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BTT_3103_pegademase bovine (PEG-ADA)
Biologics: Targets & herapy
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Open Access Full Text Article
r e v i e w
Pegademase bovine (PeG-ADA) for the treatment
of infants and children with severe combined
immunodeiciency (SCID)
Claire Booth 1,2
H Bobby Gaspar 1,2
1 Centre for Immunodeficiency,
Molecular immunology Unit,
UCL Institute of Child Health,
London, UK; 2 Dept of Clinical
Immunology, Great Ormond Street
Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK
Abstract: Adenosine deaminase deiciency (ADA) is a rare, inherited disorder of purine
metabolism characterized by immunodeiciency, failure to thrive and metabolic abnormalities.
A lack of the enzyme ADA allows accumulation of toxic metabolites causing defects of both
cell mediated and humoral immunity leading to ADA severe combined immune deiciency
(SCID), a condition that can be fatal in early infancy if left untreated. Hematopoietic stem
cell transplant is curative but is dependent on a good donor match. Other therapeutic options
include enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with pegademase bovine (PEG-ADA) and more
recently gene therapy. PEG-ADA has been used in over 150 patients worldwide and has allowed
stabilization of patients awaiting more deinitive treatment with hematopoietic stem cell trans-
plant. It affords both metabolic detoxiication and protective immune function with patients
remaining clinically well, but immune reconstitution is often suboptimal and may not be long
lived. We discuss the pharmacokinetics, immune reconstitution, effects on systemic disease and
side effects of treatment with PEG-ADA. We also review the long-term outcome of patients
receiving ERT and discuss the role of PEG-ADA in the management of infants and children
with ADA-SCID, alongside other therapeutic options.
Keywords: adenosine deaminase deiciency, PEG-ADA, enzyme replacement therapy, severe
combined immune deiciency (SCID)
Correspondence: HB Gaspar
Molecular Immunology Unit, UCL
Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford
Street, London WC1N 1EH
Tel + 44 207 905 2319
Fax + 44 207 905 2810
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency is a rare inherited disorder of purine
metabolism characterized by severe and recurrent infection, failure to thrive and meta-
bolic abnormalities. Absence of the enzyme ADA allows accumulation of toxic
metabolites resulting in a complete or partial deiciency of both cell-mediated and
humoral immunity. ADA severe combined immune deiciency (SCID) is fatal within
the irst months of life if left untreated. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant is cura-
tive but dependent on a good donor match. Other therapeutic options include enzyme
replacement therapy (ERT) with pegademase bovine (hereon referred to as PEG-ADA)
and more recently, gene therapy. PEG-ADA was irst used to treat ADA deiciency
in 1986 and to date more than 150 patients worldwide have received this treatment. It
is well tolerated and can restore immune function to protective levels but long-term
follow up suggests that immune recovery is incomplete. The precise role of PEG-
ADA alongside other treatment options is still to be determined but to date it has
allowed stabilization of patients awaiting more deinitive treatment and clinical
well-being in individuals treated for more prolonged periods.
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Biologics: Targets & Therapy 2009:3 349–358
© 2009 Booth and Gaspar, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. This is an Open Access article
which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
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In 1972 Giblett et al 1 described the absence of the enzyme
ADA in erythrocytes in two patients with combined immune
deiciency. Subsequently, with greater awareness, more
patients with similar indings were reported and the clinical
and immunological phenotype of ADA deficiency was
established. Patients can be divided into four phenotypes;
ADA SCID, delayed onset ADA deficiency, late onset
ADA deiciency and partial ADA deiciency. The largest
number of patients (∼85% to 90%) present as ADA SCID
and represent the most severe form of immunodeiciency;
delayed onset presentation accounts for 10% to 15% of cases
and late (or adult) onset deiciency has been identiied in a
handful of individuals. Partial deiciency can be an incidental
inding in a healthy individual where immune function is
normal but ADA expression is abnormal in erythrocytes and
is again extremely rare. The incidence of ADA deiciency
is estimated to be between 1 in 200,000 and 1 in 1,000,000
births 2 and accounts for around 15% to 20% of all SCID cases,
although the true incidence of the disease is undetermined
and may be higher in speciic ethnic populations worldwide.
