld Maps
The Story So Far
Before there was Hyrule, there was the Triforce. And before there was the Triforce, there were the three great goddesses.
Din, goddess of power. Nayru, goddess of wisdom. Farore, goddess of courage.
Together, these three crated the world and all life within it. Before fading back into the cosmos, the goddesses forged a covenant with their
newly created world. hey called this token the Triforce, a nine-sided symbol that guaranteed safety for the world for as long as it existed.
But things of such power draw dangerous desires. And while many repected and cherished the bond of the Triforce, there were others who
wanted to seize it and use it for their own wicked purposes. It has been said that throughout the centuries, a strain of truly evil beings have
moved on the Triforce. And with each challenge, a hero has risen to protect it.
he kingdom of Hyrule, a properous kingdom, has long beneited from the protection of
the Triforce. But a traitor to Hyrule, a thief from the east, is threatening to destroy peace. His
terrible plot must be extinguished, but it will require a hero to awaken.
What’s New on
Nintendo 3DS?
he Nintendo 3DS edition of he
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time comes
with many upgrades and new features.
he most obvious, of course, is that
now you can experience one of Link’s
greatest adventures in 3D. However,
there’s much more:
• Use the lower screen for easy
inventory and item management.
We’ll go over this more in the
next chapter, but you can assign
two objects to virtual butons so
you can quickly access up to four
equipped items.
• Aim projectile weapons with the
new gyroscope controls. Now you
can line up precision shots by tilting
and turning the Nintendo 3DS.
• Special new Sheikah Stones now
ofer hints and tips in the form of
movies so you never get lost. hese
movies show you what to do next
in Link’s quest.
• Ater beating a boss, you can
replay the batle in Boss Challenge.
Detailed further in the Secrets &
Specials chapter, this new mode
lets you challenge all of the bosses
one at a time or in a gauntlet. Can
you survive?
• Finally, the Master Quest. he
Master Quest is a remixed version
of Ocarina of Time . he world is
mirrored, dungeon puzzles are
adjusted, and enemies are more
challenging. Some collectibles are
in diferent places. If you think
you’ve seen all there is to see in
Ocarina of Time , just wait until you
try the Master Quest!
hat hero is unaware he is being called. He
is Link, a young boy who lives in the forest
among the Kokiri. He is diferent from the
other Kokiri in that he lacks a guardian
fairy. He is also sufering a string of vicious
In his dreams, he sees a rider on horseback,
spiriting away a terriied girl. Lighting crashes
over castle towers. And then another rider,
equally grim, turns his gaze on Link. At that
moment, the boy shoots awake in his bed.
Link may have thought these were just dreams.
But they are harbingers of a threat against Hyrule and what will happen if this boy does not
answer the call.
The Main Cat
Destiny doesn’t ask for permission.
Young Link inds this out the hard way. Raised in the peaceful Kokiri village, Link has no
knowledge of the great history of Hyrule. But he soon becomes a central igure in the greatest
threat Hyrule has ever faced. To save the world, Link would has to not only brave the dangers
of the world beyond Kokiri Forest, but also wrinkle time itself and ind out what kind of man
he could become.
Link did not have a fairy guardian of his own, but the Great Deku Tree assigns Navi to assist
the young hero in his quest to save Hyrule. As they adventure together, Navi will oten assist
Link by pointing out objects of interest or ofering useful hints about the challenges ahead.
he pair will remain almost inseparable for the majority of the quest.
Princess Zelda
Forever connected to Link, Princess Zelda is the daughter of the benevolent king of Hyrule.
She, too, has been enduring strange dreams. However, in her visions, she sees the coming hero
of Hyrule, Link. hough she is in great danger, Zelda ofers assistance to Link in many ways,
including timeless friendship.
Legends tell of a great monster named Ganon that has threatened Hyrule at diferent points
in history. Ganondorf, though, does not look like previous incarnations of Ganon. Are they
one and the same? Or does evil move through the veins of this charming man known as the
King of the Gerudo, a great people to the east of Hyrule?
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