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Microsoft Word - lesson_68
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Text 1
Exercise 1
Read the reports and answer the questions below by filling in the gaps with the number of the report: 1,
2 or 3. (Przeczytaj reportaże i odpowiedz na pytania poniżej wstawiając numer reportażu: 1, 2 lub 3 w
Report 1
Newsreader It's one o'clock and here's the news, every hour on the hour from Avon Radio, your local
radio station for the west. Hurricaneforce winds are causing chaos throughout the region.
Power lines have been blown down and thousands of homes are without electricity. Falling trees have
blocked many roads, and the A37 is blocked by trees near the junction with the B3130. The Severn
Bridge was closed to highsided vehicles earlier this morning because of strong winds, and an hour ago
it was closed to all traffic. Avon police have warned motorists not to drive unless their journey is really
necessary. I'll repeat that warning: stay where you are unless your journey is absolutely necessary.
Report 2
Newsreader News is just coming in from Thornton, where the River Bourne has burst its banks. We
have an Avon Radio news team at the scene. Annabel Hall is there. Come in, Annabel, can you hear
Annabel Hello, Simon. Annabel Hall reporting from Thornton for Avon Radio. I've never seen anything
like this in my life. The river burst its banks about an hour ago, and the whole of the town centre is
flooded. There's a house opposite and the roof has been blown off completely. A few minutes ago a
huge oak tree was blown down and it nearly hit our car. The storm has caused chaos throughout the
town. Traffic cannot get into or out of Thornton; every road has been blocked by falling trees. Everyone
has been warned to stay indoors.
Report 3
Newsreader That report was from Annabel Hall for Avon Radio. We've got more reports coming in from
around the region.
At Chidlington the sea walls are being battered by heavy waves, and emergency workers are afraid that
they may be destroyed.
At Winton airport, three small aeroplanes have been blown over by the winds. Weather men at the
airport say that wind speeds of nearly one hundred miles per hour have been measured. Five people
were taken to hospital after their car was hit by a falling tree at Longham. Two of them were seriously
injured and are being operated on at the moment. That’s the news at one o’clock. We’ll be back with
more news at two o’clock, but we’ll be interrupting programmes as more news comes in.
Which report says that:
1. a house has been damaged .........
2. driving a car can be dangerous .........
3. all roads have been blocked .........
4. the wind could make it very difficult to drive .........
5. a car has nearly been damaged .........
6. some people needed doctor's help .........
7. some people expect the situation might get worse .........
8. the police helped to control the situation .........
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Exercise 2
Match the words and their translations by writing the number of the translation in the gap next to the word.
(Dopasuj słowa do tłumaczeń wpisując numer tłumaczenia w lukę obok słowa.)
1. throughout ......... a) przerywać, przeszkadzać
2. blow down ......... b) powalić
3. junction ......... c) mierzyć
4. vehicle ......... d) ostrzegać
5. traffic ......... e) bić, miotać
6. warn ......... f) skrzyżowanie
7. burst ......... g) pojazd
8. bank ......... h) przełamać, wystąpić z brzegów
9. flood ......... i) dąb, dębowy
10. roof ......... j) brzeg
11. huge ......... k) ruch samochodów
12. oak ......... l) zalewać, powódź
13. batter ......... m) olbrzymi
14. measure ......... n) w całym
15. interrupt ......... o) dach
The physical world
Exercise 1
Read the weather forecast and choose the best word to complete each gap. (Przeczytaj prognozę pogody
i wybierz najlepsze słowo, aby uzupełnić lukę)
Good evening. This is Jack Moon with the weather forecast (1) ................. tomorrow. It's Easter
Saturday, and a lot of people are going (2) ................. on holiday. We're going to look at the European
weather map for tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. (3) ................. , the bad news. It's raining in Spain at
the moment. And the good news? It isn't going to rain tomorrow! It's going to be a hot, sunny day, with
temperatures of 30 (4) ................. Celsius.
