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{1}{75}/SubEdit b.4056 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{372}{569}- A minute 15 slower than last week.|- Oh, we're... ha You're getting old.
{573}{666}Looks like Bob Archer's kids|from Lawrence Hastings Academy.
{670}{767}What are they doing up here?|They've got three gyms and two weight rooms.
{771}{861}- Could you be more jealous?|- No.
{865}{922}You know I saw them kayaking the other day.
{926}{1050}- Think they're practicing for the X-Challenge Race.|- Saw the banner up in town.
{1054}{1181}You know, maybe we ought to get together|a team this year from the Cliffhangers.
{1185}{1274}- Well, that could be a good cooperative exercise.|- Yeah.
{1278}{1440}I just don't know if we have enough room left|in the trophy case back in school.
{1444}{1476}Come on, push it, push it! Let's go!
{1480}{1603}Come on, push it, push it! That's it.|That's it! Come on, gang. Let's go! Move it! Move it!
{1607}{1722}- Peter, Hannah, how goes it?|- Bob, you guys are looking awfully good.
{1726}{1839}Have them cross-training six days a week.|You should come by, it'd be an education.
{1843}{2026}I'd love to, except we're going to be|a little busy pulling together our own team this year.
{2030}{2080}Something, uh, funny, Bob?
{2084}{2187}Well, your faith in those delinquents is sweet,|but this is a real competition.
{2191}{2276}A real competition,|like that weekly basketball game we used to have?
{2280}{2347}You know, I haven't seen you lately.|You just get tired of losing or what?
{2351}{2452}I got busy with the|athletes that needed me, real athletes.
{2456}{2643}I smell a bet here, Bob. I bet that our Cliffhangers|finish the X-Challenge Race before your guys.
{2647}{2781}- Loser buys dinner?|- Come on. You're on. Ciao.
{2785}{2923}- Don't, all right?|- Peter, you really want the Cliffhangers in this race?
{2927}{3078}Scott hasn't adjusted yet|and the rest of them don't exactly run like a Swiss watch.
{3082}{3196}Well, they need it more than most.|Come on, let's go.
{3200}{3285}I want to beat your butt back to the lodge.
{3289}{3381}- Loser cooks breakfast?|- I sense a food theme going here.
{3385}{3478}On three.|One, two.
{5274}{5418}Stop. Someone might see us. No, you don't know.|They're totally serious about rules here. If we get caught.
{5422}{5630}- You taste good.|- Stop it. We'll be on restriction for like a month.
{5910}{6072}Well...Eggs, poached, toast dry,|and, uh, herb tea.
{6076}{6322}- Oh, say, uh, five minutes?|- You're not a very good winner. You know that, don't you?
{6407}{6529}Hey, kid. You're up early.|Are you on kitchens?
{6533}{6669}- Kitchens, um... Yeah.|- You okay? You look a little flushed.
{6673}{6926}Not getting sick on me, are you? Huh?|I need you healthy. I got to go make some breakfast.
{7024}{7106}That was close.
{7110}{7174}It's called the X-Challenge Race.
{7178}{7326}There'll be kayaking, mountain biking, and the last leg of the|race is a run through the woods with a map and compass.
{7330}{7362}It's gonna take you all day
{7366}{7515}and you have to finish each leg of the|race together as a team before you get a chance to move on.
{7519}{7607}There'll be teams from all over the country there,|but they're not all professionals.
{7611}{7691}Lawrence Hastings Prep also has a team.
{7695}{7761}They do it because it looks good|on their Harvard applications.
{7765}{7856}We don't have long to train.|It's gonna be a tough road.
{7860}{7986}- I know you guys can do it.|- Come on, guys, it'll be great.
{7990}{8076}Hope archer doesn't have a big appetite.
{8080}{8256}- We need a team captain. Interested?|- Yes, definitely.
{8265}{8316}So what if we don't want to do it?
{8320}{8514}So what if we don't want to do it?|It's up to you. You're in, you're out. You decide.
{8518}{8699}Two words, no way. I'm so sick and tired|of being covered head to toe in mud.
{8703}{8762}Yeah, she's not a jeep. She's a jaguar.
{8766}{8876}You know, I hear all the hot jocks|lose like 10 pounds during the race.
{8880}{8997}- Really?|- Yeah, I ain't going out looking like no fool, either.
{9001}{9136}Auggie, you know what those rich guys from|Lawrence Hastings think? Do you?
{9140}{9254}They say, "that homeboy couldn't ride|a mountain bike unless he stole it."
{9258}{9380}Then I say we go kick some butt.
{9400}{9485}Hey, man.|One in, all in.
{9489}{9543}That's the way it is around here.
{9547}{9728}- Don't walk away from the family.|- You're not my family.
{9778}{9851}What's with him?|His attitude stinks.
{9855}{9935}- Do you remember what it's like to be new?|- I was never that bad.
{9939}{10143}Oh, no. You were worse. He's still settling in.|He needs to be part of this team.
{10147}{10224}Look, I know he's supposed to be|some great athlete,
{10228}{10323}but I don't want him on the team,|and he obviously doesn't want to be on it.
{10327}{10412}Katherine, you have to help him out here.|He has to know he's not alone,
{10416}{10509}even if he wants to be.|Has to learn to trust you guys.