(dCyd kinase). Increased dAdo levels inactivate the enzyme
S-adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) leading to the
accumulation of S-adenosyl homocysteine (AdoHcy) which
is a potent inhibitor of transmethylation reactions. SAHH
activity in patients with ADA deiciency is usually 5% of
normal levels. 2
Elevated dATP levels have several toxic effects which
may all play a role in lymphotoxicity and dATP levels have
been shown to correlate with clinical severity. It has been
shown in both ADA-deicient patients and murine models that
dATP pool expansion leads to inhibition of ribonucelotide
reductase required for DNA replication and repair 5 and in
induction of apoptosis in immature thymocytes. 2 Because
cells with a high turnover produce more dATP, apoptosis,
which is the fate of most lymphocytes entering the thymus,
also increases the dATP pool within the thymus. Limited
antigen receptor diversity has been demonstrated through
interference of dATP with terminal deoxynycleotidyl trans-
ferase (TdT) 6 and defective signaling pathways may also
impair lymphocyte function. 2 Apoptosis in thymocytes is
also induced by accumulated extracellular adenosine acting
through A(2A) adenosine receptors.
Metabolic abnormalities
ADA is a predominantly cytoplasmic enzyme found in all
tissues of the body where it plays an important role in the
recycling of adenosine after DNA breakdown and speciically
catalyzes the deamination of deoxyadenosine (dAdo) and
adenosine (Ado) to deoxyinosine and inosine respectively. 3
An extracellular form of the enzyme (ecto-ADA) is found
on the surface of many cell types where it binds the cell
surface protein CD26 and speciic adenosine receptors.
Although ubiquitously expressed in keeping with its role as
a ‘housekeeping’ enzyme, ADA expression levels are highest
in the thymus and in lymphocytes where levels are 800- to
1000-fold higher than in erythrocytes. 4 High levels are also
found in the foregut and brain. The lack of ADA results in a
number of metabolic derangements which ultimately lead to
the accumulation of toxic substrates in both intra- and extra-
cellular compartments. The high levels of ADA activity in the
thymus may be a direct consequence of the high level of cell
turnover during thymic lymphocyte selection and the require-
ment for rapid and extensive DNA synthesis. Despite its
importance for many organ systems, it is clear that the lack
of ADA has its most profound manifestations in the immune
system and in lymphocyte development and function.
Lack of ADA activity leads to the accumulation of Ado
and dAdo. Cells compensate for rising levels of dAdo by
converting intracellular dAdo to deoxyadenosine triphos-
phate (dATP) through the action of deoxycytidine kinase
Children with ADA SCID present within the irst months
of life with failure to thrive, life threatening infections and
profound lymphopenia. Interstitial pneumonitis is a common
feature and may be caused by a viral pathogen or commonly
Pneumocystis jiroveci but may also be an intrinsic manifes-
tation of ADA deiciency. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
(PAP) has been identiied radiologically and histologically
in ADA-deicient patients and is reversible upon treatment
(Grunebaum et al, Abstract at ESID 2008). Results from
broncheoalveolar lavage (BAL) undertaken in ADA SCID
patients with clinical and radiological manifestations of
pneumonitis revealed a high percentage of children in whom
no pathogen was identiied (Gaspar, unpublished data) again
suggesting that pulmonary damage in ADA-deicient patients
is an intrinsic consequence of the disease. Infants may also
suffer from opportunistic infections in other organ systems,
diarrhoea and candidiasis. Clinical examination reveals physi-
cal signs usually related to infection and poor growth and the
absence of lymph nodes and tonsillar tissue due to the lack of
secondary lymphoid organ development. The thymic shadow
may be absent or reduced on chest radiography and blood tests
reveal a profound lymphopenia with greatly reduced numbers
of T, B and NK cells leading to T-B-NK- SCID phenotype.
Functional lymphocyte studies unsurprisingly show absent
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PEG-ADA for infants with SCID
proliferation in response to mitogen stimulation and lack of
immunoglobulin production.
