Drapieżne maleństwo - Napisy.txt

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{2024}{2088}Good morning, Miss Swallow.
{2088}{2183}- Why, what's the matter?|- Dr. Huxley is thinking.
{2424}{2499}Alice, I think this one|must belong in the tail.
{2499}{2573}Nonsense. You tried it in the tail yesterday|and it didn't fit.
{2573}{2622}Yes, that's right. I did, didn't I?
{2622}{2717}David, it's a telegram for you from Utah.|It's from the expedition.
{2717}{2813}The expedition! Open it. I'll be right down.
{2884}{2970}David, they found it! They found it, David!
{2970}{3008}Not the intercostal clavicle?
{3008}{3077}It's on its way. It'll be here tomorrow.
{3077}{3123}Just think of it, Professor.
{3123}{3200}The very last bone we needed|to complete the brontosaurus.
{3200}{3289}The intercostal clavicle is arriving|tomorrow after four years' hard work.
{3289}{3380}- Congratulations, my boy.|- Isn't it great? I can hardly believe it!
{3380}{3456}Stop it. Really, David, there's a time|and place for everything.
{3456}{3491}What will Prof. LaTouche think?
{3491}{3540}After all, you're getting married tomorrow.
{3540}{3627}- Yes, I know we are...|- Right, we're getting married tomorrow.
{3627}{3700}Isn't that odd? Two important things|happening on the same day.
{3700}{3752}I think the occasion calls for a celebration.
{3752}{3788}Don't worry, we'll celebrate.
{3788}{3840}We're going away|directly after we're married.
{3840}{3932}Going away? What are you thinking of,|David? After receiving this telegram?
{3932}{4003}As soon as we're married,|we're coming directly back here...
{4003}{4058}- and you're going on with your work.|- Alice.
{4058}{4152}Now, once and for all, David,|nothing must interfere with your work.
{4152}{4244}Our marriage must entail|no domestic entanglements of any kind.
{4244}{4309}- You mean...|- I mean of any kind, David.
{4309}{4405}Alice, I was sort of hoping...|You mean children, all that sort of thing?
{4424}{4519}Exactly. This will be our child.
{4533}{4629}Yes, David, I see our marriage|purely as a dedication to your work.
{4629}{4704}Alice, everybody has to have|a honeymoon and...
{4704}{4765}We haven't time.
{4765}{4824}You have an appointment this afternoon.
{4824}{4919}- Have I? What for?|- To play golf with Mr. Peabody.
{4920}{4948}What Peabody?
{4948}{5016}The Alexander Peabody|who represents Mrs. Carleton Random.
{5016}{5042}Now let me think.
{5042}{5120}Who may donate $1 million|to the museum to complete all this.
{5120}{5180}Oh, sure! That Mr. Peabody.
{5180}{5241}$1 million.|That's pretty white of Mr. Peabody.
{5241}{5276}You haven't got it yet.
{5276}{5362}Let me remind you that a lot depends|on the impression you make on him.
{5362}{5456}Don't worry. After I've received this,|I feel good for anything.
{5456}{5503}I'll wow him, I'll knock him for a loop.
{5503}{5566}David, no slang.|Remember who and what you are.
{5566}{5622}- That's right.|- Go on. You mustn't keep him waiting.
{5622}{5700}- Goodbye, Alice. I mean, Professor.|- Don't forget your golf clubs.
{5700}{5773}Remember, let Mr. Peabody win.
{5773}{5816}Yes, Alice. I will.
{5816}{5911}Oh, dear. Excuse me.
{5924}{5956}I can't tell you, Mr. Peabody...
{5956}{6012}how much this endowment|would mean to the museum...
{6012}{6048}and to me personally.
{6048}{6104}If you could just give me|some assurance...
{6104}{6164}If you could give me some assurance|that you'd...
{6164}{6259}consider us first before you donate that|million to anyone else, I'd appreciate it.
{6261}{6324}Dr. Huxley, you seem to be|under some misapprehension.
{6324}{6368}I haven't got $1 million.
{6368}{6432}I represent the possible donor,|Mrs. Carleton Random...
{6432}{6479}whose legal advisor I happen to be.
{6479}{6557}Yes, of course. I forgot.
{6557}{6618}Mr. Peabody, then I wonder...
{6618}{6707}if you could use your influence|with Mrs. Random, that would be nice.
{6707}{6803}Dr. Huxley, when I play golf,|I only talk golf...
{6804}{6872}- and then only between shots.|- Yes, of course. I'm sorry.
{6872}{6967}Couldn't we continue this discussion|over a whisky and soda after our game?
{6992}{7016}Yes, we could.
{7016}{7112}Meantime, I believe you hooked your ball.
{7124}{7210}Yes, I did.|I'll be with you in a minute, Mr. Peabody.
{7210}{7306}Yes. All right.
{7309}{7405}Look! You can't...
{7412}{7492}That's my ball. Just a minute!
{7492}{7535}Here's hoping.
{7535}{7607}I say, just a minute. I beg your pardon.
{7607}{7635}Oh, dear.
{7635}{7709}- You shouldn't do that, you know.|- What shouldn't I do?
{7709}{7740}Talk while someone's shooting.
{7740}{7800}Anyway, I forgive you|because I got a good shot.
{7800}{7855}- You don't understand.|- It's right next to the pin.
{7855}{7892}That has nothing to do with it.
{7892}{7947}- You playing through?|- I've just teed off.
{7947}{8004}You must be a stranger here.|You should be over there.
{8004}{8100}This is the 18th fairway and I'm on|the green. If I sink this, I'll beat my record.