The rain is going to (5) ................. into France tonight. Tomorrow is going to be wet and windy in the
South (6) ................. France. In Italy it's going to be a dry day, but cloudy. The temperature there is
going to be (7) ................. 20 or 21 degrees Celsius. What about Greece? Well, the sun's going to (8)
................. there. A very hot day, with temperatures about 30 degrees in Athens, 27 or 28 degrees (9)
................. the islands. And Britain? Sorry, but it's going to be a cold, (10) ................. day again. It's
going to snow in Scotland, and there's going to be thunder in the North of England. Have a nice holiday!
1. a) on b) for c) in d) at
2. a) out b) away c) off d) to
3. a) however b) anyway c) first d) but
4. a) degrees b) grades c) marks d) scales
5. a) change b) remove c) push d) move
6. a) on b) in c) of d) at
7. a) about b) close c) next d) by
8. a) light b) burn c) bright d) shine
9. a) at b) in c) through d) by
10. a) wet b) warm c) watery d) mixed
Exercise 2
Choose the best word or expression to complete the sentences. (Wybierz najlepsze słowo lub wyrażenie,
aby uzupełnić luki.)
1. The Thames is ................. (a river / a lake / a gulf).
2. The Pacific is ................. (a peninsula / an ocean / a swamp).
3. The Himalayas are ................. (a peak / a mountain range / hills).
4. Zambia is ................. (a landscape / a lowland / a country).
5. The Sahara is ................. (a desert / an oasis / a plain).
6. The Amazon is ................. (a cave / a jungle / a stream).
7. The Mediterranean is ................. (a flood / an ocean / a sea).
8. The Bahamas are ................. (beaches / islands / waterfalls).
9. Africa is ................. (a continent / a hemisphere / an earthquake).
10. Everest is the highest ................. (highland / mountain / hillock) in the world.
Text 2
Geography of the British Isles
Exercise 1
Read the text and complete the gaps with the lines below. (Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij luki podanymi
poniżej częściami zdania.)
The British Isles is the geographical name for a group of about 5,000 islands off the northwest coast of
mainland Europe between the latitudes 50°N and 61°N. The largest island is Britain or Great Britain,
(1) ..................... . It consists of England, Wales and Scotland. Northern Ireland (or Ulster) and the Irish
Republic (also known as Eire) make up the next largest island Ireland. (2) .................... , form the United
Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland, more commonly known as the United Kingdom (which is almost
20% smaller than Italy). In everyday language, Great Britain or Britain is used to mean the United
Kingdom. The Isle of Man, between Ireland and Britain, and the Channel Islands, off the northwest coast
of France (3) ........................ . Great Britain is just under 1,000 km long and just under 500 km across in
its widest part. The most mountainous region is Scotland (with Britain's highest peak, Ben Nevis 1,343
m), (4) ........................, where most of the large towns, including Edinburgh and Glasgow, and three
quarters of the population are located. Much of Wales is also mountainous and in England the Pennine
Range (the 'backbone of England) (5) ........................ . The rest of England is not perfectly flat, not even
the large agricultural plains of East Anglia. In Ireland all the highland areas are near the coast, but there
are no peaks over 1,100 m. Rivers in Great Britain are quite short – (6) ........................ but their easy
navigability has made them an important part of the inland transport network for the transportation
(7) ...................... .
a) of products such as coal, iron ore and steel
b) the longest ones are the Severn and the Thames
c) which also has a wide lowland area between the Grampians and the Southern Uplands
d) Britain and Northern Ireland, together with a number of small islands
e) is 224 km long (although the highest peak is only 895 m high)
f) belong to the United Kingdom but have their own parliaments
g) which is also the largest island in Europe
Exercise 2
Read the definitions of words and then find the words in the text to match the definitions. (Przeczytaj
definicje słówek a następnie znajdź te słowa w tekście i dopasuj do definicji.)