Immunodeficiency is the most profound, and in the
majority of cases irst manifestation of ADA deiciency but the
ubiquitous expression of ADA results in abnormalities in other
organ systems. Since untreated children invariably have a short
life expectancy, non-immunological deicits have usually been
recognized once the immunodeiciency has been corrected by
bone marrow transplantation. Abnormal neurological ind-
ings, without evidence of central nervous system infection,
such as developmental delay, abnormal muscle tone and
sensorineural deafness are well described. High levels of ADA
expression have been reported in brain tissue 7 and it is possible
that high levels of dATP are neurotoxic. Cognitive function
is adversely affected by the severity of metabolic derange-
ment at diagnosis and a signiicant inverse correlation has
been shown between dATP levels at diagnosis and IQ score. 8
Signiicant behavioral abnormalities are also seen in these
patients which is not related to the process of transplantation
as demonstrated by a case-matched study. 8 Post mortem
indings in eight children with ADA deiciency revealed
non-lymphoid multisystem pathologic changes, mainly renal
and skeletal. 9 Autoimmune phenomena such as idiopathic
thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia are well described. 10
Other rare presenting features include insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus with atopic dermatitis 11 and hepatitis. 12
Delayed onset ADA deiciency is the term applied to
patients who present after the irst year of life and is most
likely related to the speciic ADA mutation which in such
cases results in some residual ADA activity and less severe
dATP expansion and consequently less profound lympho-
penia and immune function. Such patients present with
recurrent infection and lymphopenia but rarely infection with
opportunistic pathogens. Immune dysregulation, autoimmune
and allergic phenomena and cytopenias may also be a feature
of this phenotype. A history of recurrent otitis media, upper
respiratory tract infection or pneumonia is more commonly
seen and often these children do not require hospitalization
initially. Misdiagnosis with other conditions such as allergy
(due to raised eosinophil counts) or antibody deiciency is
not uncommon.
Early diagnosis is essential to prevent the complications
of chronic infection and allow normal growth. Lymphocyte
subsets and functional studies, proliferation studies and
immunoglobulin levels are important but diagnosis rests on
the demonstration of absent or very low plasma or erythro-
cyte ADA activity levels. Raised dATP levels and reduced
SAHH activity in erythrocytes also conirm a diagnosis.
Genetic testing using mutation analysis is available and
over 70 different mutations (mostly missense mutations)
have been identiied 13 involving the ADA gene on chromo-
some 20q13.11. 14 Prenatal diagnosis may be performed by
either mutation analysis or by measurement of enzymatic
activity in trophoblasts from chorionic villus sampling or
amniocentesis. 15
Management options
Currently there are three management options to treat ADA
deiciency: hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT),
ERT and gene therapy. HSCT is a highly successful and
curative procedure if a matched related donor is available
with survival rates of ∼90% but this rate falls to nearer 50%
survival if a matched unrelated donor or haploidentical
transplant is undertaken. 16 Matched family donor transplants
can be successfully undertaken without the need for prior
cytoreductive chemotherapy but transplants from other
donor sources require the use of a chemotherapy regimen.
Immune reconstitution post transplant confers adequate
immunity in terms of lymphocyte numbers and function and
antibody production. Metabolic correction is also seen and
although dATP levels are reduced they remain higher than
in a normal individual (and indeed higher than in patients
on ERT). HSCT is the treatment option of choice if a well
matched family donor can be found. However, HSCT does
not correct the non-immunological manifestations of ADA
deiciency which again suggests that ADA deiciency is a
systemic disease.
More recently somatic gene therapy for the correction
of ADA deiciency has evolved, offering patients another
treatment option. The procedure involves gammaretroviral
mediated introduction of the human ADA gene into autolo-
gous bone marrow progenitors and subsequent infusion of
cells back to the patient following mild nonmyeloablative
chemotherapy. Preliminary results from clinical trials are
encouraging with the majority of patients experiencing
immune reconstitution and metabolic detoxiication with
stable engraftment of transduced hematopoietic cells. 17,18
Importantly there has been little toxicity from the procedure
and to date all patients have survived. Immune reconstitu-
tion appears to be similar to that seen post transplant. Over
25 patients have now been treated at four centers worldwide,
with the most extensive experience in Milan and London.
The protocols differ between the different sites with respect
to the speciic retroviral constructs used for gene transfer
and the conditioning protocols used. Although the majority
of patients have shown improved immune recovery after
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gene therapy, the level of reconstitution appears variable and
seems to be determined by a number of factors including,
the number of gene corrected progenitor cells re-infused
into the patients, the ability to harvest suficient stem cells
and the degree of thymic reserve at the time of gene therapy.
The kinetics of immune recovery are also delayed when com-
pared to the T cell reconstitution following gene therapy for
the X-linked form of SCID. However a number of patients
show long-term (5 years) complete T cell and humoral
recovery and have been able to discontinue all prophylactic
medication and immunoglobulin replacement therapy. These
pioneering studies suggest that gene therapy can at least in
principle provide effective immune and metabolic recovery.
