Religious World(s) in Slovakia.pdf

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Roman Kečka, Religious World(s) in Slovakia, 4-8.03.2013
Zapraszamy na kurs anglojęzyczny odbywający się w ramach programu CEEPUS.
The course presents both history and contemporary situation of the religion(s) in Slovakia. It
shows the many religious worlds of the Christians - Roman and Greek-Catholics, Lutherans and
Calvinists and the Orthodox Christians, and the small Christian churches – and the tensions that
there have been during the history; then the religious world of the Jews and that of the Romas
in Slovakia. Then it will analyze existing popular religious beliefs such as magic and
superstitions. One part of the course describes the present situation of the new religious
movements and the small Islamic community.
Students will develop knowledge about religious traditions and their adherents in Slovakia. The
course will provide a context within which the students will develop skills essential to be able to
describe, discuss and explain issues regarding the religion(s) in Slovakia.
Kod kursu: I/59
ECTS: 4 pkt
The exam: written test (the last day of the course)
0. Introduction to the course
1. The Great Moravian Empire (9. cent.): between the slavic religion and the
2. The Catholicism in Slovakia: the milestones
3. The Protestantisms in Slovakia: the lutherans, calvinists and small Protestant
4. Slovak Catholicism during the World War II. – the dream of a Catholic country
5. The Greek Catholics and the Orthodox: a history of tension and pain
6. Official and Hidden Christianities during the Communism
7. The Jewish Religion in Slovakia – its past and present
8. The Religious World of the Roman
9. Religious Revival after 1989: old churches and new religious movements
10. The popular religious beliefs in the present Slovakia: magic and superstitions
11. The Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism in Slovakia
12. Religion and religions in the contemporary Slovakia
13. Conclusion and the final test
Readings to the religion(s) in Slovakia:
Podolinská, T., „The Religious Landscape in Post-Communist Slovakia“, in Anthropological
Journal of European Cultures 19/1 (2010) 85-101.
Felak, J. R., „The Roman Catholic Church Navigates the New Slovakia, 1945-1948“, in Berglund
B. R. – Porter-Szucs (eds.), B., Christianity and Modernity in Eastern Europe , Budapest-New
York: CEUP, 2010.
Robertson, G. R., The Romani People and Selected Churches in Slovakia: a description,
analysis, and interpretation of their relations (1989-2007) , Oregon: Boekencentrum. 2009.
Schwarz, K. – Švorc, P. (eds.), Die Reformation und ihre Wirkungsgeschichte in der Slowakei.
Wien: Evangelischer Presseverband, 1996.
General readings to the religion in Central Europe:
In English:
Berglund B.R. – Porter-Szucs, B., Christianity and Modernity in Eastern Europe, Budapest-New
York: CEUP, 2010.
Borowik Irena, G. Babinski (eds.), New Religious Phenomena in Central and Eastern Europe,
Krakow: Nomos, 1997
Borowik, I. – Tomka M., Religion and Social Change in Post-Communist Europe, Krakow: Nomos,
Tomka, M., ed., Religion during and after Communism, SCM Press, 2000
Tylko 18 zarejestrowanych kościołów na Słowacji --> trudniejszy proces legislacyjny
Velvet Revolution – za czasów Czechosłowacji – komunizm
Slovakia-znacznie mniejsza od Polski,mniej mieszkańców.
od 1918 do 1993 była Czechosłowacja ---> należała do niej także tzw Zakarpacka Ukraina
(fragment dzisiejszej Ukrainy)
1918 – małe wioski w obecnych górach polskich należały do Słowacji (w 1920 znowu do Polski
czy jakoś tak)
Czechy również uszczknęły jakąś odrobinkę przy granicy
during war Slovakia was completely different
większość Słowacji jest na terenie górskim,niewielkie części na zachodzie i wschodzie są na
poziomie 200m npm
stolica Bratislava (in German Breizburg, in Hungarian Burzam czy jakoś tak), około 20 tysięcy
ludzi tam mieszka???
