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Grateful Dead Conversation
while I was out: when I
was not there
Joe: Hey, did Tim call while I was out ?
Kristin: No, he didn’t, why?
wanted to run by me:
wanted to tell me about
Joe: Well, he told me he had an idea he wanted to run by me . So, uh, I figured he
might’ve called.
Kristin: What, what’s the idea?
on the road: traveling
Joe: Uh, well, he’s actually thinking about writing a book about, uh, the time he spent
on the road with the Grateful Dead .
Grateful Dead: an
American rock and roll
Kristin: Oh, that would be a great topic for a book. You know, whenever you speak
to me about the Grateful Dead, I’m all ears .
I’m all ears: I am
look back on: to think
about something that has
Joe: Yeah, I mean, I, when I look back on the years I spent following them around,
jeez, I, I followed ‘em all over the place. But, I mean, that was some of the most fun
I’ve ever had in my life I think.
Kristin: I can imagine.
Joe: I mean, y’know, first off, y’know, they’re my favorite band.
Kristin: Right.
drew (me) to the scene:
made me interested in
Joe: And, uh, second, the other thing that really drew me to the scene was the fact
that there was just this traveling, uh, group of people that followed them everywhere.
It was like, almost like a bazaar sort of…
Kristin: Mm-huh…
Joe: …y’know…
Kristin: …mm-huh…
subculture: small part of
a large group
Joe: …and…
Kristin: Well, it’s definitely a subculture of America.
cult: a group of people
who has strong beliefs
about something
Joe: Oh yeah, yeah, I mean some people even called it a cult [laugh] y’know…
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Grateful Dead Conversation
Kristin: [laugh]
hippie(s): person
(people) with long hair
Joe: And, uh, it was so unique at the time, uh, y’know.... Because there really wasn’t
anything else like it. I mean you had all these hippies driving around, following the
band from city to city. And, uh, y’know, when you’re on the road driving from one
place to the next, you’d see the same people. You’d see the same cars, all these VW
buses drivin’. And, uh, y’know, uh, people supported themselves, uh, by, uh, selling
things in the parking lots at the concerts.
Kristin: Mm-huh.
defray: to pay for
Joe: Like, a lot of people would like make jewelry and sell it. A lot of people would
sell, uh, clothes that they made, um.... Another, uh, favorite amongst people was to,
uh, just, uh, sell beer or to make food. And that’s what I actually did a lot of the times.
I’d make sandwiches or I’d sell beer in order to help, y’know, defray the cost of the
Kristin: Uh-huh.
Joe: Because it could get a little expensive, y’know.
Kristin: Right.
Joe: But, y’know, the other strange thing is that you’d have this, like large circus
traveling essentially following the band. And it was all these, like, hippies. People
with like really long hair and beards and like, y’know.... Really sometimes like people
who hadn’t like showered for days. Because they were just traveling with the,
Kristin: Yeah.
Joe: …around, following the band.
Kristin: Yeah.
Joe: Because, you know, especially during the summer, you’d just stay at
campgrounds, y’know? So you’d camp and they might not have a shower, y’know…
Kristin: Right [laugh].
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Grateful Dead Conversation
Joe: I remember like, so many times washing my hair, like, under a, y’know, a faucet
in a sink of a bathroom. Or, y’know, under a hose somewhere [laugh].
Kristin: [laugh]
Joe: And having someone help me because, y’know, I had the long hair.
Kristin: [laugh]
travel around: go from
one place to another
Joe: Oh man, and, uh, y’know the other thing is, you’d travel around. And
sometimes be driving through these really small conservative towns. And you can
just imagine what it must have been like from their standpoint. I mean they see these
people who don’t look anything like them. I mean…
conservative : people
who do not like change
Kristin: Right.
clean-cut: short hair and
dressed nicely
Joe: …they’re all clean-cut looking, these people who live in this town. And then
you have this pack of like, looks like bohemian gypsies
bohemian gypsies:
traveling artists
Kristin: Uh-huh.
Joe: …traveling through town.
Kristin: Yeah, that’s a good description.
cops: police
Joe: Y’know, so, y’know a lot of the times the cops in the town would hassle you.
Kristin: Oh, I’m sure.
Joe: …for no good reason, y’know.
jump to conclusions: to
decide something without
knowing about it
Kristin: Yeah.
Joe: I think that they would just suddenly jump to conclusions about, y’know, what
you were doing. Because you look different than them, y’know. They were totally like
judging the book by its cover .
judging the book by its
cover: deciding what
something is like by how
it looks
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Grateful Dead Conversation
Kristin: Right.
Joe: So, um, yeah but, oh my gosh, y’know.... When I look back on those times, I
just met so many people. I mean sometimes I would meet somebody. And like, say
the middle of the country like Kansas, right?
Kristin: Uh-huh.
run into: to unexpectedly
see someone
Joe: And then, like, a year or two later, I’d be, say, in Seattle. And I’d run into the
same people…the same person.
it’s (such) a small
world: said when you are
surprised to see another
person you know at a
place you did not expect
to see them
Kristin: Oh my god, it’s such a small world , huh?
Joe: Yeah, I know. But that was another great thing. Like I met so many people and
became such good friends with so many of those people. They’re, some of these
people are like my closest friends to this day, like Tim. Y’know?
Kristin: Yeah.
Joe: So it was really something that, uh, it was like a community, y’know.
bonding experience:
something that makes
people become closer
Kristin: I was going to say, too, it’s a very, it sounds like it was a very bonding
experience .
deadhead: a fan of the
music band the Grateful
Joe: Oh, yeah, totally. Like it’s funny, if you’re a deadhead and you meet another
deadhead, it’s like.... There’s just like, uh, almost, a hidden language that you speak.
Kristin: [laugh]
rabid fans: people who
really like something are
‘rabid fans’ of it
Joe: Y’know, it’s crazy. And, y’know, the, the, the fans were such rabid fans . I
mean, y’know, a lot of deadheads.... The only music they would listen to was the
music of the Grateful Dead.
Kristin: Wow. I could see why people would think that was a bit cultish.
Joe: Yeah, totally.
follow through (with
something): to do
Kristin: Well, do you think that, um, Tim will actually follow through with writing this
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Grateful Dead Conversation
your guess is as good
as mine: I do not know
Joe: I don’t know, your guess is as good as mine . Y’know, he can be a flake
flake: someone who says
they will do something but
then decides not to do it
Kristin: Yeah, I know.
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