The success of gene therapy is tempered by the potential for
insertional mutagenesis and leukemic transformation as a
result of using gammaretroviral vectors. 19,20 These compli-
cations have been seen in trials of gene therapy for other
immunodeiciencies but not so far in ADA gene therapy
studies. Gene therapy remains an option if well matched
HSCT donor is not available and is only possible through
recruitment at specialized academic centers.
HSCT but this treatment proved metabolically and clinically
effective in this case.
Later studies did not show such a positive outcome with
regular red blood cell transfusions and in fact, demonstrated
insufficient metabolic correction to allow for immune
recovery, although clinical status did often improve. 25,27 After
the introduction of PEG-ADA a comparative study proved
PEG-ADA to be a superior form of enzyme replacement and
red cell transfusion was rendered obsolete. 27
Enzyme replacement therapy
ERT with PEG-ADA (Adagen ® ; Enzon Inc; obtained outside
USA through Orphan Europe) for the treatment of ADA
deiciency has been available for almost 20 years and has been
designated an orphan drug. The use of PEG-ADA provides
another treatment modality for ADA SCID, however unlike
HSCT or gene therapy it is not a curative therapy but requires
regular intramuscular administration. Nevertheless, the
effectiveness of PEG-ADA in correcting metabolic and
immunological parameters and more importantly in promoting
clinical well-being in patients, makes it an important option
in the care of patients. The question remains as to the timing
and speciic role of the three different treatment modalities
in the treatment of ADA SCID patients and is the subject of
more detailed discussion below.
Red cell transfusions
Originally enzyme replacement was delivered through eryth-
rocyte transfusions after work by Polmar et al demonstrated
addition, in vitro , of calf-intestinal ADA or human erythro-
cyte ADA to ADA deicient patients lymphocytes restored
proliferation after mitogen stimulation. 21 Several patients
were treated with regular transfusions of frozen, irradiated red
blood cells every 2 to 4 weeks. Initial reports were promis-
ing indicating an improvement not only in clinical status but
also in immunological function. Children remained free of
infection for up to 2 years and showed an improvement in
lymphocyte numbers and function. 22,23 Metabolic derange-
ments were also seen to normalize with an increase in ADA
activity, reduction in adenosine and deoxyadenosine levels
and a decrease in erythrocyte dATP. 23–25 However, these
improvements proved to be transient and dependent on
regular transfusions. 25 Long-term transfusion therapy car-
ries with it certain risks including iron overload, exposure
to potential blood borne viral pathogens and the trauma of
repeated cannulation and time in hospital. These are signii-
cant risks in immunodeicient children who already spend
much time in a hospital environment. Bax et al 26 reported a
patient diagnosed in her mid-thirties with ADA deiciency
who was treated for 9 years with autologous erythrocyte
encapsulated ADA infusions (after one year of combined
PEG-ADA injections). The patient was not a candidate for
PEGylation, a process pioneered in the 1970s, involves the
covalent attachment of numerous strands of monomethoxy-
polyethylene glycol (PEG) to a molecule, for example an
enzyme or protein. PEG itself is neither toxic nor immunogenic.
The attachment of PEG to ADA through lysine residues confers
several therapeutically beneicial properties to ADA through
alteration of its physical and chemical properties, mainly due
to an increase in molecular weight. 28,29 The circulating life of
the compound is prolonged from minutes to days as clearance
from the circulation is inhibited. Molecules are protected some-
what from cellular uptake, proteolytic attack, renal clearance,
antibody binding and antigen presentation. PEGylation also
reduces the immunogenicity of a protein which again helps
to extend its circulating life. 28,29 In theory, if a drug or protein
remains in the circulation for a longer period then the frequency
of administration could be reduced thus reducing cost and the
number of injections a patient requires. In 1986, Hershield
et al irst used ADA derived from bovine intestine conjugated
to PEG to treat patients with ADA deiciency. 30
Other PEGylated therapies currently used in clinical
practice include PEGASYS ® (Hoffman-La Roche)
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PEG-ADA for infants with SCID
and PEG-Intron ® (Schering-Plough/Enzon) which are
PEGylated alpha-interferons used to treat chronic hepatitis
B and C and PEGylated L-asparaginase (Oncaspar ® ; Enzon)
used for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
The emergence of new variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
(CJD) has led to concerns over the use of bovine ADA as
the source of enzyme for PEG-ADA. Bovine ADA is now
extracted from bovine herds in countries where nvCJD has
not been identiied. There has also been much speculation
over whether a human recombinant form of ADA may be
It is recommended that trough plasma ADA activity levels
are monitored every 1 to 2 weeks during the irst 2 to 3 months
of treatment, twice a month until 9 months of treatment and
then monthly until 18 to 24 months on PEG-ADA. Once
patients are established on an effective maintenance dose then
plasma ADA levels can be measured every 2 to 4 months
unless there is a change in clinical status.