Kosice – drugie co do wielkości miasto
trzecie -niedaleko Preslov
Budapest – was part of Turkey – queens were coronated in Bratislava
when Czechoslovakia was founded (1918), in Bravislava lived mostly Germans
(3 millions of Germans in all Slovakia these times!)
near Bratislava = most inhabited part of Slovakia
Komarno – town on the border with Hungary
Slovakia is divided for 3 parts (western,eastern and northern) but it was divided also for 8 counties
(dzielnice?) - without any natural or historical reasons... in 1919 prime minister wanted to isolate
Slovakia nationally – nationallistic movements
no counties in Slovakia can ... from majority of Hungarians
there was about 400 tys. (4 hundred tousands) of Hungarians
tak podzielili dzielnice/województwa, żeby w każdej części Słowacy byli WIĘKSZOŚCIĄ – żeby
liczni np. Węgrzy nie byli nigdzie dominujący --> nacjonalizm w Słowacji
wg niektórych polityków mogliby chcieć uzyskać autonomię a to niebezpieczne bo Słowacja to
mały kraj
organization (diecezje) of Roman Catholic Church – before 2008 and after
before 2008: six really big dicesies
after 2008 – 8 dieciesies, really similar to political division --> again about majority of Slovaks vs
centre of nationalism in Slovakia is in Banskobystricka dieceza (Banskobystrice?)
in Bratislava there's also Hungarian speaking catholics so they want to have Hungarian speaking
bishop... and Hungarian speaking land were divided in such parties that it cannot anymore...??
Roman-Catholic church – w 1991r. - 60%, 2001 – 68%, 2011 – 62% people
(any data about there people) - nezistene – nie wiadomo – 17,4%, 3,0%, 10,6%
people without confession - bez vyznania – 9,8%, 13%, 13,4%
Ewangelicy: 6,2%, 6,9%, 5,9%
Greek-Catholic: 1991 – 3,4%, 2001 4,1%, 2011 3,8%
Kalvinists – about 2% (Reformovana krestanska cirkev)
Prawosławie: 0,7%, 0,9%, 0,9%
świadkowie Jehowy – 0,2%, 0,4%, 0,3% - it was illegal long time because they don't use medical
methodists church – 0,1%, 0,1%, 0,2% --> the growth is 100%!
kościoły chrystusowe??zielonoświątkowcy??jakieś grupy charyzmatyczne:) „more radical” - very
active among Gypsies! (krestanske zbory) – 0,0%, 0,1%, 0,1%
apostolic church – about 0,0-0,1%
baptists -same
adventists – same
Moravian brothers etc (Cirkev bratska) 0,0 – 0,1%
Jews – in 1991 there's 900 people registered and in 2001 there's 2300 people; in reality there's about
5000 people – they are afraid to write it; it's very dangerous to be Jew in Slovakia - a looot of
antisemitism! podczas II wojny światowej były tylko 2 kraje które z własnej woli wywozioły
Niemcom Żydów -Słowacja i (Czechy?) -- inne kraje robiły to tylko pod przymusem – przed wojną
było ok. 17 tys. Żydów w Słowacji
Old Catholic Church (Starokatolicka cirkev) – 800 in 1991, 1 733 in 2001 and now there's 1700
people (=0,0%)– Bishop of this Church was Roman-Catholic but in 1991 he founded his own
Cirkev ceskoslovenska husitska (Czechoslovak Husith Church) – Czech and Slovak people (mostly
Czech) -0,0%
New Apostolic Church – 0,0%
Bahajske spolecenstvo – 0,0% - 1000 people, registered after 2001.
Cirkev Jezisa Krista Svatych neskorsich dni -0,0%
inne – 0,1%, 0,1%, 0,5% ?
In 1991 many people didn't write anything cause it was just after the revolution, and they were
afraid what would happen!
Jeśli chcesz zarejestrować kościół w Słowacji – kiedyś wystarczało 15tys. podpisów,żeby
założyć,ale teraz już potrzebne jest żeby było tyle wyznawców -zarejestrowanych – a nie tylko
poparcie społ.!! Jeśli dzisiaj byłyby rejestrowane,to tylko trzy kościoły dostałyby legalizację
Próba rejestracji muzułmańskiej społeczności – trudno znaleźć 15tys. członków kościoła,może
zebraliby tyle podpisów... There's state policy who can be registered and who can't. Politics don't
agree for muslim registration. There's no freedom in statement.
