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Copyright © November 2010, Dahlia Rose
Cover art by Anastasia Rabiyah © November 2010
Amira Press
Charlotte, NC 28227
ISBN: 978-1-936279-55-5
No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or
mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and e-
mail, without prior written permission from Amira Press.
When Wolfe Calls
Dahlia Rose
Chapter One
“Stupid, self righteous, web-footed, perverted low class…” Vicki
Ballentyne muttered as she stomped through the crowd. How she managed
to accomplish that in a clingy red sequin dress with a long slit and a pair of
stiletto heels she would never know.
They all held flutes of champagne and ate crepes on dainty little plates
with their noses in the air and they were all fakers. Trying to fit into a world
of prestige by whatever means necessary and none of them cared who they
stepped on. She was here for one reason only to raise money for the wildlife
reservation she was trying to keep afloat. Some big wigs in Washington
wanted the land to revert back to being unprotected for profit, what kind?—
mineral rights. No one cared about the animals that lived in that habitat or
where they would go when they started to destroy the fragile eco system.
Coming here was a mistake. She grabbed a flute of champagne and
downed it in one swallow and grabbed another one before the waiter could
leave. The man dressed in his crisp white shirt and black bow tie raised an
eyebrow in curiosity, and she simply said, “Bad night, trust me you don’t
want to know.”
“Maybe I do,” a deep voice said behind her.
Vick turned to see one of the sexiest men she had ever laid eyes on
standing in her line of vision. He was tall, taller than any man in there with
broad shoulders and thick dark hair. But his eyes were the thing that
mesmerized her. An amazing color of green with fleck of gold that could be
so easily seen she was amazed. His rugged jaw finished and lips completed a
package that she could only call perfect. No matter because if he was in this
crowd he wasn’t worth the three thousand dollar suit he wore to get involved
Vicki took a sip from the glass in her hand. “Maybe huh, what do you
want exactly?”
“You seemed to be having a rather intense conversation with Senator
Maynard over there. I figured I’d come over and see how you fared.”
When Wolfe Calls
Dahlia Rose
“Apart for him staring at my boobs while he talked to me he said no to
my asking for money to save the wildlife habitat I run.”
“I would stare at your boobs too.”
“And that’s goodbye.” Vicki turned and began to walk away. Now she
honestly could say that every man on the hill was some kind of depraved
“You run the Ballentyne Refuge?” he asked keeping up with her quick
steps easily.
His words stopped her even though the boob comment still made her
wary. “Yeah, why?”
“That organization is one of the best charities in Washington.” He held
out his hand to her. “I’m Wolfe McCoy.”
“Victoria Ballentyne.” She offered up. “So what’s this exactly, you think
if you know the name of my refuge you can charm your way under my
He laughed. “Victoria, you are not a trusting soul are you?”
“Politicians are all the same.”
“I’m not a politician.”
“What are you then?”
“A person who has a vested interest in seeing that refuge stays right
where it is.”
Their steps had taken them outside where they stood at the top steps of
The Capital building. “And why such an interest, Mr. McCoy?”
He gave her a direct stare, and she almost forgot to breathe when his
eyes met hers. “That sanctuary is a home to some of the most fabulous
creatures. I don’t think that the bill to strip it of its mineral rights does
anything but make the rich richer and the animals extinct.”
“You sound like you really care,” she murmured.
“Oh I do.” He stepped closer, and Vicki took an instinctive step back.
He kept coming and took both of her hands in his warm grasp.
“What are you doing?” she asked and heard the breathless sound to her
voice. She couldn’t help that her stomach did flip-flops at how close he was.
When Wolfe Calls
Dahlia Rose
He used his long hands to hold her behind her back. “I just want one
small kiss.”
She opened her mouth to refuse, but he seized the opportunity to lock
his lips with hers and delve his tongue deeply into her mouth. Heat and
passion exploded in her like a furnace that was stoked too hot. The musky
scent of his aftershave surrounded her. His arms held her tight, and as much
as she wanted to deny him, Vicki kissed him back. Everything around her
melted away and left only him. She vaguely felt him slip something in her
hand before he pulled away. She met his heavy-lidded gaze and saw the
smoky blatant lust in his eyes.
“For a kiss like that you better call me Wolfe.” His voice was husky, and
he caressed her cheek. “See you around, Victoria Ballentyne.”
With that he bounded down the stairs and stepped into the back of a
limo and was gone while she stood there with her mouth agape without
uttering a word. She felt the crinkled paper in her hand and opened it up to
see a check for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, twice what she was
asking for to save her retreat. “Mother of pearl,” she exclaimed unable to
believe the number of zeros she was seeing written on the paper. Whoever
Wolfe McCoy was he saved her animal sanctuary, and she would be forever
grateful. Plus that kiss was nothing to turn her nose up at either. She went
home and undressed for bed. When she fell asleep, those gorgeous green
were the center of her dreams.
* * * *
Wolfe looked back through the tinted window of the limo at the woman
standing there looking at the check in her hand. With his hearing, he had
picked up her conversation with Senator Maynard easily including the sexual
innuendos the senator had made. He had the check written out soon after
and could of just given it to her. But this sexy woman made him think past
business, and he had to kiss her. He caught sight of her from the time she
walked in. The red dress she wore molded to ebony skin that seemed to
glisten. Her hair was dark brown with light golden highlights, and her eyes
When Wolfe Calls
Dahlia Rose
were so beautiful, soft brown and bright especially when they were flashing
fire. Full lips that held that silver sheen from her lip gloss and Wolfe paid
attention to every detail of her features. He knew he could pick her out of a
crowd of thousands only after seeing her once. Now her taste was stuck in
his memory and her scent forever imprinted in his senses.
“That’s what you get, Wolfe,” he chided softly. “What can you expect
when you are named after the very thing that’s in your nature?”
“Take me back to work,” Wolfe ordered the driver. He wanted out of the
limo that was sent for him and back in his own vehicle. Plus he had some
calls to make.
Being the leader of Bad Boys Inc meant that he had to rub shoulders
with the snobs of Washington to keep his funding. Lord knows that the men
who worked under him had a soiled past, and if they were shut down
because of their abilities, most of them would be locked away forever,
including him. He couldn’t even fathom the thought. Only a few knew of his
true nature and the wolf inside him. Caged and not being able to run free,
that thought filled him with dread so he could imagine what it would do to
his people.
The streets were damp when he got out of the limo. Wolfe looked up at
the tall steel and glass structure that held his organization’s secrets. No one
would know that Chambers Consulting was a front for one of the most elite
government agencies in the United States. No one could know about the
vampire that walked as a human, or the telepath that returned a kidnapped
girl from under the Russian military’s nose. Or about a man who turned into a wolf
at will . If the world knew what existed out there, chaos and fear would reign,
and he was the one who held the reins tightly and hoped that nothing ever
leaked out. He rode the elevator up, and the doors opened with a smooth
sound. He walked across the plush carpet to his office and opened the door.
“We really should hire a receptionist one of these days,” he said. “Get
out of my chair, Connor.”
A figure materialized in the leather chair behind the desk, and a man
wearing a huge grin looked back at him. “How’s it going, boss? You look
very snazzy.”
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