New Vanguard - 038 - American Civil War Artillery 1861-65 - Field Artillery.pdf

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American Civil War
Artillery 1861-65 (1)
Field Artillery
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worb in P1tnnsvtvanl. USA,
and h.a. written _ 20 tlUes
in the Men-.l-Ann. Mrles
Including thot hlgftly wc:cenM
ti¥e-¥ONme Nt on Armlet
01 the ~ Civil W.r.
TONY BRYAN" • freelanoa
iUustl'llltor 01 m.1!'Y yUrt
e~~. H<t 'nitl.11y
qu;ol,l'"ted In Engi....ring
and woriled lor a "",mbe!'"
of YNI1I In MUllary ReN.rc:h
and Developmenl. Tony hal
a kIMn interest In mlll,-ry
hardware _ armor, .mall
arm., aircraft and shlp.-
and hal produced many
illu.tratlon. for partworil.,
magazIne. and book.,
Including a number of titles
In the New Vanguard serle••
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New Vanguard. 38
American Civil War
Artillery 1861-65 (1)
Field Artillery
Philip Katcher· Illustrated by Tony Bryan
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Editor's Note
n. ~ 01 ~ _
Fnl PUIlliII'*l ~ GteIl1 8ri1.aln In 2001 by~~. Em. Co<.-l.
~ Wtq. ~. O>.!otd OX2 9LP. lInlllOl ~.
Email: ~eom
'" II1II booi< ...... pM of IN.ut!Ior's
o 2001 ~ PubliI/'w'lg llll
All "IJ"III-. .t.pwl!rom fJI'1 '- 0Mling lew 1lW ~ 01 pr;...m. SlUdy.
-.crlbc;.,on ... _ •• ~1Ol"- 1lW CopyrigIlI.~_
Pal_ Act. lillS. no pM 0Ill'.- pubIcation!NY DII~. _
_~"'_"fJI'1bm ... byfJl'1--'~.
aIac:lnc:aL""""'. ~ 0IllJCaI. 1lI000000000oog lKIDIdng .... __•
-.out tIIoI_ wrm.. ~ 01 tIIoI CJOl¥IlIIII_ ~....., DII
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o.vr-I"I' ~ t.ondon. UK
"""- "' a.. hIII.9' __ lJO E6IOr OIlVlO G CMo\Nlll.ER
s... E........ LEE JlJHNSON
Fooo~c,o.l","OCIUf.OI'''''''~ __''
0$rIII[Y MUTNn".oHJ "'!M1lCH "'£A8f COHLOCT:
POBo. 1010. -9><Wo.q>. ~
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n. ~ ......._ OlIn)' 0-:. USA,
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o.o.oIf,. WI S402Il. USA
Email inIo
mLE PAGE A 3·ln. Ordnance Allte on display at the
OettyslWril National Battlefield Park.
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1861-1865 (1) FIELD ARTILLERY
n th~ 186(k.;1\ the <;tan or tile Allu.'rican Ci\'il \\'ar. t\nlt.:rical1 anilkn
eXllCllS \\(c"re in the mid:.1 of a In;yor c1tange uf eli! ectioll. In the (';Ifh
H.'ar" of the 19th cenlun, .\Illcrican anilkn had :111 o\'t~rwhclmingh
English influence, \\hich <;temllwd from lhe War of Indepcmkncc
1Il'.ll'h il ('CUlun earlier. AI that time. lilt:." Briti... h .11111\ lISt.'d 3-. 6-. 12-. and
24-lxlr. liglll brass guns. can;ed on wooden Glniagc<; ,,'jill 'plil tr.lik
During thl' War of Indepcndence. the Continent.11 Anm r('cei,"ed some
Frcllch-made fidd "nille,"" .t-, 8-. ami 12-fxlr.... lIlollllled 011 c.lI1iaKc.'>
that WCf(:" \'en similar 10 those of the Ilriti.. h. The\ also uSt'd Swcdi"h-
made 4-lxlrs. lhal \,'ere mili/ed b\ the French I\nm as rcgimcllI<I' dose
sllPIXln weapon....
t\!though lIlC"C weapons u't.'c1 hra!\.~ IUI)(·~. thc copper nceded for
m;llILifactLiring brass wa~ scarel.' in America. \\hik iron wa~ plentiful
throughoul the COUllln. CltlnOIl fOllndrie~ were located in both thl.'
north and ~mllh of the (mlllt" Ix·fore the Ch·il \\'011'. and after 1800 the
f\merican aml\ almost exdusivl.'h adopted iron for gun b..lrrels.
The exception was the AIllCI·ic;l1I-de:.i~ned WKing Ilowit7er. w which used
a ~hort hmss lube with a 2 3 4-in. bore d('~ign('d to Shool a ~Tellade a
short distance. a t)piGll lI~C for a h{miller. It II,IS idl...a] for lighting
Indians in tile densel) wooded llunhea~l. bUI \\<t~ of link me again~t
org;lI1i/cd forces 1l~;l1g their own artillel").
After tllc adoption of iron. American-mack .lrtilkn ll~cd lilt.: Uriti~h
calibcr ~rMCtl1 of 6-. 12-. 18-. and 24-pdr:..
Many batteries at the wan
outset were armed with obsolete
II-pelr. cannon with Iron lubes,
such as this M183t a..ampl••
(Ft. McHenry Nallonal Parkl
illStead of the Frcnch ~~~lelli.
011 lhe other hand. French
carri:lgc dl..'\igll I\'as choscn
mcr Ihe Hrili~1l st}lc. A
~('rit'~ of M] HIX "w;llking
stick" COIl1tlOII burst during
tC~L\ ill 18ti, howcver. and
a number of anillclTlllcn
!k:g-all to lo~e U'USt in iron.
The known briuk qLlalitie~
of the metal, cOllpled
Wilh it\ weigh 1. made it
lIn~lIitablc for cannon
tul>c'l. thev fch. In 18%.
therefOl·e. lhe Ordnance
Uoard. afler testing iron
and bron/e a~ barrel
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