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13.Music Festival Part 1 POV
Music Festival Part 1 POV Lesson
Hi, it’s me Joe. I hope you’re doing well today. We’re going to start now the point of view stories for "Music
Festival Part 1". Now in the original story from the mini-story lesson "Music Festival Part 1" the story is told
as if it has already happened. So today we’re gonna hear three other versions of the story. We’ll hear a
version where it’s happening right now. We’ll hear a version where it’s going to happen in the future. And
then we’ll hear a version of the story where Sam actually tells the story. Okay, let’s start by telling the story
as if it is happening right now. Here we go.
* * * * *
It is Sam the spider’s 30th birthday. None of his friends wish him a happy birthday.
“My friends forgot my birthday,” he says.
Tom and Melissa call Sam. They invite him to come to their house to watch a movie.
“The more the merrier,” says Tom.
Sam thinks about the pros and cons of going to their house. It’s a hassle because they live ten miles
away from his house. A taxi ride to their house costs an arm and a leg. But he does not want to be
alone on his birthday, so he decides to go.
He is running late because he has to spin some webs.
“Better late than never,” he says.
He arrives at Tom and Melissa’s house but no one is home. He wonders what the deal is. Then he
sees all of his friends.
“Happy Birthday Sam!” they yell.
Now Sam is happy. It is the best birthday he has ever had.
* * * * *
Okay, so that’s the end of the story being told as if it is happening in the present, meaning as if it is happening
right now. Next let’s hear the story as if it is going to happen next year. So here we go.
* * * * *
Next year it is going to be Sam the spider’s 30th birthday. None of his friends are going to wish him a
© Copyright 2009: Learn Real English, LLC
Music Festival Part 1 POV Lesson
happy birthday.
“My friends forgot my birthday,” he will say.
Tom and Melissa are gonna call Sam. They’ll invite him to come to their house to watch a movie.
“The more the merrier,” Tom’ll say.
Sam is going to think about the pros and cons of going to their house. It will be a hassle because
they live ten miles away from his house. A taxi ride to their house will cost an arm and a leg. But he's
not going to want to be alone on his birthday, so he’ll decide to go.
He’ll be running late because he's gonna have to spin some webs.
“Better late than never,” he’ll say.
He's gonna arrive at Tom and Melissa’s house but no one’ll be home. He’s gonna wonder what the
deal is. Then he’s gonna see all of his friends.
“Happy Birthday Sam!” they’re gonna yell.
Then Sam’s going to be happy. It’ll be the best birthday he has ever had.
* * * * *
Okay so that’s the end of this version of the story, where the events are taking place next year. Now let’s
hear the story from Sam’s point of view. So in this version we are about to hear Sam is going to be telling the
story himself. Here goes.
* * * * *
It’s my 30th birthday. None of my friends wish me a happy birthday.
I say, “My friends forgot my birthday.”
Tom and Melissa call me. They invite me to come to their house to watch a movie.
“The more the merrier,” says Tom.
I think about the pros and cons of going to their house. It’s a hassle because they live ten miles away
© Copyright 2009: Learn Real English, LLC
Music Festival Part 1 POV Lesson
from my house. A taxi ride to their house costs an arm and a leg. But I do not want to be alone on
my birthday, so I decide to go.
I’m running late because I have to spin some webs.
“Better late than never,” I say.
I arrive at Tom and Melissa’s house but no one is home. I wonder what the deal is. Then I see all my
“Happy Birthday Sam!” they yell.
I'm happy. It's the best birthday I've ever had.
* * * * *
Alright so we’ve now reached the end of the point of view stories for the lesson "Music Festival Part 1". Now
it’s time for you to listen to each version again. Then when you feel like you understand the stories try to tell
the story yourself. Just try to do your best and don’t be upset if you’re having any sort of trouble. Just relax
and listen to it again and you’ll start to hear how each story changes. Listen until you feel comfortable telling
the story on your own. Okay, that’s all for now. See you next time.
© Copyright 2009: Learn Real English, LLC
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