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ISSUE 165 | AprIl 2009
By Chris Tulach
The Scales of War Adventure Path
continues. The characters are dispatched
with their deva ally Amyria to the island
nation of Nefelus, home of sages and
masters of the arcane. The nation is a
vital potential ally in the war against the
githyanki, but none of the emissaries from
the defending nations have returned. As
the PCs soon discover, a new enemy has
blockaded the nation, and the heroes
must end the blockade and help persuade
Nefelus to join their cause. An adventure
for 14th-level PCs.
lotus aCadeMy
By Peter Schaefer
The White Lotus Academy has stood as
a symbol of arcane learning for decades.
Now, a secret inhabitant of the school
grounds has come into conf lict with
the headmaster, and the students and
surroundings are in danger. The PCs must
avoid the hazards of their near-invisible foe
and thwart its plans before they run out of
time. An adventure for 7th-level PCs.
Illustration by Lars Grant-West
By Mike Mearls
Mike continues to educate on the
nature of skill challenges, with
unique applications and examples.
By Stephen Radney-MacFarland
A DM’s best friend? Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, back with
more advice and letters from the
By James Wyatt
James discusses the latest changes
to his f ledgling campaign.
By Kolja Raven Liquette
Long ago, when the Dragonborn Empire
of Arkhosia thrived, the f lying citadel
Ustraternes was undone by tief ling
magic. Now, a dragonborn zealot with
dreams of renewing the lost glory of
his ancestors explores the ruins—and
unleashes a plague of rampaging drakes
on the terrified locals. An adventure for
4th-level PCs.
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, D u n g e o n , D r a g o n , d20, d20 System, Wizards of the Coast, all other Wizards of the Coast prod-
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This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use
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Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
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No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. For more Dungeons & Dragons
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April 2009
Chris Youngs
Senior Art Director
Jon Schindehette
Web Specialist
Chris Sims
You just don’t know where or when the funny will
jump out and bite you.
You see, we were looking for a gnome. He had some
information we needed, and thanks to some savvy
Streetwise checks, we knew where and when to find
him. The thing is, when we got to his office, rather than
wait in the queue to see our would-be informant, we …
well, we kicked down the door.
The gnome panicked. Who wouldn’t? if a bunch of
folks armed like a medieval SWAT team kicked in the
door to your office, you’d likely freak, right? Well, that’s
what the gnome did. He hit a snappy button on his desk
and dropped through a trapdoor escape hatch, setting
off a skill challenge chase through the city streets. Did i
mention the gnome had a slave ogre? And that he rode
the ogre like Master Blaster through the crowded city?
it sounds absurd, goofy, and yes, funny when i relate
the story now. But in Chris Perkins’s campaign, this is
par for the course. Naturally, we were agog at a gnome
riding an enslaved ogre like some bestial warhorse.
What followed, however…
You see, succeeding (and we did succeed) at the
chase skill challenge was only part one of the equa-
tion. once we’d captured the gnome and rendered him
unconscious, we had to slip away into the bustling city
and evade the militia bearing down on us. That skill
challenge—that one we failed.
My character is a filthy liar. He lies even when it
doesn’t suit him, even when doing so might be disad-
vantageous. As curious onlookers saw us “escorting”
our new friend away, now swaddled in a heavy cloak, i
thought that dousing him in some ale and claiming he
was my drunken companion—passed out after a night’s
hard partying—would be smart. only, i rolled a natural
1 on my Bluff check.
Rodney Thompson, who wasn’t paying attention to
my feeble story, then turned to tell a different passer-
by that “the child” had fainted at the sight of so much
drama in the streets. Turns out his dice had visited
the same pile of suck mine had, and our back-to-back
failed checks were sufficient to seal the deal on that
skill challenge.
of course, the best part was that we weren’t paying
attention to one another and mixed up our stories,
Chris penalized us appropriately (invoking a penalty
on Rodney’s Bluff check), and we ended up cracking up
the entire table with our combined story about buying
booze for minors.
in the spirit of April Fool’s, humor’s been on my brain
a fair amount, and one of the regular questions we get at
shows is why we don’t do more “funny adventures.” i’m
sometimes tempted, but this episode really enabled me
to put my finger on why i feel like doing so isn’t a great
idea. The best humor doesn’t come from the printed
product. in fact, humor integrated into an adventure
always feels forced to me. The funniest moments at the
game come from the people at the table.
When you’re sitting around anywhere with your
close friends, jokes are inevitable. D&D is no exception.
We know that humor at the gaming table will be there
whether or not we try to inject it. Plus, sense of humor
is about as subjective as you can get. A joke that sends
one person into spasms is likely to get a blank stare
from another. No, we think the jokes are best left to you
and your table. And to April Fool’s Day, of course.
What about your group? Do you have a story about
events at the table contributing to a humor-based melt-
down? or do you disagree about the effectiveness of
humor in published products? Send us your stories and
Web Production
Bart Carroll, Steve Winter
Contributing Authors
Kolja raven liquette,
Mike Mearls, Stephen radney-
MacFarland, peter Schaefer,
Chris Tulach, James Wyatt
Stephen radney-MacFarland,
peter Schaefer, Stephen
Schubert, Chris Sims,
rodney Thompson
Miranda Horner, Steve Winter
Cover Artist
lars Grant-West
Contributing Artists
rob Alexander, Wayne England,
Jason A. Engle, ralph Horsley,
Cr MacTernan, raven Mimura,
William O’Connor, Steve prescott,
Wayne reynolds, Christopher West,
Eva Widermann, Ben Wootten
Sean Macdonald, Mike Schley,
Publishing Production Specialists Angelika lokotz, Erin Dorries,
Christopher Tardiff
Web Development
Mark A. Jindra
D&D Creative Manager
Christopher perkins
Executive Producer,
D&D Insider
Ken Troop
Director of RPG R&D
Bill Slavicsek
Special Thanks
richard Baker, Greg Bilsland, logan Bonner, Michele Carter,
Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Andy Collins, Bruce r. Cordell, Jeremy
Crawford, rob Heinsoo, peter lee, Mike Mearls, Kim Mohan, Cal
Moore, Stephen radney-MacFarland, peter Schaefer, Stephen
Schubert, Matthew Sernett, Chris Sims, rodney Thompson,
rob Watkins, James Wyatt
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By Chris Tulach
An adventure for 14th-level characters
illustrations by Jason A. Engle, Ralph Horsley, William
O’Connor, Steve Prescott, Wayne Reynolds, Lars Grant
West and Eva Widermann
cartography by Mike Schley
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast llC All rights reserved.
