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TDR2000 Readme

Welcome to TDR2000
This document contains valuable information about running TDR2000.
2.         DIRECTX 7.0a
3.         GAME LAUNCHER
8.         CONTACT
Minimum Spec:
 Intel Pentium II 266 / AMD K6-2 300Mhz
 Windows 95/98
 Hardware Accelerated Mode: DirectX 7 supported D3D Accelerated Graphics Card with 8Mb RAM or above (D3D performance will vary from card to card)
 Software Mode: DirectX 7 supported 8Mb graphics card
400MB hard drive space
 DirectX 7 supported soundcard
 8 x Speed CD-ROM or above
 200MB Swap file
Full Performance Recommended Spec:
 Intel Pentium III / AMD Athlon / 500Mhz
 Windows 95/98
 DirectX 7 supported D3D Accelerated Graphics Card with 32Mb RAM or above
 400MB hard drive space
 DirectX 7 supported soundcard
 8 x Speed CD-ROM or above
 200MB Swap File
2. DIRECTX 7.0a
TDR2000 has been optimised for DirectX 7.0a, in order to take advantage of this 
optimisation you are strongly advised to install DirectX 7.0a when prompted to. 
Hardware Acceleration
TDR2000 runs in Direct3D, this ensures that the game provides the best 
performance on the widest range of 3D video cards. 
Software Acceleration
TDR2000 runs in software, this ensures that the game provides the best 
performance on the widest range of 2D video cards. 
When the game starts for the first time it examines the hardware in your PC and works out the best graphics mode to run in (Do Not Change this). You may choose a higher resolution if required (we recommend 640x480 or 800x600)

A software mode is available and can be selected via the TDR2000 setup icon placed in your Windows start menu.
It is possible to override the options the launcher selects but we recommend playing the game in whatever default mode is initially presented before selecting any alternate modes.
In the launcher clicking on the Advanced button offers extra options. If you have any performance issues in Direct3D turning off some of these options may improve the games performance. 

You may need to install the latest drivers for your graphics and sound card to secure the best performance from the game. These drivers are normally available from your card manufacturer or they may be downloaded from the Internet. (See the 3D CARD SUPPORT SITES below)
      Action Default TDR Keys

      Recover - You?re going to need this one when you manage to flip yourself 
      on your head - Return
      Turn Left - Left Cursor Key
      Turn Right - Right Cursor Key
      Accelerate - Up Cursor Key
      Brake/Reverse - Down Cursor Key
      Handbrake - Space
      Wheel Spin - Z
      Repair - Double tap this key for full repair but look out, you pay for 
      every repair! - Backspace
      Map - Don?t get lost now! - Tab
      Cockpit View - Get up close & personal - F6 or C
      Change Camera Mode F1 - F9
      Auto Target - Gives you a rolling update on your opponents well-being (or lack of it) - T
      Target Cycle - Set your sights on any opponent and keep track of their state of health - Y
      HUD On/Off - H
      Select Powerups - A S
      Use Power-up - Alt
      Use Mission Item - Left Ctrl
      Manual Gear Change Up - Q 
      Manual Gear Change Down - W
      Action Replay On/Off - Numpad Enter
      Mission Reminder - /
      Screen Shot - Prt Scr
      Race Camera - Move back & up - PgUp
      Race Camera - Move forward & down - PgDn
      Show Car Names - Just in case you want to know who you?re running into! - N
      Open Doors - Great for inflicting a wider damage area. - D
      Mouse Look - This lets you take a quick peek in the area around your car  
      it?s very handy when you?re looking for stuff in the missions. - L
      See what opponent cars are doing - M
      Look backwards - needed alot when you?re being taken from behind! - B
      Action TDR Keys
      Play Forward (Normal Speed) - .
      Play Backward (Normal Speed) - ,
      Pause - P
      Rewind to Start - R
      Wind to End- F
      Backward | Frame - ;
      Forward | Frame - ?
      Change Camera - Fancy yourself as a budding director?  You?ve got 12 
      different camera views to play with, have fun! F1 - F12
      Record On/Off - Enter

Misc display hardware
If you have some textures missing from cars or the level, or indeed any 
graphical problems, please ensure that you have the latest DirectX 7.0a drivers for 
your particular display hardware.

