GURPS 4e - Extras - Maneuvers Cheat Sheet (unofficial).pdf

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GURPS 4th Edition Combat Cheat Sheet - Maneuvers
GURPS 4 th Edition Combat Cheat Sheet: Maneuvers
Aim (B364)
Take time to aim a shot. 1 or 2 sec: +1. 3 or
more sec: +2 maximum bonus. Add +1 for
bracing. Total aiming bonus from all sources
cannot exceed weapon’s Accuracy. If injured
while aiming, do a Will roll or lose Aim bonus.
Move: Step (or none if bracing a 2H weapon)
AD: Any (but spoils accumulated Aim bonus)
Evaluate (B364)
Do not attack: study your foe to gain a future
attack bonus. +1 bonus per consecutive turn of
Evaluation, to a maximum of +3. Bonus applies
to that foe only on the next turn only, with these
maneuvers only: Attack, Feint, All-Out Attack,
or Move and Attack.
Move: Step AD: Any
All-Out Attack (B365)
Melee Options: Determined (single attack at
+4), Double (2 normal attacks), Feint (Feint
followed by attack), Strong (add +2 damage
bonus or +1 per damage die)
Ranged Options: Determined (single attack at
+1), Suppression Fire (for RoF 5+ weapons
only; see B409)
Move: ½ Move, forward only AD: None
Feint (B365)
Win a Quick Contest (B348) of melee skills to
penalize foe’s active defense next turn.
You Lose/Foe Wins or Loses: Feint fails!
Win/Lose: Margin of success is foe’s penalty
Win/Win: Margin of victory is foe’s penalty
Note: Foe may opt to roll on a melee skill
(weapon, shield) or DX, whichever is higher.
Move: Step AD: Any
All-Out Defense (B366)
Choose from: Increased Defense (+2 to all uses
that turn of one of Dodge, Parry, Block); Double
Defense (use 2 defenses vs. 1 attack)
Move: Step or ½ Move if using Increased Dodge
AD: As above
Attack (B365)
Make one attack (melee or ranged).
Move: Step (before OR after attack)
AD: Any
Move (B364)
Move only. Moving at full speed forward for 2+
turns is a Sprint (B354); +20% to 2 nd Move
onwards (drop fractions, minimum bonus 1
yard); better with Enhanced Move (Ground).
Move: Up to Move unless Sprinting AD: Any
Move and Attack (B365)
Take a full Move. You may also attack at a
penalty at any time during your movement.
Melee: -4; max effective skill 9; slam ok (B371).
Ranged: Worse of -2 or weapon’s Bulk; lose any
accumulated Aim bonus
Notes: GM may issue -2 to rolls on tripping, etc.
Move: Up to Move in yards
AD: Dodge or Block (No Parry or Retreat)
Change Posture (364)
Move from [Prone, Face Up] → [Crawling,
Kneeling, Sitting] → Standing; or Standing to
any posture other than Crouching (see below)
Notes: Kneeling↔Standing = “Step”;
Standing→Crouching = Free Action
Move: None AD: Any
Ready (B366)
Pick up an item or draw a weapon; do simple
physical actions, e.g. open door; toggle ability
off/on if Attack or Concentrate maneuver is not
required to do so.
Move: Step AD: Any
Concentrate (B366)
Concentrate on one mental task, e.g. a Sense
roll, spellcasting, or an IQ skill. Using AD
forces a Will-3 check to stay focused.
Move: Step AD: Any
Wait (B366)
Do nothing until a stated event occurs, then do
an Attack, Feint, All-Out Attack or Ready.
Move: None until the trigger event occurs
AD: Any (but then you may not convert Wait
into an All-Out Attack, just an Attack)
Do Nothing (B364)
Do nothing besides use AD, e.g. when stunned.
Move: None AD: Any (-4 if stunned)
Move Modifiers: Kneeling, Crawling: x⅓. Prone: 1 only. Step: 1 / 10 of Move (round up) + facing change.
Free Actions: Talk, maintain a spell or psi effect, drop an item, and move from Standing→Crouching.
Last updated: 7/6/05. Find the current version at .
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