Kenneth Lee - BS Trading (Supply & Demand).pdf

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BS Trading
Buying and Selling
No Bull
I am Kenneth Lee, and I have been trading for over 3
years. The entire time my only focus has been to find the
one thing that above all is key to what we see displayed on
charts. My past is full of buying and selling products and
services, So it is strange for me to have taken this long to
stumble across the truth. That all we are doing is filling
orders by buying or selling at different levels of interest.
The Supply and Demand is the levels where these
orders are waiting to be filled. It is some of the clearest
and most precise trading I have come across. The use of
different labels in trading has been a bit of a struggle to
overcome, So many just substitute one word for another
never considering the difference in the meaning of the
Saying Supply and Demand is equal to Support and
Resistance is one of the things that may keep some from
exploring deeper into S/D as they may believe they already
understand that within their trading.
I hope to show the difference in the two and the easy
none subjective nature of true , Buying and Selling at the
Supply and Demand levels.
The information I will be presenting here is
almost 100% from Sam Seiden, I never take
credit for others hard work. But I do try
and add my simplistic style of showing how I
see things. The same story told by two
different people is always a bit different.
The truth be told me trying to explain to
you is really how I help myself, because as I
grasp with ideas myself to explain clearly as
I can the different points of interest I have to
better understand them . I always try to get
you to write your own trading manual in
your own words. Because ultimately the only
person you believe is yourselves.
Link to Sam's website;
The goal is and has always been to find the one idea
that above all is what drives the market and is displayed
on our charts. The use of lots of indicators has always left
me a little concerned as they are only formed after the
fact. No matter what your looking at it is a delayed
reaction to what has happened.
I have always believed and researched as much as I
could Price Action. Believing that is really the initial point
of what is printing on the charts. Which Supply and
Demand is a function of , but price action again is such a
broad use of a word encompassing many different ideas
and styles that it just becomes to subjective.
Subjective, that is a word I have come to really dislike.
So much in trading has begun to revolve around that
word whether it is actually spoken or not. Within the use
of Support and Resistance it is a almost constant.
You read all the time well my line is a bit different
from yours or it is always a area, And some of those areas
are huge. The idea I have found behind the Supply and
Demand levels is that better precision can be achieved and
with that comes less doubt.
Doubt by itself can be the hardest item to overcome.
We already as novices doubt our abilities or if we are
seeing things correctly. But then to try and learn
something where doubt is part of the plan. Doesn't give us
much hope.
Then the complication of so many trading ideas. Each
part alone which can be a great trading plan but when the
same plan wins as much as it loses.
Then the only difference is our ability to control
ourselves with little or no experience and the doubt we
have within ourselves.
We need and deserve a KISS'S system,
Keep It Simple Stupid Strategy. That is where B/S trading
comes in.
A trading idea that has the least rules as any I have
seen , Which leaves less to doubt or consider before each
trade. You can clearly see the entries, the risk, and the
profit targets.
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