Egypt Libya.pdf

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World War II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in
the history of mankind. However, the half century that now separates
us from that conflict has exacted its toll on our collective knowledge.
While World War II continues to absorb the interest of military schol-
ars and historians, as well as its veterans, a generation of Americans
has grown to maturity largely unaware of the political, social, and mil-
itary implications of a war that, more than any other, united us as a
people with a common purpose.
Highly relevant today, World War II has much to teach us, not
only about the profession of arms, but also about military prepared-
ness, global strategy, and combined operations in the coalition war
against fascism. During the next several years, the U.S. Army will
participate in the nation’s 50th anniversary commemoration of World
War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various
materials to help educate Americans about that war. The works pro-
duced will provide great opportunities to learn about and renew
pride in an Army that fought so magnificently in what has been
called “the mighty endeavor.”
World War II was waged on land, on sea, and in the air over several
diverse theaters of operation for approximately six years. The following
essay is one of a series of campaign studies highlighting those struggles
that, with their accompanying suggestions for further reading, are
designed to introduce you to one of the Army’s significant military feats
from that war.
This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military
History by Clayton R. Newell. I hope this absorbing account of that
period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements dur-
ing World War II.
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
11 June 1942–12 February 1943
When the United States entered World War II in December 1941,
the British had been fighting German and Italian armies in the Western
Desert of Egypt and Libya for over a year. In countering an Italian
offensive in 1940, the British had at first enjoyed great success. In
1941, however, when German forces entered the theater in support of
their Italian ally, the British suffered severe reversals, eventually losing
nearly all their hard-won gains in North Africa.
Even though the United States had not yet entered the war as an
active combatant, by the time General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel,
commander of the German Army’s Afrika Korps , began his offensive
against the British Eighth Army in Libya in March 1941, the
American and British air chiefs were already discussing American
support for the British Eighth Army. Rommel’s rapid and unexpected
success in the Libyan desert forced British and American staff officers
in London to accelerate their planning. President Franklin D.
Roosevelt and his advisers also agreed that the British might need
American support in the Middle East. Overall theater responsibility
would continue to be British, but the President recognized that a
British collapse in Egypt would have far-reaching implications and
approved contingency measures to prepare for American support to
the theater at a future date.
Strategic Setting
The Middle East, a large, vaguely defined area comprising the
land bridge between Europe, Asia, and Africa, was a key area of con-
sideration in the development of British-American strategy early in
World War II. At the beginning of the Egypt-Libya Campaign the
region included Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine,
Trans-Jordan, Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. Although limited geographically
to the two countries designated in its name, the events comprising this
campaign extended throughout the Allied Middle East Theater of
Operations. The area constituted a crucial link in the worldwide com-
munications systems connecting the various Allied theaters of opera-
tions. Loss of the air and sea routes through the Mediterranean Sea
and the Suez Canal that led to China and India would have required
A period of relative inactivity. (DA photograph)
Allied shipping to travel far to the south around the tip of Africa, thus
lengthening the time required to supply American and British forces in
the China, Burma, India (CBI) Theater of Operations.
In addition to maintaining their global lines of communications,
Allied leaders had several other reasons to consider the Middle East
strategically important. Its domination by Germany and Japan would
have further isolated China, the Soviet Union, and Turkey. Equally sig-
nificant, the loss of Iran and Iraq would have meant that the area’s oil,
the lifeblood of mechanized warfare, would flow into Axis tanks,
planes, and ships, rather than those of the Allies.
In early 1942 the key to Allied control of this vital region lay in
Egypt. The British Mediterranean Fleet based its operations in
Alexandria, the British Middle East Command maintained its head-
quarters in Cairo, and the Suez Canal provided an essential Allied line
of communications to the CBI and Pacific Theaters of Operations. All
of these facilities would have been vulnerable to Axis control had the
Afrika Korps and the Italian Army been able to push the British out of
northern Egypt.
The battle for control of Egypt centered in Cyrenaica, a desert
region in northeastern Libya just west of Egypt. Control of Cyrenaica,
or the Western Desert as it was more popularly known, would have
provided the Axis with a secure line of communications for resupply-
ing its forces. For three years the war in the Western Desert consisted
of a series of advances and retreats which came to be known as the
“Benghazi Handicap” by the British soldiers who alternated between
pursuing and being pursued.
The so-called Handicap took place along a narrow strip of barren
desert land in North Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea. A single
highway ran along the coast connecting the major port cities of Tripoli
and Benghazi in Libya and Alexandria in Egypt. Scattered between
these three cities were numerous smaller ports which could be used to
supply ground forces from the sea. Off the coastal highway to the
south there was ample room for the maneuver of mechanized forces,
and there was virtually no civilian population outside the cities along
the coast. These factors combined to produce a tactical pattern which
repeated itself in the ground operations of both sides: infantry forces
moved along the coastal road to secure a port to resupply the mecha-
nized forces for a flanking movement into the desert to clear the road
to the next port, which would be secured by the infantry in order to
resupply the mechanized forces, and so forth.
The campaign which established this pattern began in September
1940 when an Italian army under the command of Marshal Rodolfo
Graziani attacked the lightly held British frontier outposts in Egypt,
drove them back, and established fortified defensive positions along
the coastal highway well inside Egypt. In November the British
launched a counteroffensive that by mid-December had cleared Egypt
of all Italian units. By February 1941 Cyrenaica was in British hands,
but their hold was tenuous. British forces in Egypt and Libya were
short of ground transport, possessed badly outdated air and ground
equipment, and had to make do with very little shipping.
In early 1941 Germany joined forces with Italy and began offen-
sive operations throughout much of the Mediterranean. Air attacks
from Luftwaffe units that had deployed to the Mediterranean in
January reduced the British use of the sea. Rommel arrived in Africa
during February and by March was ready to launch a campaign against
the British line in Libya. In April the Germans then invaded and con-
quered Greece, and in May they added Crete to their Mediterranean
holdings. In a desperate attempt to hold Greece and Crete, the British
had diverted extensive forces from Africa, thereby significantly reduc-
ing their already limited capabilities in the Western Desert.
By the end of May the Axis offensive had driven the British back
into Egypt, although they did manage to hold on to the port of Tobruk
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