1. the main area of land, not including any islands near to it ..........................
2. the distance of a place north or south of the equator ..........................
3. usually, very often, by most people ..........................
4. rock, earth where metal can be found ..........................
5. the top of a mountain ..........................
6. a large area of flat land ..........................
7. a line of mountains ..........................
8. the most important part of something that gives support ..........................
9. to form something, to put together from different things ..........................
10. farming ..........................
Phrasal verbs
Choose the correct particle to complete the sentence. (Uzupełnij luki prawidłową partykułą)
1. Why don't you sell that old car? It's always breaking .......... (up / down / out).
2. They carried .......... (on / off / out) until the work was finished.
3. She had to cut ......... (up / over / down) on smoking.
4. Hang ......... (out / on / down) a minute! I'm nearly ready.
5. Look .......... (out / in / off)! There is a car coming!
6. Stop showing .......... (down / out / off). We all know you won the race.
7. After their parents died, they were brought ......... (over / up / on) by an aunt.
8. Your room's a mess. I wish you would clear it .......... (off / out / up).
9. I'm trying to give .......... (on / up / away) smoking.
10. I'm sorry to let you ......... (down / off / out), but I can't go.
11. The match was put .......... (away / on / off) till the next day.
12. I threw .......... (out / off / down) a lot of old clothes.
13. The burglar broke ......... (over / into / by) the house and stole $1000.
14. He fell .......... (over / with / for) her the moment he saw her. It was love at first sight.
15. What does G.C.S.E. stand ......... (for / by / to)?
16. He takes .......... (after / over / with) his father in looks and in character.
17. I don't know how they can put .......... (on by / up with / over to) such noisy children.
18. We've run ......... (away from / down to / out of) milk again.
Vocabulary from lesson 36
agricultural – rolniczy
backbone – filar, kręgosłup
bank – brzeg
batter – bić, miotać
blow down – powalić
blow off – zwiać
burst – przełamać
cave – jaskinia
coast – wybrzeże
commonly – powszechnie
degree – stopień
desert – pustynia
earthquake – trzęsienie ziemi
equator równik
flood – zalać, powódź
forecast – prognoza
gulf – zatoka
hemisphere – półkula
highland – wyżyna
hill – wzgórze
hillock – pagórek
hurricane – huragan
including – w tym
indoors – wewnątrz budynku
interrupt – przerywać, przeszkadzać
junction – skrzyżowanie
landscape – krajobraz
latitude – szerokość geograficzna
lowland – nizina
mainland – ląd stały
make up – tworzyć
measure – mierzyć
navigability – żeglowność
oak – dąb, dębowy
ore – ruda metalu
peak – szczyt
peninsula – półwysep
plain – równina
range – łańcuch górski
roof – dach
stream – strumień
swamp – bagno
throughout – w całym
thunder – burza
traffic – ruch samochodowy
unless – jeżeli nie
vehicle – pojazd
warn – ostrzegać
waterfall – wodospad
Answer key
Text 1
Exercise 1
1. 2
2. 1
3. 2
4. 1
5. 2
6. 3
7. 3
8. 1
Exercise 2
1 n 2 b 3 f 4 g 5 k 6 d 7 h 8 j 9 l 10 o 11 m 12 i 13 e 14 c 15 a
Exercise 1
1 b 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 c 7 a 8 d 9 b 10 a
Exercise 2
1. The Thames is a river .
2. The Pacific is an ocean .
3. The Himalayas are a mountain range .
4. Zambia is a country .
5. The Sahara is a desert .
6. The Amazon is a jungle .
7. The Mediterranean is a sea .
8. The Bahamas are islands .
9. Africa is a continent .
10. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
Text 2
Exercise 1
1 g 2 d 3 f 4 c 5 e 6 b 7 a
Exercise 2
1. mainland
2. latitude
3. commonly
4. ore
5. peak
6. plain
7. range
8. backbone
9. make up
10. agricultural
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