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READ CAREFULLY: Autodesk, Inc. (“Autodesk) licenses THIS software to you only upon the condition that you accept all of the terms contained in this Software LICENSE Agreement (“aGREEMENT).

BY SELECTING the I ACCEPT” button AT THE end of this Agreement OR by copying, installing, uploading, accessing or USING ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE you agree to enter into this Agreement.  A contract is then formed between Autodesk and either you personally, if you acquire the Software for yourself, or the company or other legal entity for which you are acquiring the software.

IF YOU do not agree or do not wish to bind yourself or the entity you represent: (a) do not copy, install, upload, access or use the Software; (B) SELECT I reject” at the end of this Agreement (which will CANCEL THE LOADING OF THE SOFTWARE); AND (C) WITHIN thirty (30) DAYS FROM the date of ACQUISITION, RETURN the SOFTWARE TO THE LOCATION WHERE YOU ACQUIRED IT for a refund.

COPYING OR USE OF THIS SOFTWARE OR any accompanying DOCUMENTATION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY AGREEMENT IS UNAUTHORIZED AND CONSTITUTES a material breach of this agreement and an INFRINGEMENT of the copyright and other intellectual property rights in such software and documentation. IF YOU COPY OR USE ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS USER DOCUMENTATION WITHOUT entering into this Agreement or otherwise obtaining written PERMISSION OF Autodesk, YOU ARE VIOLATING COPYRIGHT and other intellectual property LAW.  YOU MAY BE LIABLE TO Autodesk and its licensors FOR DAMAGES, AND YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES.


1.              Definitions

1.1              Access means to use or benefit from using the functionality of the Software.

1.2              Computer means a single electronic device with one or more central processing units (CPUs) that accepts information in digital or similar form and manipulates the information for a specific result based on a sequence of instructions.

1.3              Install means to place a copy of Software onto a hard disk or other storage medium through any means (including, but not limited to, use of an installation utility application accompanying the Software).

1.4              License Parameters means the definition and limitation of the applicable license scope in Section 2.2 hereof.

1.5              Permitted Number means a number relevant for the applicable License Parameters that Autodesk may specify in the applicable User Documentation. The Permitted Number is one (1) unless otherwise provided by Autodesk in writing.

1.6              Software means the computer program in which this Agreement is embedded or that is delivered prepackaged with this Agreement.  If programs are delivered to You as part of a software package that includes the term “series” in its title, the term Software shall include all programs delivered to You as part of that series.

1.7              User Documentation means the explanatory printed or electronic materials that Autodesk or its authorized distributor incorporates in or delivers in or on a package with the Software or sends to You on an invoice, via email, facsimile or otherwise after You acquire or Install the Software, including, but not limited to, license specifications, activation code, license files, instructions on how to use the Software, and/or technical specifications.

1.8              You means you personally (i.e., the individual who reads and is prompted to accept this Agreement) if you acquire the Software for yourself or the company or other legal entity for whom you acquire the Software.


2.              Software License

2.1              License Grant.  Autodesk grants You a non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to use copies of the Software in the jurisdiction in which you acquire the Software, in accordance with the applicable User Documentation, within the scope of the License Parameters.  Autodesks license grant is conditioned on Your continuous compliance with all license limitations and restrictions described in this Agreement.  If You violate any of these limitations or restrictions, the license grant will automatically and immediately expire.  The license descriptions in this Section 2 define the scope of rights that Autodesk grants to You.  Any usage of the Software outside the scope of the applicable license grant constitutes an infringement of Autodesks intellectual property rights as well as a material breach of this Agreement.

2.2              License Parameters.  Autodesks license grant is subject to one or more of the License Parameters defined in this Section 2.2 as specified in the User Documentation.  Unless Autodesk expressly specifies or agrees otherwise in the User Documentation, all Software shall be governed solely by a license for Standalone (Individual) Versions (see Section 2.2.1).

              2.2.1              Standalone (Individual) Version.  If Autodesk identifies the Software as a “Standalone Version” or as an “Individual Version” or if the User Documentation does not identify the Software by any of the version designations set forth in Sections 2.2.2 through 2.2.6, You may Install and Access one (1) copy of the Software on one (1) individual Computer, which may not be connected to a network in a manner that allows more than one (1) user to Access, upload, operate, view or otherwise create or use a copy of the Software.  You may not Install or Access the Software other than on one (1) computer at a time.

              2.2.2              Network Version.  If Autodesk identifies the Software as a “Network Version” in the applicable User Documentation, You may Install, Access and use one (1) copy of the Software on Your Computer file server, for Your own internal business needs, with the Autodesk License Manager tool.  The Software may be Installed on or Accessed by other Computers, or on an individual Computer, as a multiple-user installation, so long as the maximum number of concurrent users does not to exceed the Permitted Number.

              2.2.3              Educational Institutional Version.  If Autodesk identifies the Software as an “Educational Institutional Version” in the applicable User Documentation, You may Install and Access a single copy of the Software on up to the Permitted Number of Computers, only for educational purposes (as further specified in the applicable User Documentation) and for no other purpose.  Without limiting the foregoing, Educational Institutional Versions of the Software may not be used for commercial, professional, or for-profit purposes.  Additionally, functional limitations apply, as set forth in Section 6.

              2.2.4              Student Version.  If Autodesk identifies the Software as a “Student Version” in the applicable User Documentation, You may Install and Access a single copy of the Software on up to the Permitted Number of Computers, only for personal learning purposes, and no other purpose.  Unless otherwise provided by Autodesk in the User Documentation, Student Versions of the Software may be used for a period of one (1) year from the date of Installation.  Without limiting the foregoing, Student Versions of the Software may not be used for commercial, professional or other for-profit purposes and may only be used by persons who qualify as a permitted user of Student Versions (as further specified in the applicable User Documentation for the jurisdiction in which the Software is acquired). Additionally, functional limitations apply, as set forth in Section 6.