Immune reconstitution
Immune reconstitution following treatment with PEG-ADA
has to date not been followed in a prospective manner and
therefore formal data are not available. The reasons for this
are varied but most probably due to the rarity of the condi-
tion and the fact that any one center treats only a handful of
patients. The data cited below are therefore taken from ret-
rospective and single-center studies which stretch back over
the last 20 years. Overall, it is clear that immune recovery
is very variable, the reasons for which may be associated
with the underlying clinical condition of the child, the age
at which treatment is started and also the level of residual
thymic activity at the time of PEG-ADA initiation. Up to
20% of patients receiving therapy show no response. 2,33 In
the majority of cases, full immune recovery is seen in the
short term but is followed by waning T cell numbers. 10 In
terms of humoral immunity, continued immunoglobulin
replacement is required in up to 50% of those treated with
long-term PEG-ADA. 16 It is also important to document
that, from the retrospective reports available and from com-
munication with physicians treating patients, despite low
T cell reconstitution and lack of humoral recovery, clinical
well being is maintained and children who have been treated
for many years remain clinically well, free of infection, with
normal growth parameters.
Immune recovery is evidenced initially by a rise in B cell
numbers within a few weeks of starting treatment and is then
followed by a rise in T cell count which may take a number
of months to occur. Symptoms of immune dysregulation such
as hemolytic anemia and immune thrombocytopenia can be
seen during this period and may be related to dysregulated
cellular and humoral recovery. Immature T lymphocytes
appear irst and account for the rise in T cell numbers. Prolif-
erative responses can be detected once mature T lymphocytes
develop demonstrating that ADA-deicient thymic progeni-
tors are able to mature into functional T lymphocytes in the
presence of metabolic correction. 31 Initially these responses
are IL-2 dependent and later become IL-2 independent. 31
Long-term outcome data suggest that mitogen responses
often luctuate within the same patient over time 32 with
Kinetics and dosage
PEG-ADA is administered by intramuscular injection once
or twice weekly. Plasma levels of ADA activity peak 24 to
48 hours after injection and the half life varies from 3 to
more than 6 days. The elimination and pharmacokinetics of
PEG-ADA are variable within the same patient and monitoring
of plasma ADA activity helps to guide dosage and frequency of
administration. Reports also suggest that clearance is enhanced
in younger infants and more severely ill children. 2,31 Cellular
uptake of PEG-ADA is not signiicant but maintaining plasma
ADA levels 100-fold normal levels leads to a reduction in
extracellular Ado and dAdo levels and subsequent normaliza-
tion of intracellular levels 16 through maintenance of equilib-
rium between intra- and extracellular compartments.
Since the irst patients were treated, the dosing regime has
evolved and it is now advised that children should start at a
dose of 60 U/kg/week with biweekly injections until meta-
bolic correction is established (between 1 and 3 months). Once
patients show clinical improvement and biochemical stabi-
lization they can be maintained on a dose of 30 U/kg/week
in a single weekly injection, 32,33 unpub. It is important when
monitoring patients to assess their immune function as well
as metabolic parameters and this should be taken into account
when considering altering the dose of PEG-ADA.
Dosage should be adjusted according to trough levels
of plasma ADA activity. Erythrocyte dATP levels can also
be measured and used to guide treatment. Initial trough
plasma ADA levels (prior to injection) should be maintained
at 50–150 µmol/h/mL (normal range 0.4 µmol/h/mL)
which equates to approximately 4 to 10 times the normal
erythrocyte ADA activity 2 and is required for intial rapid
detoxiication. Once a maintenance dose of 30 U/kg/week
is established, trough plasma ADA levels can be maintained
at 25 to 60 µmol/h/mL. Erythrocyte dATP levels decrease
signiicantly and are maintained at levels below that seen after
HSCT. In addition, SAHH activity is seen to normalize.
Biologics: Targets & Therapy 2009:3
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