{8118}{8188}Be there in a minute!|What kind of ball are you playing?
{8188}{8240}- PGA.|- I'm playing a CrowFlight.
{8240}{8284}I like a PGA better.
{8284}{8335}I'm trying to prove|that you're playing my ball.
{8335}{8422}A PGA has two black dots,|and a CrowFlight has a circle.
{8422}{8472}I'm not superstitious.
{8472}{8567}- That has nothing to do with it.|- Stop talking and take out the pin.
{8593}{8689}Oh, my, this is so silly.
{8690}{8721}See? It's a circle.
{8721}{8786}Of course. Do you think|it would roll if it were square?
{8786}{8882}I have reference to a mark on the ball.|That proves it's a CrowFlight. That's mine.
{8884}{8933}What does it matter?|It's only a game, anyway.
{8933}{8980}Young lady, you don't seem to realize...
{8980}{9044}you've placed me|in a very embarrassing position.
{9044}{9069}Really? I'm sorry.
{9069}{9156}The most important lawyer in New York|is waiting for me on the first fairway.
{9156}{9228}Then it's silly of you|to be fooling around on the 18th green.
{9228}{9284}You don't mind if I take this with me?
{9284}{9311}Not at all.
{9311}{9407}Tell the caddy master to put it in my bag|when you're finished.
{9440}{9512}Huxley, come on!
{9512}{9607}Yes, I'll be with you in a minute,|Mr. Peabody!
{9780}{9875}Hey, mister, I think that's your car.
{10005}{10101}I'll be with you in a minute, Mr. Peabody!
{10304}{10340}What do you think you're doing?
{10340}{10378}I'm trying to un-park my car.
{10378}{10429}- Oh, hello.|- This is my car!
{10429}{10485}Good. Would you mind|moving it out of the way?
{10485}{10558}- No. This is my car.|- Yes, I understand that.
{10558}{10618}If you move it back four feet,|I'll be able to get out.
{10618}{10713}I'm afraid you've made a mistake.|Maybe this is yours. What did you say?
{10713}{10800}I said if you move it back about four feet,|I'll be able to get out.
{10800}{10855}I'm in a terrible hurry, and I can't budge.
{10855}{10924}- You want me to move your car?|- Would you mind terribly?
{10924}{10980}- Yes, I will, but...|- That would be awfully kind.
{10980}{11076}- Take it very easy.|- Yes, I'll go slowly.
{11121}{11160}What are you doing?
{11160}{11211}I have to get into position.
{11211}{11241}Please be careful.
{11241}{11292}I will. Now, you say when.
{11292}{11336}- Yes, all right.|- Am I clear?
{11336}{11432}Yes, you're clear now.
{11481}{11552}- Now look what you've done.|- That's all right. I'm insured.
{11552}{11635}I don't care whether you're insured or not!
{11635}{11668}Let me drive this car.
{11668}{11740}It's all right. It's an old wreck, anyway.|It doesn't matter.
{11740}{11817}You don't understand. This is my car!
{11817}{11879}- You mean this is your car?|- Of course.
{11879}{11924}Your golf ball, your car?
{11924}{11987}Is there anything in the world|that doesn't belong to you?
{11987}{12024}Yes, thank heaven. You!
{12024}{12072}Now, don't lose your temper.
{12072}{12167}Young lady, I'm not losing my temper.|I'm merely trying to play some golf.
{12176}{12244}You choose the funniest places.|This is a parking lot.
{12244}{12276}Will you get out of my car?
{12276}{12344}- Get off my running board.|- This is my running board!
{12344}{12407}All right, honey, stay there.
{12407}{12436}Help me!
{12436}{12488}Don't think everything|in the world is yours.
{12488}{12583}This is my car, I'll handle it.
{12583}{12671}If you want to come with me, go ahead.
{12671}{12767}I'll be with you in a minute, Mr. Peabody!
{13044}{13079}Good evening, sir.
{13079}{13170}I'm looking for Mr. Alexander Peabody.|I believe he's dining here.
{13170}{13212}Mr. Peabody has not arrived yet.
{13212}{13270}Is that so? Well, I'll just wait.
{13270}{13317}- Yes, sir.|- Good evening, Louis.
{13317}{13392}- Good evening, Mr. Brown. Right this way.|- Thank you.
{13392}{13439}May I check your hat, sir?
{13439}{13483}- Excuse me?|- Check your hat?
{13483}{13568}No, I better... Maybe you'd...
{13568}{13628}I'm sorry.
{13628}{13724}Look at that. I dropped my hat.|I'd better hang on to it.
{13756}{13808}- Now, watch very carefully.|- I'm watching.
{13808}{13904}I take an olive, I throw it in that glass,|but there it is.
{13922}{13996}- Now I throw it in that one.|- Wait. Now, without the... Go on.
{14053}{14136}I know what happens. That's wonderful.|You take three, don't you?
{14136}{14188}Only you cheated.|You can see me take three.
{14188}{14254}You throw it in the glass.|Take another one, throw it.
{14254}{14350}- Good!|- And then you do this.
{14382}{14470}I'm so sorry. Oh, hello.
{14470}{14516}You're sitting on your hat.
{14516}{14576}- I know it.|- That's silly. Get up. I'm awfully sorry.
{14576}{14624}I couldn't be more apologetic, really.
{14624}{14686}Well, I might have known you were here.
{14686}{14740}I had a feeling just as I hit the floor.
{14740}{14808}That was your hat.
{14808}{14852}Look at it. Look.
{14852}{14901}Yes, it's too bad, isn't it?
{14901}{14976}Joe here was s...
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