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Primal Elements
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Primal Elements
ISBN 9781419918254
Primal Elements Copyright © 2008 Christine d’Abo
Edited by Briana St. James.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.
Electronic book Publication August 2008
With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Christine d’Abo
Christine d’Abo
Chapter One
“Welcome to Perfect Match, version 3.5.”
The voice of the computer faded leaving the spinning logo of the dating service on
the screen. A loud chorus of cheers erupted from the small collection of women
gathered in the booth.
“You guys are insane,” Jenna laughed and squeezed onto Rhonda’s lap.
“Shut up, jerk, and enjoy your present,” Rhonda said and gave her arm a light
Ruby piped in, “Yeah, jerk, it’s not every day the baby of our group turns thirty.
Now what are our options?”
The holographic face of the host appeared above the viewer. Relief ran through
Jenna—thank the gods he hadn’t shown up in person again. It was bad enough having
him take her picture for her profile. The prospect of having to spend another minute in
that creep’s presence, especially in this cramped space, was nauseating. At least this
way she had the pleasure of knowing he was safely three rooms away.
“Ladies, I hope you find the booth spacious.”
“First-rate. Hell, you could put a king-size bed in here,” Rhonda said and rolled her
“Glad you like it, sweet cheeks.”
The angle at which the holograph hung gave the proprietor a perfect look down the
front of their shirts. Rhonda tugged the neckline up half an inch and glared.
Jenna knew this would get ugly fast if she didn’t put a stop to things. Waving her
hand in front of his holographic face, Jenna smiled sweetly at him. “How does this
thing work?”
The man sniffed before a holographic arm appeared from out of nowhere and
hovered above the smooth keypad. His hand began to whip wildly around, pointing
out the features.
“Press here to access the database. You’ll be asked a series of questions. Questions
and images will be displayed here on the screen. If you lie on the questions the
matching system won’t work. And remember the information you enter will be kept
“Are you sure you don’t peek?” Michelle asked.
The man laughed, “I can’t even if I wanted to. The database is locked tight with
both a hard-coded and soft-coded password. Only the owner has them.”
Somehow, that didn’t completely reassure Jenna. Neither did it seem to reassure
Primal Elements
Rhonda, who now had her arms crossed firmly over her chest.
“And who’s the owner?” Rhonda asked in a tone that was less than inviting.
The holographic host licked his lips before winking at her. “That’s the million-credit
question now, isn’t it? I don’t ask, don’t care as long as I get my paycheck.”
“What do we do when we’re done?” Jenna piped up, not wanting things to get
The host turned back to Jenna and his slick smile was quickly back in place. “The
file saves automatically once you’ve completed the questionnaire. It runs a
compatibility test and then you’ll see your perfect match. Any questions?”
“Nope. Bye now!” Rhonda waved.
Jenna tapped the back of her friend’s head. “Settle down.”
“Don’t do that on my account. I like them wild.” The man winked before the
holograph disappeared.
“Okay, eww,” Ruby shuddered.
Michelle laughed, “I hope he’s not in the system.”
Ruby smiled. “I bet he is.”
Oh shit.
“I’m out of here,” Jenna said and stood to leave.
Six hands reached out and stopped her escape.
With a groan, Jenna fell back on Rhonda’s lap. “Come on, guys, I was only kidding
when I said there wasn’t a man on Mars for me. Don’t make me do this.”
“Too late, it’s too late,” Rhonda said in a singsong voice. “Now let’s get this party
After tapping a few of the keys, she managed to get the program up and running.
“Welcome to Perfect Match home screen,” the computer cooed in a distinctly
feminine voice. “To begin your journey to find your ideal mate, please complete the
following questionnaire. If you have questions or problems at any time, please contact
the proprietor.”
“Fat chance, sister,” Ruby giggled.
The screen popped to life with a slick, interactive questionnaire. Rhonda
dramatically cracked her fingers then attacked the keypad. “First off, is your perfect
match male or female?”
“Male please,” Jenna said and hung her head, knowing she wasn’t going to get out
of this. At least not without inflicting bodily harm on her best friends on the entire
planet, and that wasn’t high on her list of things to do.
“Easy enough. Question two is to list the ideal height of your Romeo,” Rhonda
rolled her tongue over the r to produce a purr-like sound as she said it.
“Earth plays suck. Especially old ones,” Michelle said and kicked the wall under the
vid screen.
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