Alexis Canto - Tantric Fate.pdf
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Tantric Fate
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Tantric Fate
ISBN 9781419920240
Tantric Fate Copyright © 2009 Alexis Canto
Edited by Helen Woodall
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book Publication July 2009
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Alexis Canto
Alexis Canto
Chapter One
Lise sat in silent meditation at a small Zen center in the mountains a few miles from
her hometown. At least she was supposed to be meditating. She couldn’t keep her mind
quiet the way she intended. Thoughts of her ex-lover Marcus intruded until finally she
gave up on focusing on her breath and let the thoughts have free rein.
In her imagination she felt him taking her hot, erect nipple into his mouth, licking it
gently and sucking it hard. She could almost feel his hands on her thighs and the hard,
smooth head of his cock slipping over her wet, engorged clit and then pushing its way
into her soft, ready slit.
A muffled sneeze from one of the other attendees meditating in the Zen center
snapped Lise’s attention back to reality. Although she hadn’t moved from her cross-
legged position on a cushion in the sparsely decorated room, everything about her body
had changed. Her pussy was damp. Her nipples were stiff peaks.
And her heart was sore from missing Marcus.
Lise and Marcus had dated for more than a year. He hadn’t always been available
to her, often going to upstate New York to train. Then one day he’d closed his studio
and moved east to teach at the main Shadow Tantra location in New York. She hadn’t
seen him or heard from him until he showed up unannounced one day ten years after
their last meeting. And then he’d disappeared again, sending her a cold email that
hadn’t explained anything.
She had no idea why she was still thinking about him at all. She deserved better.
She couldn’t shake the feeling of darkness that had come over her when he emailed
her a couple of weeks after their recent steamy encounter, one that had given her hope
that he might be back in her life to stay.
I can’t see you again
, the message had read.
There was no salutation. Just those chilly words.
Good luck with everything, Lise. Marcus.
Tantric Fate
Crisp air blew in through the center’s open door. She’d deliberately chosen a
cushion near the entrance so she could be closer to the cold, clear brightness of the
outdoors. Being chilled would make her feel more alive and make it easier to focus on
her meditation practice instead of the man she loved but would never see again. Or so
she’d hoped. Obviously, it wasn’t working. Her body still felt hot.
Instead of feeling her thoughts holding steady on the concept of inner peace, she
saw an unwavering mental image of Marcus’ tattoo. It was perfectly clear in her
memory. The snake wound up his left arm in dark ink. The skillful likeness of a
dangerous snake put the clumsy imagery of most tattoos to shame. And once, in the
dark, she’d thought she’d seen the snake move with a life of its own.
When the Zen center’s chime sounded to indicate the end of the meditation, she
stood up and found she was unsteady on her feet. She was in a state of full-blown
arousal from thinking about Marcus. How could she feel so alive and yet so lonely?
She bowed at the doorway as was customary. When she lifted her head and
stepped outside, she saw a familiar figure standing on the bright cedar boards of the
meditation center’s porch. Her breath left her and she felt as winded as if she’d been
punched in the stomach. It was Marcus.
He wore a long coat with the collar raised against the late afternoon chill. The dry
wind whipped his dark reddish-brown hair around his face but otherwise he stood as
still as a pine tree.
Her body reacted instantly and she tingled with desire from head to toe.
He couldn’t have come to see her. Not after the note he’d sent. This must be some
kind of coincidence.
And she didn’t know if she could stand it.
She opened her mouth to speak and left her lips parted. No words came out. Behind
him in the distance the mountains stood tall, cold and forbidding. Lise felt like a lost
soul wandering their bare, rocky faces instead of standing here in safety. Strange how
Marcus’ familiarity made her feel so alone.
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