d20 Bloodstone Press Random Encounters The Hunt.pdf

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Requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition Core Rules,
published by Wizards of the Coast, inc.
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Design and Development: John Glare
Editing: Chris Cant
Cover Art: Jole Grahn
Interior Art: Jason Walton (c/o Louis Porter Jr)
Special Thanks: Chad Wilkerson, Patrick Dolan, James West and
Able Cohan.
Bloodstone Press
P.O. box 332703
Murfreesboro TN, 37133
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Welcome to the Random Encounters series
from Bloodstone Press. Each installment in this
series details one encounter that can be easily
dropped into almost any d20 campaign of fantasy
adventure. You can check out other installments
in this series right here .
The hamlet of Shady Vale is a tiny rural
settlement nestled in a small valley and
surrounded by wilderness. An advanced
enchanted dire panther entered the valley a few
weeks ago and began preying on travelers,
woodsmen, hunters, and trappers throughout the
hills around the town. Shortly thereafter, the
panther discovered the town itself and the well-
fed livestock and people of Shady Vale. It found
the humans and livestock to be easy prey and
quickly began depopulating the area. The
townspeople have tried a number of escalating
measures to rid themselves of the beast. They
sent hunters after it but they were killed. The town
militia attacked it when it was spotted in one of
the fields, killing a cow. But it retaliated, mauling
the militiamen horribly and killing several. Since
then, it has been seen prowling the fields and
farmyards at night with impunity. Some brave
young boys went to get help from the nearby
castle (or town, or fort, or military post), but they
have not been heard from since, and it has been
several days.
The Hunt is designed for a typical group of 6 th -
8 th level adventurers. It might be useful to have a
barbarian or druid among the party. However, a
ranger will probably be essential to defeat this
encounter, as the heroes will need to be able to
track and to survive in the wilderness.
The d20 statistics for the enchanted dire panther
and the enchanted creature template are hereby
declared Open Game Content. All other content
of this document is reserved as Product Identity
and may not be reproduced in any format without
written permission from the publisher,
Bloodstone Press.
Vital Information
The Encounter
The Encounter
The Setup: Although the characters might
notice one of the panther’s paths or attack sites
before they reach the village, it is most likely that
they arrive at Shady Vale unaware of the danger
and hear about it for the first time from the
villagers. There are a number of places where
people and animals have been recently attacked
(see map) and the villagers will gladly show them
to the characters. If they investigate these sites,
the heroes should be able to pick up the creature’s
trail (see Tracking the Panther sidebar) and follow
it to the network of paths it has created around
the town (see map).
The beast frequently travels in the same routes,
creating a confusion of tracks, both old and new.
Furthermore, there are several junctions and
Encounter Level: 7
Locale: Any forested temperate hills.
Recommended Class: Ranger
Duration (real time): 30 minutes – 1 full
game session
Duration (game time): Half a day – 3 days
or more
Summary: The heroes encounter a terrible beast
that is rapidly depopulating a small hamlet.
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The End Game: When the panther flees, it
stays mainly on its well-traveled paths, knowing
this is the best way to conceal its tracks. Although
the characters may be able to follow the paths in
general, they will have a great deal of difficulty
following the most recent set of tracks (see
Tracking the Panther sidebar). The panther will
follow its paths through the forest, frequenting
the junctions and following the same two or three
paths repeatedly, confusing the tracker with
dozens of very recent sets of tracks. It will also
use the circular nature of the paths to sneak up
on the characters from behind and begin stalking
them while they think they are stalking it.
Occasionally, it will simply leap off the trail and
hide, wait for the characters to fail their Track
check and pass by, then start following behind
them. The panther will also use the various
streams and rivers in the area to help throw any
trackers off the trail.
The panther has now learned to fear the heroes
and will flee from any fair and open fight with
them. It will now only fight with them if cornered
or in a position of significant advantage. It will
spring ambushes on them and flee before they
have a chance to react and it will stalk them
patiently, waiting for one or two to get separated
from the group and attack them.
While living on the run, the panther will
continue to kill and eat townspeople and
livestock. In fact, after the characters injure it in
the initial battle, it will begin preying on the town
very heavily, as it is easier for the injured panther
to bring down domesticated animals and humans
than to catch a wild animal. It will continue to
consume 500 pounds of meat each day until it is
Other predators in the area, including bears and
wolves , are especially hungry, as this voracious
cat has depleted their usual food sources. The
heroes may encounter these predators as they
wander over the hills in search of their quarry.
water crossings, requiring a Track check every
time they are encountered.
