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{1}{72}movie info: DIVX 512x384 23.976fps 627.5 MB
{5400}{5538}"The mime Baptiste Deburau|passionately loves
{5539}{5635}an actress named Garance.
{5637}{5775}Out of timidity,|he misses his chance with her.
{5777}{5873}Instead, she becomes the mistress
{5875}{5971}of the actor Frédérick Lemaître.
{5998}{6107}At the Funambules Theater,
{6109}{6257}a rich dandy, the Count de Montray,
{6259}{6368}offers her his protection.
{6398}{6429}She refuses.
{6431}{6492}But when wrongly accused
{6494}{6646}of taking part in a robbery attempt|by her friend Lacenaire,
{6647}{6734}Garance holds out the count's card
{6736}{6803}to the astonished police."
{7099}{7195}"Several years have passed..."
{7600}{7682}The worst play ever seen|on the Boulevard.
{7683}{7721}The absolute worst!
{7723}{7774}- Why do it then?|- I have a contract.
{7776}{7827}- Why did you sign?|- I need the money.
{7829}{7873}You earn a fortune.
{7875}{7954}I end up with nothing,|since I spend more than I earn.
{8147}{8245}Hurry, Mr Frédérick!|The authors are impatient.
{8362}{8418}"{y:i}The Inn of the Adrets|In rehearsal"
{8658}{8730}If punctuality|is the courtesy of kings...
{8734}{8801}It's not that|of Frédérick Lemaître!
{8825}{8873}{y:i}And they call them authors.
{8875}{8912}{y:i}My God!
{8914}{9018}{y:i}Why do honest folk persist|{y:i}in writing tales of brigands?
{9019}{9102}{y:i}Even convicts could write better|{y:i}than that.
{9105}{9163}{y:i}At least they have experience.
{9164}{9240}A drink, my little kittens!|For pity's sake!
{9367}{9412}Thank you, child.
{9483}{9551}Not at all convincing.
{9560}{9611}Poor Robert Macaire.
{9643}{9722}What's going on, my kittens?
{9734}{9792}I can't hear you.
{9794}{9839}We're sad.
{9841}{9933}We both love you,|but we're friends, you see.
{9935}{10006}- {y:i}So?|- We don't want to fight.
{10008}{10094}Then do as I do.
{10139}{10188}It's your chosen profession.
{10194}{10282}When I act, I'm madly in love.
{10284}{10343}You hear? Madly.
{10390}{10482}At the final curtain,|the audience leaves with my love.
{10491}{10594}Understand?|I make them a gift of my love.
{10603}{10666}The audience is gratified,|and so am I.
{10671}{10766}Then I become|sensible and free again,
{10775}{10820}silent as Baptiste.
{10822}{10858}Not that again!
{10860}{10929}That's all I hear!|"Have you seen Baptiste?"
{10933}{10974}Even Théophile Gautier:
{10975}{11075}"Don't miss Baptiste in {y:i}The Ragman!|A masterpiece!"
{11089}{11178}"Masterpiece," a pantomime!|Théophile's gone too far.
{11222}{11271}Don't touch.|It's a souvenir.
{11278}{11317}It pricks.
{11319}{11409}"Viper of memory, stab of regret,
{11420}{11465}red light of oblivion."
{11471}{11554}It's all nonsense, fantasy, air!
{11569}{11625}What I like is reality.
{11640}{11740}Only two acts, but well made.|Compliments to the authors.
{11742}{11790}What vulgarity, really!
{11813}{11863}You think it's funny.
{11865}{11910}Well, I don't, you hear?
{11971}{12015}That's it. We've quarreled.
{12047}{12091}Are you angry with me?
{12292}{12350}- Excuse me.|- What is it?
{12351}{12446}Nothing. Just some people|waiting for you.
{12471}{12500}Poor authors!
{12502}{12549}Not them.
{12551}{12611}They started rehearsals|without us ages ago.
{12625}{12662}Admirers, no doubt?
{12664}{12742}- That's it..."admirers."|- I'm coming.
{12744}{12793}Back in a moment, my sweet.
{12795}{12871}Tidy up after you finish|snooping about.
{12958}{13021}Poor costume.|As bad as mine.
{13023}{13068}The manager wants you!
{13070}{13106}I'm coming!
{13108}{13138}So, where are our knaves?
{13140}{13189}{y:i}Debts are made to be paid.
{13191}{13259}- {y:i}The cad!|- {y:i}Box his ears!
{13262}{13347}- Jealous husbands, angry creditors!|- As usual.
{13349}{13416}Grumblers and malcontents!|A fog of men!
{13428}{13508}You go first!|We'll plunge into the fog once more!
{13660}{13703}- Inveigler!|- My money!
{13705}{13771}- My bills!|- You ham!
{13811}{13872}Help! They're striking|Robert Macaire!
{13879}{13924}Help, cossacks!
{13926}{13981}They're killing Frédérick the Great!
{14088}{14163}So I run out of the inn|when I hear the shot.
{14165}{14246}You rush over to the body.
{14247}{14335}Where the body should be,|as Mr Lemaître isn't here!
{14375}{14418}Shall we?
{14583}{14637}The hour of justice strikes.
{14651}{14703}You won't escape punishment.
{14769}{14824}Alas, you have killed him!
{14831}{14896}O woe!
{14910}{14995}He was a wicked man,|but he was my husband.
{15044}{15103}Excuse me!|I got carried away.
{15107}{15201}However, I would like|just a bit more...
{15225}{15288}- A touch more...|- A touch more feeling!
