The Art of Fable 3.pdf

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Back home in my native, beloved Scotland, there is a state of being known
only as... “Jammy”. Im not certain of the precise origin of the word itself, but
I am well aware of its meaning and the fact that it could be used, amongst less
savoury terms I’m sure, to describe me. Being labelled as “Jammy” means
that the person in question is a very fortunate individual indeed. Someone
who, through no actions of their own, ind the unclaimed lottery ticket, trea-
sure map or uneaten caramel log. In my case, it’s the fact that I’m an artist
and art lover who is lucky enough to be working on a project of limitless cre-
ative potential with a team of insanely talented souls.
That’s not to say things don’t even themselves out, of course. I’ve broken just
about every bone in my body since working on Fable, had my bike stolen,
lost my hair and have a mouth like a dentist’s bin... but these knock backs
mean nothing when I get to look at, and laughingly criticise, the incredible
amount of luscious artwork that the Fable art team produce every day.
Making games is a privilege and an occupation that anyone “Jammy” enough
to participate in should give their all and there was certainly no shortage
of effort in the making of this particular game. This book shows a sliver of
the work that goes into putting a creative piece together and all the credit
goes, not only to the artists whose pretty pictures ill these pages, but to the
coders, animators, designers, musicians, scripters, writers, testers and even
producers whose countless hours of dedication have made what we hope is
an inspiring and pleasurable experience.
I sincerely hope you enjoy peering through our particular little looking glass
just as much as we enjoyed making it all up.
John McCormack | Art Director
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Male Hero & Costumes
From Prince to Chicken outit, good to evil and all things between
the Hero is a huge undertaking. Add tattoos, facial hair, makeup,
skin morphs, hair styles, dying and you have a character who will
never be the same in any two players’ games. The initial Hero
model has to be neutral looking as his look will evolve depending
on the choices the player makes, so you essentially start the game
with a blank canvas. This has always been a big feature of the
Fable games, the player’s action dictates the look of the Hero and
this is something we developed further on Fable 3.
Ian Faichnie
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Female Hero & Costumes
Whether wading through the swamps of Mourningwood, crossing
the scorching desert plains of Aurora or simply having a quiet drink
at The Cock in the Crown Public House, the Heroine will never be
found wanting for the appropriate apparel. When fully unlocked, her
wardrobe consists of 28 different outits, each consisting of jacket,
trousers/skirt, gloves, boots and hat, which can be
combined individually to create more than 2000
outit combinations. With the
functionality of cloth dying,
the creative possibilities
are almost endless.
James Vale
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Logan is the cruel, power crazed king who rules Albion
with an iron ist... and the brother of the Hero. And it is
actually this relationship, more than any other single
fact about him, which guided our hand when we were
creating him. The initial designs tended towards the
classic Shakespearean Richard III type of igure, who
is literally disigured by his own hatred and paranoia.
But he had to be believable as the slightly-older
sibling of a young, appealing hero. And that led to a quite
different Logan than the one we had expected to see.
Mike McCarthy
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