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Tales of the Lance
World Book of ansalon
W elcome to the World of Krynn ..................... 2
Creating the Flavor of Krynn ....................... 2
The lconochronos of Astinus ........................ 3
Lost Notes of Sir Tracy ............................ 3
The River of Time .............................. .4
History of Krynn ................................. 12
Astinus, Scholar and Mystery ..................... 12
The Creation of Krynn.......................... 12
All Dragons War............................... 13
All Saints War ................................. 14
Starbirth of Mortals ............................. 14
Arrival of the Last Gods ......................... 15
Age of Dreams ................................. 16
Age of Light ................................... 16
Graystone of Gargath ........................... 17
The Second Dragon War ........................ 19
Ergoth Ascendant .............................. 19
Kinslayer War ................................. 20
Swordsheath Scroll ............................. 20
The Rose Rebellion ............................. 21
Birth of Nations ................................ 21
The Third Dragon War .......................... 21
A Golden Age ................................. 22
Peace in the Land .............................. 22
Knight of the Black Rose ........................23
The Fall of Istar ................................ 24
W ar of the Lance ........................... 25
Geography of Ansalon ...........................26
The World That Was ...........................26
The Cataclysm ................................. 30
The World That Is ............................. 30
The World That Might Be ........................ 54
People of Ansalon (PC Races) ......................55
Barbarians .................................. 55
Gully Dwarves ................................61
Elves......................................... 63
Gnomes .................................. 6 6
Kender..................................... 6 9
Minotaurs .................................. 7 4
Ogre lrda ..................................... 77
Character Classes of Ansalon ....................... 80
Overview of Character Classes ....................80
Class Descriptions .............................. 81
W arrior Group Classes ......................... 81
Wizard Group Classes ........................88
Priest Group Classes .......................... 91
Rogue Group Classes .........................93
Normal Group Classes ........................93
Optional Rule: Status ...........................95
Cast of Characters................................ 98
Friends................................... 98
Neutrals ..................................... 102
Foes ...................................... 105
Gods of Krynn.................................108
Gods in Creation .............................. 108
Descriptions of the True Gods ...................110
Gods of Good............................ 111
Gods of Evil ................................116
Gods of Neutrality ...........................121
Beasts and Monsters of Ansalon ................... 125
Children of Krynn .............................125
Draconians................................ 126
Dragons ...................................128
Goblins ...................................131
Lost Folk of Ansalon ...........................134
Monsters of Ansalon ...........................140
Special Artifacts of Ansalon .......................146
Scroll ..................................... 146
Rings ....................................146
Rods, Staves, and Wands .......................147
Miscellaneous Magic items ...................... 148
Magic Armor and Shields .......................154
Magic Weapons ............................... 155
Random Treasure Determination ................. 159
Individual and Small Lair Treasures ...............159
Using the Adventure Map and Talis Cards ...........160
How to Read the Map ......................... 160
Getting Started ............................... 160
Descriptions of Terrain and Locations .............161
Creating Chases ............................... 173
Adventure Generation with Talis Cards ............174
Talis Deck: Random Role-Playing Notes ...........174
Talis Deck: Random Event Notes ................. 175
Ansalonian Calendar ............................ 176
Allowable Clerical Spells.........................176
Exchange Rates Upon Krynn ......................176
Design: Harold Johnson, John Terra, J. Robert King, Wolfgang
Baur, Colin McComb, Jean Rabe, Norm Ritchie, Margaret
W eis, Tracy Hickman, Jeff Grubb, Doug Niles, Michael
Development, Coordination, Editing: J. Robert King
Proofreading: Anne Brown, Dale Donovan
Box Cover Art: Larry Elmore
Box Cover Sculpture: Jeff Easley
Booklet Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Booklet Interior Art: Jeff Butler, Paul Abrams, George Barr,
Denis Beauvais, Keith Parkinson
DM Screen Art: Carol Heyers
Character Cards and Stand-Up Figure Art: David Simons,
Larry Elmore, Keith Parkinson
Cartography: David C. Sutherland III, Steve Beck, Karen
W ynn Fonstad, Diesel
Graphic Design: Stephanie Tabat
Typesetting: Tracey Zamagne
Keylining: Paul Hanchette
Special Thanks: W olfgang Baur, Steve Beck, Anne Brown, Peggy
Cooper, Dale Donovan, Paul Hanchette, J. Robert King, Col-
in McComb, Jean Rabe, Norm Ritchie, David C. Sutherland
Ill, Stephanie Tabat, Tracey Zamagne, and all of their signifi-
cant others for service above and beyond the call.