The panther is quite alert and always looking
for any individuals or small groups wandering in
the wilderness. Since it spends much of its time
hiding, either hunting or resting in seclusion, it is
most likely that the panther will hear or see the
heroes before they spot it. As soon as it spies
them, it will begin stalking them and looking for
the best place to stage an ambush.
In fact, it is fairly likely that the heroes will
walk right into an ambush. The panther spends a
lot of time lurking near the road, near the human
trails and near various deer trails (not marked on
the map, but running in many of the same places
as the panther’s paths). It often hides along these
routes and waits for juicy meals to pass by.
Alternately, there is a slight chance that the
heroes will find the beast while it is engaged in
killing or feeding on a victim (livestock, wild
animals or villagers). In this case it will attack
them savagely, as it feels very strongly about
defending its food.
The characters might also decide to set a trap
for the beast. If they can come up with a good
plan for this, they should be allowed to give it a
shot. However, the DM should remember that
the enchanted panther is an intelligent predator.
Initial Contact: Assuming the heroes attempt
to track the beast down, and assuming the panther
detects them first, it launches an ambush at the
most opportune time. If possible, it attacks while
they are separated. In any case, it attacks the
biggest and meatiest characters first, planning to
quickly secure the best food and scare off the
ones without as much meat on their bones. It
mauls the most robust characters with savage
ferocity. But after being reduced to less than 57
hp, the panther flees. However, unless the heroes
hunt it down and kill it, it will continue to plague
the region.
Terrain Modifiers: Much of the wilderness
around Shady Vale is covered in a medium
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The Aftermath
The Aftermath
If the characters manage to find the beast’s
lair and search it, they will find the remains
of several victims and roughly 300 gp worth
of assorted coins and jewelry. Much of this
loot obviously came from victims from the
town of Shady Vale. If the characters return
it to the families of the victims, they gain
double the gp amount in bonus experience
points to divide among the group members.
forest. Several small bogs, streams, and
ponds dot the hillsides around the village.
Spotting distance in a medium forest is
2d8x10 feet. Note that any Listen checks in
this environment take a –2 penalty for every
10 feet of distance, due to background noise.
Most of the ground in the area is covered
with light undergrowth, requiring two
squares of movement to move into. All
creatures in the area have concealment from
the undergrowth (20%). If the characters are
on the road or a trail, they have no
concealment. The panther’s paths do not
count as a trail for this purpose. Note that
the panther gains a concealment bonus from
the foliage in addition to its displacement
effect since these miss chances are caused by
two different circumstances (check 20% miss
chance for concealment then check 50% miss
chance for displacement). The DCs for all
Move Silently and Tumble checks in the light
forest are increased 2 points. There are two
areas of dense forests flanking the town, but
it is not likely that any action will occur in
those places. In the event that it does, see
additional d20 rules for forests in the SRD .
Standard Reward: If the characters manage
to kill the panther and prove as much to the
townspeople, the DM should award full
Experience Points for this encounter as an EL 7.
If the characters fail in one of those objectives,
the DM will have to decide on a lesser reward
based on the situation. In a show of their
gratitude, the poor townspeople take up a
collection and offer the heroes 200 gp as a reward.
Bonus Rewards: If the heroes resolve the
encounter in an exceptional way, such as
Tracking the Panther
Tracking the Panther
Open Terrain: In open terrain, such as the woodlands and fields around the town, tracking the panther
is fairly easy (Track check DC 14 + modifiers for weather, visibility and elapsed time)
Human Trails: There are several human trails winding through the wilderness around the town (see
map). The panther has discovered the trails and will use them to its advantage. On these human trails, the
panther’s tracks are somewhat more difficult to follow, as the ground is harder-packed and more frequently
traveled than open ground. Also, the panther has used these trails previously, creating a confusion of old
and new panther tracks. Following the most recent set of panther tracks on the human trails is a Track
check DC 17 + modifiers for weather, visibility and elapsed time.
Panther Paths: There is a large network of panther tracks encircling the village (see map). These are
not actually paths at all, but rather wilderness routes that have been traveled by the panther perhaps 10-50
times in recent weeks. To the untrained eye, there is no path at all and anyone who is not a skilled tracker
will have some difficulty just following the path in general (Track check DC 11 + modifiers for weather,
visibility and elapsed time). However, the panther has left so many sets of tracks along these routes in
recent weeks that it can confuse even a well-trained tracker. Following the most recent set of panther
tracks along the path requires a Track check (DC 18 + modifiers for weather, visibility and elapsed time)
to determine any time the panther leaves the path, makes a turn, or doubles back.
See the Track feat for more.
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