NVIDIA TNT/TNT2 display hardware
TDR2000 defaults to using pixel fog if the display driver reports it is 
Even though some TNT/TNT2/TNT2 Vanta/TNT2 M64 drivers have a setting "enable fog 
table emulation" (ie. enable pixel fog emulation) that is DISABLED, the driver 
still reports the pixel fog capability.  The result, in this case, will be the 
game level almost entirely drawn in the fog colour. To fix this, enable fog 
table emulation in your display settings or modify the
display options to disable per pixel fogging.

3DFX Voodoo 2 display hardware
On some Voodoo2 drivers, the full motion video will not display unless the game 
is run at a display resolution of 640x480.  At a resolutions greater than 
640x480 the menu system may be sluggish.

Pausing in game or slow down.
This may be because of your 'Windows Swap File' Size.
You can adjust the size of your Windows swap file to achieve improved performance.  
The default configuration allows Windows to set the size of your file. Here in 
the QA department we found that  setting the size of your swap file to roughly 
2.5 times the amount of physical RAM you have improves game performance.  
WARNING: You should not change the size or location of your swap file unless you 
know what you are doing.

TDR2000 was tested on a Base PC of PII 266 Celeron with 64Mb of RAM using Win98 SE. Since PCs from the same manufacturer and the same model performance and compatibility can vary from PC to PC this table is provided purely for information. 

As with any PC you should generally try and keep it as healthy as possible, you can do so by doing the following tasks.

Scandisk your hard drive on a weekly basis

Defragment your hard drive on a weekly basis

Virus Check (with the latest virus definitions) your Hard Drive.

Verify that you have at least 200MB+ of free hard drive space (after the game has been installed). 

If your hard drive is running out of space, you can make more space available by deleting/uninstalling unnecessary files on the PC. (NOTE: Never delete files unless you are sure of their use)

You must have DirectX 7.0 or above compliant drivers for your video card and sound card for the game to run at it optimum. Please note: You will need to obtain the latest DirectX 7.0 or above drivers from your card manufacturer.  If `TDR2000` does not run properly on your video card and you are experiencing graphical glitches this may be the cause.

A particular card's performance can not be guaranteed. The following list of videocard are cards that were tested and worked well with the game. We tested all the latest drivers at the time of release.

With the Nvidia cards we used Nvidia's own Detonator drivers to test with. All specific card drivers based on this version should be fine as well.

On the 3dfx cards the drivers from the official 3dfx site were used.
Card                    Chipset         Memory		Driver Version 
3DFX                    Voodoo 2         8Mb    	  V3.02.02
3DFX			Voodoo Banshee	 16Mb    	  V1.04.00
3DFX                    Voodoo 2         12Mb      	  V3.02.02
3DFX                    Voodoo 3 2000    16Mb    	  V1.04.00 DX7
3DFX                    Voodoo 3 3000    16Mb    	  V1.04.00 DX7
3DFX                    Voodoo 3 3500    16Mb		  V1.04.02 
3DFX                    Voodoo 5 5500    16Mb     	  V1.01.00
Matrox G200             G200             8Mb      	  V5.52
Matrox G400             G400             16Mb     	  V5.52
Matrox G400             G400             32Mb    	  V5.52
NVIDIA                  TNT              16Mb    	  Detonator 3.68 
NVIDIA                  TNT2             32Mb    	  Detonator 3.68 
NVIDIA                  TNT2 Ultra       32Mb    	  Detonator 3.68 
NVIDIA                  TNT2 M64         32Mb        	  Detonator 3.68 
NVIDIA                  TNT2 Vanta       8Mb    	  Detonator 3.68
NVIDIA			TNT2 Vanta PCI	 32Mb		  Drivers from CD
NVIDIA                  Geforce          32Mb    	  Detonator 3.68 
NVIDIA                  Geforce DDR      32Mb		  Detonator 3.68 
NVIDIA                  Geforce 2 GTS    32Mb		  Detonator 5.22 (Creative 5.30 tested OK aswell)
NVIDIA                  Geforce 2 GTS    64Mb 		  Detonator 5.22 (Hercules 5.22 tested OK aswell)
NVIDIA                  Quadro           64Mb    	  Detonator 3.68 
ATI                     Fury Maxx        64Mb    	  Drivers from CD
ATI                     Rage 128         8MB     	  V4.12 6269
ATI                     3D ...
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