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Welcome to the World of Krynn!
Ten years have passed since the creations of the
DRAGONLANCE ® fantasy setting. What began as a series of
game adventures has grown into over three dozen novels
and anthologies, six calendars, a comic book series, a num-
ber of best-selling computer games, award-winning minia-
tures sets, and numerous game materials. Yet, in ten years,
we never offered a clear starting point for DRAGONLANCE
campaigns-an introduction to the world of Krynn. Now, we
This boxed set guides you through the lands and legends of
Ansalon, the continent where the DRAGONLANCE saga
takes place. The World Book you now hold outlines Ansalon's
flora, fauna, nations, people, heroes, histories, myths, and
more-all the critical features for starting a DRAGONLANCE
campaign. As well as providing a starting point for DMs who
are new to Krynn, this boxed set sums up the voluminous
work of a decade of adventure for long-time fans of Ansalon.
The ten-year lifespan of the DRAGONLANCE world places
it among the most venerable of game settings. The past dec-
ade also leaves the DRAGONLANCE game world in need of
revision and summation. This boxed set fully expands the
DRAGONLANCE saga for AD&D ® 2nd Edition rules. It also
clarifies contradictions, corrects errors, and fills in informa-
tion omitted from earlier products. For old and new adven-
turers alike, the Tales of the Lance boxed set is the source of
information for the continent of Ansalon.
fallen nations
Since the Cataclysm, which disrupted society and remade the
world of Krynn, scholarly knowledge in Ansalon has grown
hopelessly confused. Every journey is, therefore, one of dis-
covery. Once-mighty civilizations lie shattered and suspi-
cious of their neighbors. Fearful folk distrust or revile their
brightest and best, the mages and the Knights of Solamnia.
Many cities still labor under the draconian yoke. Clearly, the
time for heroes is at hand.
Gods of Krynn
Krynn is ruled by a vast pantheon of gods, each with his or
her own history and motivations. Even so, the peoples of
Krynn have abandoned the true gods, believing that the gods
forsook them to the Cataclysm. Only a handful of priests can
still perform the miracles of faith. But slowly the world redis-
covers the truth and returns to the gods.
For their part, the gods continue their eternal struggle
across the face of Krynn. They occasionally appear upon the
world in avatar form, but more often shape history through
worshippers, omens, and go-betweens.
Stories and Sagas
The tales of Krynn center around glory, honor, and love of
family, friends, and heart-mates. Treasure and personal gain
are devalued next to justice, truth, knowledge, and freedom.
The tales are epic in scope-continuing sagas with profound
conflicts and recurring villains. Through personal heroism,
adventurers face overwhelming odds and victor at the last.
Fate diverts the lives of common men and women onto the
path of heroism, making their small and private struggles piv-
otal in the grand future of the land. In all cases, the heroic
spirit provides the brightest spark of hope in the darkness.
Those who can laugh in the teeth of dragons or, single-
handed and weaponless, charge a passel of draconian
guards, can coax that spark of hope into a flame. And always
behind the grim struggle of today lies the bright hope of to-
A sense of wonder and awe pervades the world of Krynn
and the cosmic struggle in which it is embroiled. Despite, or
perhaps because of, the unending wars, the tapestry of Krynn
is richly textured and brightly hued.
