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Urban Wildlife Fact Sheets - Vocabulary List
texas parks and wildlife
Urban Wildlife Vocabulary List
Accessible - easy to get to
Algae - simple green water plant which often
covers rocks, sticks and other plants with
a slimy coating or strands
Altricial - animals born with their eyes
closed, weak, naked, and helpless
Annual - a plant that lives only one year
Aquatic - living in water
Arboreal - living in trees
Basal rosette - a circular ground level ring
of leaves on a plant
Brood - group of young hatched at the same
time, or the act of sitting on eggs in order
to hatch them
Cavity nester - animal that uses or builds a
nest in a hollow area of a tree or earthen
Chrysalis - life stage between caterpillar
and butterfly when pupae is in a rigid
Clutch - a group of eggs produced or
incubated at one time
Cold-blooded - animal whose body
temperature is the same as, or nearly the
same as, the animal's surroundings
Crustacean - animal related to shrimp that
have a hard, jointed outer shell covering
a soft body
Diurnal - active during the daytime
Diversity - wide variety of plants and/or
animals occurring in one place
Edge effect - occurs at the edge of two or
more different types of habitat. This area
has the greatest diversity of plants and
animals. It contains species not only
from the bordering habitats but also
organisms that are unique to the edge
Evergreen - a plant that keeps its leaves all
year long
Forbs - low growing wide leafed plants
Forage - search for food
Generalist - organisms that can use a
wide variety of food, water sources and
living spaces, many successful
introduced species are generalists
Gestation - length of pregnancy, time it
takes for eggs to hatch
Graminivore - seed or grain eating animal
Habitat - place where an animal or plant
naturally lives or grows
Heliotrope - any plant that actively turns
toward the sun, tracking it over the
course of the day
Insectivore - insect eating animal
Layering - masses of vegetation
consisting of distinctly different levels,
i.e. grasses, shrubs and trees
Mast - the fruit of certain trees, hard mast
consists of acorns and other nuts
Migratory - seasonal movement
sometimes covering great distances
Nectar - sugary fluid produced by a plant
to attract pollinators
Nocturnal - active at night
Node - thickened part of a plant stem,
normally where a leaf is attached
Omnivore - animal that eats both plants
and other animals
Perennial - a plant that lives more than 2
Pollinator - an animal that carries pollen
from one flower to another
Precocial - animals that are born with their
eyes open, covered with down or fur,
active, and able to seek their own food
Predator - organism that feeds on other
Root Division - cutting one plant's roots
into a number of pieces, each of which
will grow into another plant
Salmonella - a bacteria that causes food
Scutes - large bony plates
Sexual maturity - the age at which an
organism can begin to produce
Shrubs - medium sized long lived bushes
Specialist - organisms that have very
specific requirements for food, water
sources or living spaces. They often
utilize a very specialized food source or
living space and are very successful as
long as the food or space is available.
Endangered species are often
specialists that have lost their unique
food or homes
Taproot - main root of plant, generally
grows straight down
Territoriality - defense of an area against
other animals of the same or different
Torpor - state of suspended activity or
dormancy during bad weather
Travel Corridor - a pathway used by
animals to travel back and forth from
food to water to shelter
Upland Hardwood Forests - Forest of oak,
pecan and other nut producing trees
found away from rivers and streams
Vertebrate - animals with backbones
Waterfowl - a water bird such as a duck or
Weaned - when a young animal starts
feeding on something other than its
mothers milk
Xeriscape - landscaping with plants
adapted to grow under dry conditions
Xerophyte - plant that can grow under dry
PWD LF D0200-521 (10/99)
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