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Activity 41
NAME: ___________________________
DATE: _________________
ESOL Level 3
41.05 A
Go to the emergency room!
Go to the hospital!
Go to the health clinic!
Directions: You or a family member needs specific medical attention. Read the
following scenarios and decide where you should go.
I’m having severe stomach pains and cannot stop vomiting. I think I might have eaten some
undercooked chicken. I need to see a doctor fast, but I don’t have any insurance. Where do I
go for help?
My daughter just broke her leg. She needs immediate help, but I don’t have a car. It’s an
emergency. Where do I go for help?
I would like to see a doctor for my annual physical, but I don’t want to make an appointment.
Where should I go?
My doctor told me that I need another operation for an old injury within the next month or so.
It will take several days to recover. Where should I plan to go?
Help me, please! My wife is having our baby and I don’t know what to do! Where should I
take her?
I would like to apply for government assistance to help pay some expensive hospital bills I
incurred last week from an appendectomy. Where should I go for help?
My friend experienced a heart attack and was taken by the paramedics from our job sight. I
tried to follow the ambulance, but they were too fast for me. Where should I go to find him?
My family doctor is out of town and I need some medical advice about starting a heart-healthy
diet. Where should I go?
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