              2.2.5              Evaluation Version.  If Autodesk identifies the Software as a demonstration, evaluation, trial, or not for resale version (“Evaluation Version) in the applicable User Documentation, You may Install and Access one copy of the Software only for the purpose of commercial evaluation and demonstration.  Without limiting the foregoing, You may not use it for competitive analysis, or commercial, professional, or for-profit purposes. The Evaluation Version may only be Installed for a thirty (30) day evaluation period, unless otherwise specified by Autodesk in writing.  Additionally, functional limitations apply, as set forth in Section 6.

              2.2.6              License Term.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the license to use the Software is perpetual, unless the Software qualifies as an Evaluation Version, a Student Version, or is designated as a fixed-term license, a limited duration license or a rental license.  In such case, the term of the license shall be the term identified by Autodesk in the applicable User Documentation (the “Designated Term) or the term for which You have paid, whichever is less.  If Autodesk identifies the Software as licensed for a fixed term, limited duration or rental and does not specify a term, then the Designated Term shall expire ninety (90) days after the date You first Install the Software. Use of this Software beyond the applicable license term, or any attempt to defeat the time-control disabling function in the Software is an unauthorized use and constitutes a material violation of this Agreement and intellectual property law.

2.3              Upgrades.  If Autodesk labels the Software in the User Documentation as an upgrade or update (“New Version) to software previously licensed to You (“Previous Version), You must destroy all copies of the Previous Version, including any copies Installed on Your hard disk drive, and upon request by Autodesk return any User Documentation to Autodesk or the authorized distributor from whom You acquired the Previous Version within one hundred twenty (120) days of Installing the New Version.  Autodesk reserves the right to require You to show satisfactory proof that the Previous Version has been destroyed. Autodesk or an authorized third-party in connection with the Software licensed to You hereunder may provide You additional software that supplements or extends the Software.  Such supplemental software and any New Versions shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement except Section 5.1 (Limited Warranty), unless otherwise specified at the time of delivery. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You may retain and need not destroy the Previous Version and may use the Previous Version solely if necessary (1) for the purposes of Installing the New Version hereby licensed and (2) for archival (backup) purposes in order to Install the New Version licensed by this Agreement if the initial installation fails.

2.4              Software Components.  The Software is licensed to You as a single product and its components may not be separated for distribution or use on more than one (1) Computer unless expressly permitted by Autodesk in the applicable User Documentation.


3.              Permitted and prohibited actions

3.1              Permitted Actions

              3.1.1              Backup Copy.  Regardless of which version of the Software You have acquired, You may Install one archival (backup) copy of the Software.  Such archival copy may not be Installed on another Computer, unless such other Computer is a partitioned drive of a server to which only the user of the active copy of the Software can Access. In any event, the archival copy may not be Accessed as long as another copy of the Software is Installed on any Computer.  Except as expressly permitted under Section 2.2(a) if the User Documentation is in printed form, it may not be copied; and (b) if the User Documentation is in electronic form, it may not be duplicated electronically.

              3.1.2              Additional Installation.  Except with regard to Educational Institutional, Student and Evaluation Versions only, You may Install and Access a second copy of the Software on the hard disk of a second Computer owned by You or under Your control provided that:

                            (i) the original and second copies are used only by the same person;

                            (ii) the second copy is Installed and Accessed only on either (a) with respect to Network Versions, a redundant server that makes the Software available for use only when Your primary server on which the active Software copy is Installed becomes inoperable, or (b) a notebook computer or other non-server computer away from Your usual work location for the purpose of enabling You to perform work while away from Your usual work location;

                            (iii) only one of the Software copies is Accessed at any one time; and

                            (iv) both copies of the Software are Installed and Accessed exclusively with the copy protection device (if any) supplied with the Software.

3.2                            Prohibited ActionsAutodesk does not permit any of the following actions and You acknowledge that such actions shall be prohibited:

              3.2.1              Use.  You may not Install, Access or otherwise copy or use the Software or User Documentation except as expressly authorized by this Agreement.

              3.2.2              Reverse Engineering.  You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.

              3.2.3              Transfers.  You may not distribute, rent, loan, lease, sell, sublicense, or otherwise transfer all or any portion of the Software or User Documentation, or any rights granted in this Agreement, to any other person without the prior written consent of Autodesk.

              3.2.4              Hosting or Third Party Use.  You may not Install or Access, or allow the Installation or Access of, the Software over the Internet, including, without limitation, use in connection with a Web hosting or similar service, or make the Software available to third parties via the Internet on Your computer system or otherwise.

              3.2.5              Notices.  You may not remove, alter, or obscure any proprietary notices, labels, or marks from the Software or User Documentation.

              3.2.6              Modifications.  You may not modify, translate, adapt, arrange, or create derivative works based on the Software or User Documentation for any purpose.

              3.2.7              Circumvention.  You may not utilize any equipment, device, software, or other means designed to circumvent or remove any form of copy protection used by Autodesk in connection with the Software, or use the Software together with any activation code, serial number, or other copy protection device not supplied by Autodesk directly or through an authorized distributor.

              3.2.8              Export.  You may not export the Software or User Documentation in violation of this Agreement, U.S. or other applicable export control laws.

              3.2.9              Use Outside of TerritoryYou may not use the Software, including without limitation a Network Version, or User Documentation outside of the country in which You acquired the Software, unless the Software and User Documentation were purchased in the European Economic Area (“E.E.A.”) in which case use throughout the E.E.A. is permitted.


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