Lastly, the world of Krynn abounds with diversity. Each
monster, each hero, each villain is unique and individual. By
combining the threads of countless lives, the grand tapestry
of the saga emerges. Create your own tales and help weave
the grand history of Krynn!
The next stories to be sung are about you and your com-
panions. The Shadow Years press like a weight upon the land
and the devastating War of the Lance has troubled every cor-
ner. Now, more than ever, Krynn needs heroes such as you to
right the wrongs of this terrible age, and usher in the new
time of hope.
Creating the flavor of Krynn
Adventuring in Ansalon differs from adventuring in any other
fantasy setting. The DRAGONLANCE saga is high fantasy-a
struggle of Good versus Evil and the triumph of heroism in the
face of overwhelming odds. Hope, honor, loyalty to one’s
friends and gods, courage, self-sacrifice, and perseverance
are the meat and drink of adventures on Ansalon. This World
Book provides the one-of-a-kind color and flavor of Krynn.
From its mundane features, such as exchange rates and
month names, to the esoteric psychology of dragons, Krynn is
Creatures of Krynn
On Krynn, you will meet many unique races—kender, dra-
conians, minotaurs, gully dwarfs, and high ogres, to name a
few. On the other hand, some stock fantasy creatures do not
appear—lycanthropes, orcs, half-arcs, and halflings. All of the
races and beast of Krynn, however, are marked by individual-
ity and diversity. Every creature-even goblins and
hobgoblins—are fully detailed and three-dimensional. A
sense of wonder and amazement surrounds every creature of
Dragons of Krynn provide a perfect example. They embody
the raw fury of the elements-wind, storm, fire, cold, and
noxious vapors. The origins of the Good metallic dragons and
the Evil chromatic dragons lie in the foundations of the world
itself. The high intelligence of all dragons of Krynn makes
them calculating, unpredictable, and deadly. Worse yet,
Krynn lacks most of the magical devices and weapons that
control or slay dragons, devices all too common on other
worlds. Those few magic items that do exist on Krynn prove
dangerous to employ because of their natural alignment to
Other Books for Exploring Krynn
Monstrous Compendium ® , Volume 4—DRAGONLANCE ®
Appendix (2105)
The Atlas of the DRACONLANCE ® World (8448)
the Iconochronos of astinus
Astinus of Palanthus, the renowned historian, made great
efforts to chronicle the history of Krynn in his scroll set, the
Iconochronos. These scrolls now fill the shelves of the Library
of the Ages and the Master Lorekeeper continually adds to
their number. One long scroll depicts the history of Ansalon
as an unravelling river of time in which famous events form
clear currents. Much of this scroll is illustrated with pictures
of these key events. The scroll was undoubtedly written by
Astinus, but the origin of the art is a mystery. This scroll ap-
pears in its entirety in the following pages.
In this scroll, Ansalonian history has been divided into sev-
eral ages, which mark significant periods of cultural change.
The ages that passed before the elven scholars began to write
are vast and uncertain; they may span two to one-hundred
millenia. None knows for sure.
The telling begins with the creation of the world, the Age of
Starbirth. These accounts came from the Plates of Pakafhas—
writings of an early historian and religious leader from the
Age of Dreams. While much of that text is considered apocry-
phal by scholars, Pakafhas nevertheless seems to be the most
reliable source of early written history.
Following this age is a span of uncertain years, called the
Age of Dreams. This age was chronicled only in folk songs
and ballads during the Age of Light that followed. These
Songs were compiled in the Lifescroll of Song by the elven
bard Quevdin Soth from Silvanesti. A copy of that scroll was
later presented to the Library of the Ages at Palanthus, and
was found therein by Astinus.
The Age of Light marks the ascendance of the races of elves
and men, as the oppressive ogre empires fell into corruption.
The elven nation of Silvanesti shone then as a beacon of cul-
ture and art throughout the known world. This age marks the
“awakening” of magic through the arrival of the Graystone of
Gargath, and the rise of Ergoth, the first empire of humans.