{10513}{10622}- All right, but he should learn to keep his mouth closed.|- Katherine.
{10626}{10690}I'm just looking out|for his well-being is all, you know,
{10694}{10852}- before somebody shuts it for him.|- All right.
{10887}{11068}You don't have to be the tough guy|all the time, you know.
{11105}{11196}I mean, it's cute and all,|but everybody wants to do the race, so...
{11200}{11360}- You sound like one of them.|- I am one of them.
{11400}{11458}You were like|an amazing football player.
{11462}{11551}- You could help us so much.|- This isn't football.
{11555}{11692}- You were so good.|- Would you stop telling me how good I was?
{11696}{11833}I'm stuck out here|in the middle of nowhere now.
{11837}{11943}I'm not anything anymore.
{11985}{12067}You are to me.
{12110}{12210}Couldn't you just try?
{12755}{12806}Don't just use the map, Kat.|Look around.
{12810}{12886}- I don't want to do this anymore.|- Use the compass, map and your head, all right?
{12890}{12980}- Can't go on, man... I'm tired, I'm hungry...|- Oh, my back is killing me.
{12984}{13028}You guys are doing great.
{13032}{13131}I cannot function at this hour|without coffee and a cigarette.
{13135}{13189}- Let's go.|- No, Peter.
{13193}{13305}- All right, guys.|- Chop-chop.
{13309}{13416}- This sucks.|- There it is.
{13420}{13495}Dylan rock.
{13500}{13586}Hey, I found it.
{13610}{13761}Okay, guys, get moving.|Harness up, helmets. Chop-chop.
{13765}{13948}Now you want to climb fast,|but you don't want to get hurt.
{14004}{14090}Safe and steady.
{14110}{14286}All right. Piece of cake.|All right. Ready to come down.
{14350}{14476}Okay, two by two.|Ezra and Auggie.
{14610}{14686}Come on,|you can do it.
{14690}{14732}- On belay.|- Belay on.
{14736}{14761}- On belay.|- Belay on.
{14765}{14833}- Climbing.|- Climb on.
{14837}{14871}- Climbing.|- Climb on.
{14875}{15010}Come on you guys.|Nice and easy, guys.
{15018}{15093}Go, Auggie.
{15109}{15166}Come on, Ezra.
{15170}{15306}- Hey, watch your line.|- One foot at a time, Ezra.
{15310}{15396}- Come on, E.Z. You can do it.|- Come on, Ezra.
{15400}{15581}- This is totally pathetic.|- You could try to help, you know.
{15585}{15711}- Having a little trouble there, Pete?|- Oh, the little girl can't even climb.
{15715}{15841}Peter, i'm feeling charitable today,|so if you want out of that bet?
{15845}{15901}- How do you think we're doing, Kat?|- Awesome.
{15905}{15966}I agree.
{15970}{16079}You want to make that bet|a little more interesting, Bob?
{16083}{16180}- You name it.|- How's your singing voice?
{16184}{16273}If you win, I sing in front|of everybody at the barbecue.
{16277}{16377}If you lose, you sing.
{16390}{16546}You can outrun bears,|kayak the nastiest rivers, but singing...
{16550}{16638}- You're on.|- Excellent. Come on, guys,
{16642}{16686}we got a lot of ground to cover.|Let's go.
{16690}{16796}- See you at the finish line.|- We'll be waiting there for you.
{16800}{16886}- Right?|- Yeah.
{17050}{17143}Everyone feel good?
{17235}{17346}Listen, Scott, I don't want you faking|any kind of enthusiasm here. I really don't.
{17350}{17478}I just want to beat the Lawrence Hastings kids|and I do not want to sing, got me?
{17482}{17674}So please, just help.|Give it a try, that's all i ask. Come on.
{17900}{18110}- Let's go, Cliffhangers. And try to keep up.|- Hey, we don't need you.
{18880}{18976}- Paddles up.|- Get away.
{18980}{19093}Now, from your waist down...
{19118}{19254}All right, all right. Come on, please.
{19361}{19479}All right. Let's go. Let's go.
{20051}{20160}Stop it! Don't get me wet.
{20360}{20466}All right.|That's enough.
{20503}{20663}- Hurts. It definitely hurts.|- I need a shiatsu.
{20720}{20939}- You guys did great. Really.|- Could you rest the whole cheerleader thing?
{20947}{21026}You didn't do great.
{21030}{21126}- You're all pathetic.|- Lay off her, meat. She did great.
{21130}{21250}Three conference championships.
{21280}{21394}You know what that means, huh?
{21398}{21449}What did you ever win|in your entire life?
{21453}{21571}I wish you would just shut up!
{21613}{21696}We all know you were captain,|and we all know what happened.
{21700}{21824}They kicked you off|because you were too stoned to run straight.
{21828}{21916}Big football hero.
{21920}{22061}- So please, could you just shut up?|- Scott, if you want to help, help.
{22065}{22239}- We're open to suggestions.|- Just stay out of my way.
{22330}{22453}- Hey. Your attitude's not helping here.|- They don't know how to win.
{22457}{22563}Well, maybe not because|they don't do a lot of wining around here, Scott.
{22567}{22664}They do a lot of just getting through, come out|and play another day. That kind of thing, pal.
{22668}{22740}I want you to stick with this.|May...
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