{15290}{15354}{y:i}Yes, that's right!|{y:i}Feeling!
{15356}{15443}Feeling, feeling, and more feeling!
{15516}{15602}Dare I hope, gentlemen,|you like my costume?
{15604}{15661}Not bad. It has something.
{15680}{15745}- This must be some kind...|- Of a joke!
{15747}{15862}Robert Macaire and his evil sidekick|haven't come from the tailor's,
{15863}{15906}but from prison.
{15907}{15955}They're bandits, not dandies.
{15957}{16027}- But that eye patch!|- It's hideous!
{16028}{16095}My eye behind it|is even more hideous!
{16119}{16178}Gentlemen, let's not argue again!
{16179}{16233}He's here,|so let's rehearse Act II,
{16249}{16283}Scene 9.
{16299}{16337}On with it!
{16347}{16443}I'd rather do the scene|with the gendarmes. It's funnier.
{16445}{16521}We are not here|to amuse the gallery!
{16523}{16562}Too bad!
{16564}{16618}Oh, well, if you insist.
{16630}{16685}Come on, Latour, old girl.|Scene 9.
{16799}{16845}My son!
{16847}{16906}You alone give me|the courage to face
{16907}{16975}the wretch who is the cause|of our misfortune!
{17073}{17125}Egad, my wife!
{17192}{17250}Yes, your wife and victim!
{17259}{17319}Woeful Marie!
{17327}{17367}She does look glum.
{17369}{17430}Spare us your asides!
{17432}{17488}On with it.
{17518}{17562}I am found out!
{17583}{17644}You betrayed me, Marie!
{17646}{17687}To save my son.
{17689}{17759}To save your son,|you betray his father!
{17850}{17906}I shall feign tenderness.
{18007}{18057}My poor Marie!
{18062}{18145}Robert! My poor Robert!
{18155}{18246}Did you really commit|all those crimes?
{18248}{18294}What can I say, Marie?
{18300}{18341}No one's perfect.
{18343}{18398}- Stop!|- That's not in the play!
{18436}{18488}Your play's empty.|It needs some padding.
{18529}{18606}That's right!|Your poor "inn" is empty.
{18619}{18688}Think the audience|will bring their supper?
{18692}{18758}They'll bring tomatoes!
{18763}{18807}You call this a drama?
{18809}{18871}Some drama... and in three acts.
{18873}{18928}One each. To be fair.
{18934}{19002}Three acts!|I call them actionable!
{19004}{19047}Don't play with words.
{19049}{19135}What can I play with?|Your ideas? You have none!
{19137}{19172}Come now!
{19174}{19283}We can't be insulted by someone|who got his start in pantomimes...
{19285}{19355}- On his hands!|- Why not?
{19357}{19396}You wrote a play with your feet.
{19439}{19531}You force us to take|drastic measures.
{19537}{19639}Monsieur, you signed|a contract and have received...
{19641}{19680}And spent.
{19682}{19727}...a generous advance.
{19729}{19805}Are you prepared to honor|your obligations?
{19815}{19876}Are you prepared|to perform our play?
{19878}{19943}Why, certainly, gentlemen.
{19971}{20033}Provided it plays along|with me.
{20301}{20378}Enough! We have a description|of the criminals.
{20402}{20474}Don't try to escape!|You're surrounded!
{20495}{20605}One of them calls himself Rémond,|but we know his real name.
{20618}{20672}It's Robert Macaire!
{20677}{20715}And Robert Macaire...
{20717}{20754}Is you!
{20755}{20818}Prove you're not, if you can.
{20829}{20883}He's in a fix.|It's not in the play.
{20991}{21050}By the time he thinks of a line,
{21059}{21117}I'll have escaped again!
{21126}{21185}Come on, Rover, let's be off.
{21187}{21275}The play isn't over yet.
{21481}{21549}Frédérick, please, come back!
{21713}{21802}Stop them!|They'll get away!
{21972}{22037}Don't move, you're surrounded!
{22039}{22097}Just when I get a chance|to see the play!
{22119}{22174}Enough speeches!|You are mine!
{22175}{22238}Yours? You naughty boy!
{22245}{22285}Come now!
{22290}{22383}You've been unmasked.|We know you're Robert Macaire!
{22477}{22558}If you're not Macaire,|the escaped convict,
{22560}{22634}answer me this:
{22636}{22669}Who are you?
{22671}{22718}I am Frédérick Lemaître.
{22776}{22826}Liar! You're under arrest!
{22837}{22878}Not again!
{22879}{22918}Shall we kill him?
{22919}{22980}Killing gendarmes|never hurt anybody.
{23039}{23105}Collapse, you fool!|You're dead!
{23287}{23361}Alas, you've killed him!
{23367}{23442}O woe!
{23487}{23563}He was a wicked man,|but he was my husband.
{23579}{23656}Don't worry, little widow,|it was a false alarm!
{23691}{23769}Dry your tears.|Your little hubby lives.
{23798}{23839}Not for long.
{23907}{23964}It had to end like this.
{23968}{24012}I'm dying.
{24016}{24061}Farewell, Marie.
{24063}{24115}Forgive me.
{24118}{24166}I wasn't a bad man.
{24168}{24225}It was the company I kept.
{24227}{24299}I was but the arm that executes,
{24300}{24342}the hand that strikes,
{24343}{24431}the foot that leaves its mark|in the dust of crime.
{24437}{24516}But the true criminals,
{24531}{24603}those who plotted|in the shadows...
{24625}{24719}I shall point out to DivineJustice.
{24730}{24809}The true authors ...
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