Traveller - The New Era - Smash & Grab.pdf

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Presumed Destroyed written by Mark "Ceo" Celinas
Hit the Silk written by Mark "Ceo" Celinas
Outside Influence written by Greg Videll
Power Play written by Kevin Brennan
Shooting Star written by Frank Chadwick
Developed by Frank Chadwick and David Nilsen
Equipment Designed by Mark "Ceo" Celinas, David Nilsen, Greg Videll, and Loren Wiseman
Design Oversight by David Nilsen
Art Direction by Kirk Wexom
Cover Illustration by Kirk Wescom
Interior Illustrations by Bradley K. McDevitt and Kirk Wescom
Graphic Design and Production by Kirk Wescom, Bradley K. McDevitC and JosephAbiera
Typesetting by Stephen Olle
Proofreadingby Anne Bedard and Stephen Olle
Playtesting and Additional Creative Input by David McNeill, Jessica Celinas, Kate Lebherz-Celinas,
Bruce Novakowski, Willam Sanders, Peter Vitale, Chet Lamb, Phil Lewis, Mike Kelly, Mike Wagner, and
Robert Wileman
Smash & Crabm
CopyrightO 1994, GDW, Inc.
Smash & GrabTM
is GDW's trademark for its anthology of roleplaying adventures set in the Traveller8universe.
Traveller@ is GDW's registered trademark for its xience-fiction roleplaying game.
ISBN 1-55878-1 65-X
Made in USA. Printed in USA. All rights resewed.
P.O. Box 1646
Bloornington, IL 61702-1646
"Not Just A Job ... An Adventure"
About 75 years after Virus ended the Final War and
brought about the total collapse of the Third Imperium, a
small group of worlds intheOldExpanses banded together,
called themselves the League of the New Dawn, and sent
out a dozen trading vessels to open peaceful
commerce with the neighboring planets in the
Wilds. The 12 ships were instantly gobbled up,
their crews imprisoned, executed, or worse. Had
even a few of them returned, history might have
been different, but the total destruction of the
Dawn League's first attempt at peaceful contact
had a profound effect. Within a short time, the
League had recast itself as the Reformation Coali-
tion, and was practicing a more forceful version of
ment, or information held by localforces. The reluctanceof
local forces to part with these assets, of course, was what
made the operations "hot" Hot recovery became the
signature operation of RCES, and troops soon developed a
slang term for it-Smash
& Grab.
This adventure anthology is designed
to teach the referee and players every-
thing they need to know about smash-
and-grab operations (S&Gs). It does not
contain essays on tactics, standard oper-
ating procedures, targeting priorities, or
any of a number of useful features. (For
these, players and referees are directed
to Path of TearsTM:The Star Viking
Sourcebook.) Instead, Smash & Grab teaches by ex-
ample. Included are five representative missions, and
once the referee and players have played through all five
of them, there should be very little question as to how
future adventures such as these should be run. (And
player characters who survive all five will have become
veteran Star Vikings indeed!)
Captured ships and crews were rescued. Corrupt dicta-
tors suffered from punitive raids, and were sometimes
toppled. The growing industrialand technological base of the
Reformation Coalition was fed by artifacts recovered from the
Wilds and brought back to Coalition Space. These recovery
operations were coordinated by the Reformation Coalition
ExploratorySm'ce (RCES), and fell into two categories:
Cold recoveries were those directed at derelict facilities,
such as dead orbital starports or now-uninhabited worlds
whose life support had failed, placing the population atthe
fatal mercies of a hostile surface environment.
Hot recoveries, on the other hand, were directed at
inhabited worlds, and aimed to recover personnel, equip-
Okay, if the Wen are so smart, then how come I'm in
charge of this operation?
-Gunnery Sergeant Tony "Rasta" Fahrion, 1201
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