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People and Places
in the United States
Leslie Kagan
Boston University
Kay Westerfield
University of Oregon
Prentice Hall Regents, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Meet the U.S.
1. English language — Text-books for foreign speakers.
2. Readers—United States. 3. United States—Description
and travel—1980-
I. Westerfield, Kay.
II. Title.
PE1128.K27 1984
ISBN 0-13-573808-3
Our thanks to Monte and Amelia,
Andre, Alexandra and Eliot,
and, of course, Steve.
Editorial production, supervision,
and interior design by Lisa A. Dominguez
Cover design by Ray Lundgren
Cover drawing by Corinne Abbazia Hekker
Illustrations by Corinne Abbazia Hekker and Andrea Albahae
Manufacturing buyer: Harry P. Baisley
(с) 1984 by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means,
without permission in writing from the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8
ISBN: 0-13-573808-3
Prentice-Hall International, Inc., London
Prentice-Hall of Australia Pty. Limited, Sydney
Editora Prentice-Hall do Brasilil, Ltda., Rio de Janeiro
Prentice-Hall Canada inc., Toronto
Prentice - Hall India Private Limited, New Delhi
Prentice-Hall of Japan, Inc , Tokyo
Prentice-Hall of South Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore
Whitehall Books Limited, Wellington, New Zealand
Chapter 1 New England
A Letter from Lisa Bangor, Maine 2
Headline There's Nothing Like a Diner 8
Chapter 2 The Middle Atlantic States
A Letter from Lisa New York City 18
Headline Fuels of the Future? 25
Chapter 3 The Southeast
A Letter from Lisa Oak Hills, West Virginia 36
Headline After a Century of Smoking, Is It Time to Quit? 41
Chapter 4 The Deep South
A Letter from Lisa Clearwater Beach, Florida 52
Headline "I Have a Dream" 59
Chapter 5 The Midwest
A Letter from Lisa Galena, Illinois 70
Headline Keeping Food on the Table 77
Chapter 6 The Great Plains
A Letter from Lisa Plain View, Kansas 88
Headline The Plight of the Native American 94
Chapter 7 The Southwest
A Letter from Lisa Santa Fe, New Mexico 106
Headline Running Dry? 112
Chapter 8 The Mountain States
A Letter from Lisa Salt Lake City, Utah 122
Headline The National Parks: What To Do? 129
Chapter 9 The West Coast
A Letter from Lisa Eugene, Oregon 142
Headline The Earth's Hidden Power Comes to the Surface 148
Chapter 10 The New Additions
A Letter from Lisa Honolulu, Hawaii 158
Headline Save Our Seals and Whales 165
Vocabulary List 174
Answer Key 1 77
i v Contents
For the Student
Meet the U.S. offers you the opportunity to improve your vocabulary and reading skills
while increasing your knowledge of the culture and geography of the United States.
Travel with reporter Lisa Evans as she drives across the United States writing articles
for The Boston Daily newspaper, and become acquainted with the people and places she
visits from Bangor, Maine to Honolulu, Hawaii. Meet the U.S.!
For the Teacher
Meet the U.S. is designed to develop the reading skills of ESL/EFL students at
intermediate and advanced levels. The text touches upon many of the cultural and
geographical variations that exist from region to region in the United States. Meet the
U.S. develops an overall awareness of the United States, from its geography and its
people to current issues and problems now facing the country. In regard to
supplementary materials, the students' learning and enjoyment will be enhanced greatly
by including some of the sights and sounds of each region; for example, a recording of
bluegrass music for the Southeast or books with pictures of the national parks for the
Mountain States will add another dimension to the class.
Highlights of Each Chapter
A. Take a Look This activity revolves around a regional map that shows state capitals,
major cities, national parks, points of interest, and major industries. There are two sets of
map exercises provided, one requiring short answers and the other requiring student-
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