“Long have we strove to remain
detached from the afairs of the
mainland. But this threat taxes
us to the limits of our power, and
so we reach out to those who have
proven themselves time and time
again. Perhaps, if you aid us, we
will consider assisting your cause
as a means of gratitude.”
—Bejam, member of
the Thraxinium of Nefelus
April 2009 | Dungeon 165
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“Alliance at Nefelus” is an adventure for 14th-level
characters. At the end of the adventure, the PCs
should be midway through 15th level. Although this
adventure is part of the Scales of War adventure path,
it takes the plot in a different direction as new friends
and foes are discovered. it also makes a good stand-
alone adventure or is inserted easily into your own
ongoing campaign.
in this adventure, the PCs are again joined by their
friend Amyria, the deva last seen in “Haven of the
Bitter Glass,” the previous adventure. She musters the
PCs to respond to a call for aid from the island nation
of Nefelus, an isolationist magocracy that is under an
environmental threat. if the PCs can help put an end
to Nefelus’s troubles, Nefelus might be willing to lend
their extensive arcane knowledge and naval might to
the Coalition.
that an unknown force apparently transformed and
bolstered them. only one vessel made it to the ice
f loe, and no reports came back from its crew.
Several days passed, and the Thraxinium debated
their next course of action as they did research to
combat the threat of the climate change. While they
were preparing their next moves, the magical cold
emanating from the ice f loe intensified and over the
course of one night, it formed an icy ring that cut off
any ships bound in or out of the ports. The nation of
Nefelus was under siege, and the weather was get-
ting worse. The ice threatens to continue to spread,
and possibly engulf the entire island.
A few days ago, several members of the Thraxinium
reported that they were enacting a ritual that would
stave off any further climatic change as long as the
forces behind the unnatural cold did not greatly inten-
sify. Although that bought a little time, it still meant
that many members of the Thraxinium had to spend
considerable resources maintaining the ritual just to
keep the island from being overwhelmed, and the icy
ring still separated Nefelus from any help by sea.
Despite being isolationist, several Thraxi (mem-
bers of the Thraxinium) still maintained contact
with the outside world. Bejam, a deva on the Thrax-
inium, formed a friendship with a deva named
Amyria. She had been working to convince the
Thraxinium to join an allied Coalition of the mortal
realm intent on defeating a githyanki invasion. But
Nefelus had seen nothing of the githyanki save for
a single, strange burglary attempt years before, and
they’d heard even less. Reluctant to get involved, the
Thraxi, through Bejam, politely refused all Amyria’s
requests. When the Thraxinium ran out of options
to deal with the threat of the ice blockade, however,
Bejam turned to Amyria for aid.
Scales of War is the fourth Adventure path to appear
in the pages of Dungeon ® Magazine . But what, you
ask, is an Adventure path? Quite simply, it is a series
of related adventures intended to form a complete
D&D campaign that takes your players from 1st
level all the way to, in the case of Scales of War, 30th
previous Adventure paths, presented with the 3rd
Edition D&D ® rules, took characters from 1st to 20th
level. But with all three tiers in the new edition ripe
and ready to explore, we’re pushing the limit with
Scales of War. Each tier takes roughly six adventures
to traverse, which means we’ll finish off this Adven-
ture path in about eighteen issues. Each adventure
advances characters from between one and a half
to two levels of experience. We recognize that not
everyone will meet every encounter or complete
every quest, however, so periodically, we’ll point
you to a supplemental Side Trek or short adventure
to keep your pCs on pace. plus, roughly every few
months, Dragon ® will feature new support content
for Scales of War.
Finally, this Adventure path is intended to func-
tion as a complete D&D campaign. That means we’ll
be making assumptions about the history of the
world as we move along, just as you would in any
campaign you run. We’ll be borrowing heavily from
the D&D mythology of 4th Edition, as well as all the
great ideas that have cropped up in other products
over the years—including the pages of past issues of
Dungeon !
Enjoy your stay in Scales of War, and keep an eye
out for next month’s installment.
The island nation of Nefelus, a lush tropical realm
that has long kept itself isolated from the dealings of
the rest of the world, has recently found its tranquil
peace disturbed by a threat that even its deva-led mage
council (known as the Thraxinium) cannot squelch.
Several weeks ago, a mysterious ice f loe appeared a
few miles off the coast of the island, and within a few
days, the warm and pleasant climate of Nefelus began
to grow colder, threatening the natural order.
Nefelus took action as soon as it was apparent that
the conditions were getting more severe. Endowed
with a formidable navy to protect themselves from
pirates and foreign interlopers, the Thraxinium dis-
patched vessels to the ice f loe to investigate, and if
necessary, fight any present threat. However, unusual
arctic sahuagin attacked the ships—some speculate
April 2009 | Dungeon 165
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