Unit 12 Come to my party.doc

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1              Look at the  picture  and the  invitation  below and

answer the  questions.


2        Read Debbie's letter below and underline the correct word(s) in the  sentences that follow.


1     Debbie is going to have a fancy dress party/birthday party.

2     She    is    going    to    have    a barbecue/picnic in her garden.

3     Her dad/mum is going to make a big salad.

4     Katie will probably go to Debbie's house by bus/train.

5     Debbie's house is opposite the baker's/ cinema.

6     The party is going to start/finish at six o'clock.

3 Read the letter again and decide which paragraph describes each of the topics below.

6        Now,   in   pairs,   act   out   similar   dialogues, as  in  Ex. 5. Take  it  in turns to  be Debbie. Give directions  to  someone  who  is:


4 Look at the map. Draw a line from the station to Debbie's house by reading the directions  in  her  letter.

5 Debbie is giving another friend, Sam, directions to her house. Fill in the gaps with words from the  list.

go past, next to, come out, go straight on, turn left

Sam: Hello, Debbie. I'm in the car park. Can you tell me how to get to your house from here?

Debbie:  1) Come out of the car park on Green Road and 2)


until you see Marco's, an Italian restaurant. 4)

              the restaurant and my house

is right 5)              it. You can't miss it!

Sam:      Thanks a lot! I'm on my way.

     at the bank                 at the cafe

     at the Town Hall                 at the post office

7 Read the following extract from a letter and fill in the gaps with words from the list.

out, opposite, across, by, to, on, off

8       Put   the   verbs   in   brackets   into   the   present simple or the future simple.

1     I will call (call) you as soon as I get (get) to Susie's house.

2     We                 (eat) when everyone


3              Mum               (give) Tony his present

before he              (blow out) the candles.

4              They               (serve) drinks until the

bar              (close) at 11 p.m.

5              Walk straight on until you              

(pass) the supermarket.

6              When                      (you/send)    the

invitations for the party?

7              As soon as Kim               (arrive), we

              (serve) the meal.

8              When you               (get) off the train,

you              (see) Jonathan on the platform.

9 Read Debbie's letter again and say what she is going to do and what she hopes or thinks will  happen, as  in the example.

e.g. Debbie hopes that Katie will be able to go to her party. She is going to have a barbecue in the garden, etc.

1U Read the following dialogue and fill in the gaps with will or be going to, as in the example.

Joe:   Hi, Tina. 11) am going to have a party for Sam on

Saturday.  He 2)               study in

England, so it's a Goodbye party.
Tina:   That sounds nice!
Joe:   It's a surprise party, though. I 3)             

tell Sam to come to my house at 8 o'clock. I don't

think he 4)              guess that it's a party.

Tina:   15)               probably come at 7

o'clock, so I 6)               be able to

help you get things ready.
Joe:   Oh, good! Laura 7)              bake a big

cake and I 8)              order some

pizzas and drinks from the Italian restaurant, around

the corner.
Tina:   I'm sure Sam 9)               love that.

Pizza   is   his  favourite  food.   I  think   he   10)

              be really pleased!

Joe:   Liz 11)               bring some of her

CD's. I hope she 12)               bring

some dance music, too.
Tina:   I can't wait. I think everyone 13)             

have a great time! I 14)              see

you on Saturday, then.

11              Label  the  pictures  with  words from  the  list.

Then tick which foods or drinks can be found at a barbecue.

pasta, sausages, hot dog, tea, steak, hamburger, milkshake, orange juice, soup, salad, prawns,  chicken, pizza

12 Use words from Ex. 11 to make up dialogues, as in the example. Use be going to and  will.

SA: Are you going to bring anything to the barbecue? SB: I think I will bring some steak. What about you? SA: I am going to bring some salad. I hope everyone will like it!, etc.

13 Read the letter of invitation to Tracy and underline the correct word. Then answer the following  questions.

1  Who is the letter to? Who is it from?

2  Which paragraph mentions the reason for writing?

3  Which paragraph gives details about the party?

4  Which paragraph includes directions?

5  How does the writer close the letter?


Dear Tracy,

I hope you are 1) good/well. I'm writing to invite you 2) to/at a fancy dress party at my house. It's 3) on/for Sunday, 22nd March at seven o'clock.

I'm going to dress up 4) with/as Zena, the Warrior and my brother is going to come as Hercules. I think it will be really good fun! I hope you will 5) can/be able to come. My parents are going to 6) order/ask some take­away food from Burger Land in town. They are also going to give prizes for the 7) best/better costumes, so I'm sure everyone will have a great time.

You will probably come 8) with/by train, so here are the directions. When you 9) come/will come out of the station, turn left and walk to the end of Cherry Road. My house is the big white one 10) in/on your right next to the cinema.

I suppose the party will finish quite 11) late/lately, but you can stay the night at my house if you want to. It will be lovely to see you 12) soon/again.

Lots of love, Susan

1 4       Match the following types of parties to the activities below.

15 You are going to have a party. First decide on the type of the party, and then fill  in the  invitation card to your friend.

10 Use the plan below and the map from the Photo File section to write o letter of invitation to your friend for your party.

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