Carney Dee - Illicit Hunger.pdf

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Illicit Hunger
Dee Carney
(c) 2009
Illicit Hunger
Dee Carney
Published 2009
ISBN 978-1-59578-573-2
Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing,
10509 Sedgegrass Dr,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2009, Dee Carney. All rights
reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of
the author.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Liquid Silver Books
Vikky Bertling
Cover Artist
April Martinez
This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this
book are of the author’s
imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons,
living or dead, is completely coincidental.
Up until now, almost every part of her life has been dictated to her. When
Lia Hampton,
vampireprima lux , goes clubbing with her best friend, it's the last bit of
rebellion against her
arranged marriage she can muster. An attempt on her life was not part of
that plan.
Jericho Taylor is placed in the enviable role of protecting the vampire
community’s first
daughter. In a world where the werewolf is considered tainted, interaction
with them almost
forbidden, Lia must do the unthinkable—feed from Jericho—to save her
own life.
What happens when she bites him sparks a whirlwind of events which
threaten to rip their lives,
community, and a growing love, apart.
Chapter One
Not curling her lip in disgust took every ounce of strength and the last bit
of patience Lia
Hampton could muster. Bad enough they walked down an alley stinking of
urine and stale blood.
She in her newest designer shoes, no less. The stench was almost enough
to cover the cloud of
alcoholic vapors floating from Syler.
He weaved next to her, each step threatening to take him down. Still, he
persisted. In less
than a week they wouldn’t be able to do this any more. He figured they
owed it to themselves to
live it up while they could. As usual, she went along without protesting.
What would be the use?
What Syler wanted, he got.
Another wobbly step sent him crashing into her. The collision caught her
unaware and
she stumbled into the side of the brick building.
“Syler!” She cursed vehemently. “Watch yourself!” Lia inspected the new
scuff mark on
her black shoe, tamping down the bubbling anger directed at her best
Shadow blocked the light as someone stepped toward her. A rich voice
asked, “May I
offer my assistance,prima lux ?”
Without hesitation, she placed her hand into the one extended toward her.
A small
crackle of static electricity stung her fingertips. Startled, she pulled her
hand away from the
guard, finally raising her eyes to meet his. The frustration with Syler she
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