Next, recent discoveries have led historians to rename the
second thousand years of Light the “Age of Right.” During this
millennium, honest peasant folk rebelled against the injustice
of Ergoth. Thus, Solamnia came into existence, and so too the
Knights of Solamnia. Records of this period have only recently
been unearthed: a cache of silver disks was found sealed away
in the ancient tomb of the legendary knight, Huma. These
plates record the growth and trials of the Knights of Solamnia.
They also tell of a titanic battle against the forces of the Dark
Queen, a battle that ended the fourth age.
The Age of Might followed the exile of dragons from the
world. This age was well chronicled historically, beginning with
the rulership of Karthay Pah in Istar. It was he who first ordered
the keeping of a chronicle. Scribes etched his deeds on plates of
gold and silver, storing them on rings in his treasury. Two centu-
ries after Karthay Pah’s reign, a scribe journeyed from Palanthus
to lstar and spent three decades transcribing Pah’s records onto
scrolls. One-by-one, the scrolls were shipped back to the Li-
brary. Though many were lost, some did survive, and it is from
these and from Astinus’s personal recollections that we learn of
the blasphemy of the Kingpriest.
Finally, the Cataclysm, as recorded here, is a compilation of
many legends and folktales. These stories come primarily
from Tale of the Nightfall Years , a record of personal recollec-
tions and letters of the heroes and many of the Knights of So-
lamnia. Tale was penned by Astinus himself.
History,. as recorded by Astinus, is divided into two parts:
AC (Alt Cataclius, or “after the Cataclysm”) denotes the histo-
ry from the Cataclysm to the present; PC (Prae Cataclius, or
“before the Cataclysm”) denotes dates that have been re-
numbered backward from the Zero Hour of the Cataclysm.
Dating in PC is only approximate.
Lost Notes of Sir Tracy
The Cataclysm itself threw the history of Krynn into sham-
bles. So many records were destroyed by fire and water that
history before the Cataclysm was at best a series of error-
riddled conjectures.
One night, however, while searching through musty bins of
archives, two boxes were unearthed, holding ancient scribblings
by the noble scholar Sir Tracy, best known for his untiring efforts
to translate Astinus’s histories. There, among crumpled and yel-
lowing pages, historians found a two-page sketch labeled the
Iconochronos. This timeline showed the major events of Ansalo-
nian history over several thousand years. It also showed the
source of the discrepancies to date.
Two major differences appeared: a Third Dragon War,
which Huma Dragonbane concluded a millennium later than
once thought; and the dating of the Rose Rebellion of Vinas
Solamnus in 1775 PC rather than 1225 PC.
First, historians assessed the question of the new Dragon
W ar. Clearly the reason that two and not three Dragon Wars
had been recorded prior to the Cataclysm is that humans
were not involved until the Second and Third (previously
named the First and Second) Dragon Wars. The First Dragon
W ar involved only the elves, who battled to pry the dragons
from Silvanesti. Once this first Dragon War is counted, Huma
would have fought not in the Second but the Third Dragon
W ar, which took place in 1060 PC. Thus, until now, Huma’s
legend had been misplaced by 1,000 years.
Secondly, a 550-year discrepancy existed between the ac-
tual and the supposed dates of the Rose Rebellion. The rea-
son for this discrepancy was elusive. Then, while reading
about the kender, historians noted that kender history pro-
gressed from 250 PC to 400 PC to 800 PC-that is, it went
backward! Then historians realized that this was not a PC dat-
ing system, but a dating system of years during the Age of
Light: 250, 400, and 800 Age of Light equal 2750 PC, 2600
PC, and 2200 PC, respectively. The same confusion of dating
systems had occurred in regard to the Rose Rebellion. Vinas
Solamnus led his rebellion not in 1225 PC, but in 1225 Age of
Light, which translates into 1775 PC! At last, the mystery of
the missing years was solved!
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