Robert van Voren - On Dissidents and Madness, From The Soviet Union of Leonid Brezhnev to the ''Soviet Union'' of Vladimir Putin (2009).pdf

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On Dissidents and Madness
On Dissidents and Madness
From The Soviet Union of Leonid Brezhnev
to the “Soviet Union” of Vladimir Putin
On the Boundary of Two Worlds:
Identity, Freedom, and Moral Imagination
in the Baltics
Leonidas Donskis , Professor and Dean of Vytautas Magnus University
School of Political Science and Diplomacy, Kaunas, Lithuania
Editorial and Advisory Board
Timo Airaksinen , University of Helsinki, Finland
Egidijus Aleksandravicius , Lithuanian Emigration Institute, Vytautas
Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Stefano Bianchini , University of Bologna, Forlì Campus, Italy
Endre Bojtar , Institute of Literary Studies, Budapest, Hungary
Kristian Gerner , University of Lund, Sweden
John Hiden , University of Glasgow, UK
Mikko Lagerspetz , Åbo Academy, Finland
Andreas Lawaty , Nordost-Institute, Lüneburg, Germany
Olli Loukola , University of Helsinki, Finland
Hannu Niemi , University of Helsinki, Finland
Alvydas Nikzentaitis , Lithuanian History Institute, Lithuania
Yves Plasseraud , Paris, France
Rein Raud , Rector of Tallinn University, Estonia
Alfred Erich Senn , University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, and
Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
David Smith , University of Glasgow, UK
Saulius Suziedelis , Millersville University, USA
Joachim Tauber , Nordost-Institut, Lüneburg, Germany
Tomas Venclova , Yale University, USA
On Dissidents and Madness
From The Soviet Union of Leonid Brezhnev
to the “Soviet Union” of Vladimir Putin
Robert van Voren
Foreword by Leonidas Donskis
Amsterdam - New York, NY 2009
This book is an extended version of the Dutch edition Levenslang; tussen
dissidenten en waanzin , which was published by Gottmer Uitgeverij,
Haarlem, in April 2009. The original version was extended, translated by
the author and edited by Ellen Mercer, for which the author is immensely
The photos in the book are either from the author’s private collection, or
from the photo-archive of the Second World Center/Bukovsky Foundation,
of which the author was director in 1988–1994 and which is now property
of Global Initiative on Psychiatry.
Cover photo: Harrie Timmermans
The paper on which this book is printed meets the requirements of
“ISO 9706:1994, Information and documentation - Paper for
documents - Requirements for permanence”.
ISBN: 978-90-420-2584-4
© Editions Rodopi B.V., Amsterdam - New York, NY 2009
Printed in the Netherlands
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