Unit 4 From All Four Corners of the World.doc

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1 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.

Your teacher has asked you to write articles about the capital city of your country. Write your article about the city, describing what visitors can see and do there, as well as writing about the city's restaurants and nightlife. (120-180 words)

1    What type of composition is this? Who is going to read this?

2    What style would you use for this article? A  very formal, factual and impersonal

B  semi-formal, descriptive

3    Which should you nor describe, and why?

A  a pretty village     

B  a large town

C  the main city of a country

4    Which topics/points would you include in your composition? Put a tick (/).

.... famous sights & tourist attractions .... what it is like to live in the city .... name of city, where it is .... the city's history, population & climate .... complete facts about various sights .... the city's trains, buses & taxis .... shopping areas & what to buy there .... restaurants, bars and nightclubs

5              What tenses would you use? Why?

2       Read   the   article   and   label   the paragraphs with these headings.

              nightlife/eating out   things to see/do

              recommendation     name, location

3       Read the article again and answer the questions.

1      Which city is described, and where is it situated?

2      What makes it an interesting city?

3      Which buildings does the article suggest tourists should visit?

4      Where can visitors go shopping, and what can they buy?

5      What sorts of entertainment does the article mention?

6      What recommendation does the writer make?


4              Fill  in the  boxes with  words/phrases from

the article in Ex. 2, as in the example, then use these to talk about Lisbon.

5       a) Look   at  the   towns/cities   on   the   map   and correct the statements below.

1      Brisbane is situated on the west coast of Australia. Brisbane isn't situated on the west coast of Australia. It is situated on the east coast of Australia.

2      Sydney is in the heart of Australia.

3      Melbourne is located in the north of Australia.

4      Perth is located in the centre of Australia.

5      Newman is in the north-east of Australia.

b) Make sentences about the location of each town/city on the map, as in the example.

Perth is on the south-west coast of Australia.

6       Fill in the blanks with adjectives from the list, then make sentences with the phrases.

handmade, colourful, elegant, holiday, narrow, delicious, rich, traditional, trendy, fantastic


7       a) Complete the table with words from the list, as in the example.

fantastic, tiny, terrible, large, splendid, horrible, huge, wonderful, awful, magnificent, enormous, fascinating, little, beautiful, delicious, charming, delightful

nice/good     fantastic




b) Replace the words in bold with adjectives from the table above.

8      Study   the   examples,   then   join   the   sentences using which, where or with.

              Tourists should visit the Art Museum. It is one of the
best in the world.

Tourists should visit the Art Museum, which is one of the best in the world.

              Shoppers will love the local bazaar. They can find
colourful, handmade carpets there.

Shoppers will love the local bazaar, where they can find colourful, handmade carpets.

              Maui is a paradise for tourists. It has beautiful
beaches and clear blue waters.

With its beautiful beaches and clear blue waters, Maui is a paradise for tourists.

1              There are many nightclubs in the city centre. You can
dance and listen to live music there.

There are many nightclubs in the city centre where you can dance and listen to live music.

2             The city is known for its open-air food markets. They have all sorts of spices, food and cakes.

3             There are fantastic restaurants and delicious French cuisine in Paris. It is a perfect choice for food lovers.

4             Rome is a wonderful city to explore. It has many ancient temples and monuments.

5             An interesting place to visit in the city is the National Gallery. You can admire famous paintings there.

6             Visitors should not miss the small restaurants around the square. They can try delicious local specialities there.


11 Read the rubric, then read the article and match

the topic sentences (A-D) to the gaps (1-3) in the

article. One of the sentences does not fit. What
is the topic of each paragraph?

A travel magazine has asked its readers for articles describing the perfect place for a weekend escape. Write an article about such a place, describing its attractions and saying why it is worth visiting.

12 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions to plan your composition in detail.

A magazine which you enjoy reading is holding a competition for the best article entitled "A lovely place to visit". Write an article for the competition, describing your town or city, saying what a visitor can see and do there and explaining why it is a good choice for tourists. (100-150 words).

1              What type of composition is this?
A  descriptive article about a place

B  narrative including description of a place

2              Who will read your article?

A  tour guides      B readers of the magazine

3              What style will you use?

A  informal, personal        B semi-formal, descriptive

4              What tenses will you use?

A  present tenses              B past tenses

5              Which place will you write about?
A  a city in another country

B  the city you live in

6              a) What information about your city will you give

under these headings?

                      location              nightlife

                      sights to see              restaurants

                      things to do              recommendation


b)     Can you group these into paragraphs?

c)     Suggest topic sentences for each main body paragraph.

d)     What words/phrases will you use which refer to the senses, crowds and activity?

b) Use your answers to the questions above, as well as the plan below to write your composition. Use the texts in Exs. and   11   as  models.

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