Advanced Lockpicking Secrets by Steven M Hampton.pdf

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Introduction................................... 1
Making the Tools............................... 5
Magnetic Locks ............................... 25
Disc Tumbler and Puzzle Locks .................. 33
Energizing Your Hands......................... 37
Tips for Success............................... 41
I would like to give special thanks to several people
for their assistance with the research and development
of this book. Mr. Steven Hillius, EE, provided the
portable magnetic lock pick circuit design. I would like
to thank Mr. Craig Herrington and Mr. Jack Folkerth
for their help in creating and testing the new lock pick
designs. Finally, I would like to thank a very good
friend and kung-fu Master, Mr. Lucjan Shila, and
Sensei John Angelos, for their contribution of the
"Energizing Hands" exercise.
Advanced Lock Picking
you must now have or you wouldn't be reading this
book. There should be no doubt in your mind that you
have the right stuff. And you do.
The second quality of a master lock picker is the
ability to improvise when you are without lock picks—to
be able to use such things as paper clips, small screw-
drivers, pieces of wire, and hacksaw blades as tools. In
other words, tools are always available to the master
lock picker. And after finishing this book, you'll know, in
greater detail, how to make your own professional tools.
Third, you have the understanding that if you break
into a locked premise illegally, you could go to jail and
not collect $200. I really did not want to write about
such a negative subject, but it is important that we, as
master lock pickers, have some integrity. With our
knowledge and skills, we need to maintain some kind of
code. For instance, I only pick locks for fun and emer-
gencies. Being broke is not an emergency. If it comes
down to it, you can probably get a job as a locksmith
apprentice. If you encounter someone locked out of his
house or car, and you are going to help him get in, be
sure he can prove the property belongs to him. At least,
ask to see his driver's license, just in case the police get
So, those three qualities—confidence, skillful means
of applying tools for the purpose, and caution when it
comes to breaching the security of unknown situations —
will keep you out of trouble and let you enjoy your skills
as a master lock picker.
Another important factor to realize is that practice
does make perfect. You not only project yourself into the
lock you are picking, but the process of mere repetition
will accumulate to make your fingers very skillful. By
projection, I am referring to the intense concentration
Advanced Lock Picking
that leads to visualization of all the inner workings *of
the lock you are picking.
As I also mentioned in my previous book, a firm yet
gentle touch on the tension wrench is needed along with
a sense of heightened sensitivity, which is basically
developed through practice and mind full ness—being
fully aware of what one is experiencing while picking a
lock. One of my favorite scenes from a popular private
investigator show on television is where the star is
trying to break into his house while the "lads" (two
Doberman pinscher dogs) are madly racing toward him.
He repeats over and over to himself, "Concentrate on
the lock, don't look at the dogs, concentrate on the lock."
Of course, he gets in, just in the nick of time. So, success
is simply based on concentration, which develops into
heightened sensitivity through practice and remember-
ing to focus: concentration is the key.
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