Number of people without confession is growing. There's some new age etc., not only atheists :)
3 diecezje w Słowacji,acydiecezja jest na płn-wsch., bo na zach. są mniejszością [Roman-catholic
Lutheran church ---> eastern and western districts. Border is not strict line but it's good divided for
journey (because there are high mountains..)
only 18 registered churches. In Hungarian there was 400 registered :)in Slovakia government pay
for churches so it can't be so, because they don't have so much money
konordat (agreement with Vatican) with Slovaks
and the second agreeement with /for other churches
Holidays – national holidays- Christmas, Eastern (niedziela + poniedziałek) --> 15 state holidays –
free day – osobno katolickie i ortodoksyjne święta, święto Marii Panny, 1th November, St. Steven's
Day (26 grudnia),
THE GREAT MORAVIAN EMPIRE – one of the most important topics for Slovaks :)
Velke Moravy --> controverse terms (Czech empire etc.) so Velke Moravy is good one for every
nations; old slavic / slavonic language (starocerkiewnosłowiański)
empire extended to Hungary, Ostra, Slovenia, Ukraine and Germany. It was GREAT, huge land.
Balaton lake and somewhere above there would be a town of Moimir --- Nitra city and the second
was ? :(
TEST-basic tests and one great topic.
Daty na test:
GREAT MORAVIA (833-907) – 833 – principality of Nitra and Moravia were unified by the prince
Mojmir I
St Constantine-Kirill and his brother Methodius came to Slovakia in 863.
Prince Rastislav -
Svatopluk the I (871-894) – greater extension of the empire
not sure when there were kings etc.
but there are documents of St.Paul pope that Svatoluk was a „rex” --> king
after Svatopluk death, the empire wasn't unified anymore – Great Moravia was ... by .. who invaded
the Carpathian ...
907 – near Bratislava – some battle... battle between Bavarian and the ... - it was the end of Great
Moravian empire
REGARDING RELIGION: pagans, Slavic religion, christianity destroyed documentations and
there was really few
Pohansko – pagan territory ---> nie wiadomo gdzie dokładnie było centrum dla która/książąt, wg
niektórych Mikulczyce (Mikulcice) --> or Stare Mesto.
under Stare Mesto – archeological – some basilics fundaments – small churches --- under Mikulcice
– 10 fundaments of churchs
Nitra – connected with Kirill-Methodius mission --> more probably centre of empire?
Constantine died in 869 in Rome, Methodius in 885 in G.M.
relics of Constantine in Rome in basilica of St. ...?
where Methodius is buried? don't know.. in some church...where is it?
Svatopluk expelled students of Methodius out of Morava, they went to Serbian and Bulgarian
territory (developed alphabet there:)
Balaton the lake – nie wiadomo czy na wschód ziemie też były morawskie
glagolitic alphabet – glagol = 'syllable'
cirillic alphabet (asbuka?!)
comparition: cirillic is very similar to Greek...
Vitae Constntinis and Vitae Methody czy jakoś tak – sprawdzić tytuły na wikipedii – żywoty
Proglas ---? WTF? to jest niby bardzo ciekawe? one of the capt documents
CONSTANTINE AND METHODY: from Greece from Saloniki
Methody was older – born about 820-850...
there was 7 brothers, Constantine was the youngest
father was very important... in Saloniki
Methody gave up his office and went to the monastery
Constantine did so. Spiritually orientated life. Worked also on university... (nazwa miasta)
Further emperor was his school-mate
Constantine spoke probably Hebrew and Arabic...
jakieś misje u kalifów – obczaić -coś tam pomógł politycznie
Hebrew,Samaritan and Arabic language – chyba znowu Konstantyn.. - jakieś poprzednie misje
most important mission was the Slavs... came in 833..
old church slavonic language -->stworzenie języka --> przetłumaczyli jakieś dokumenty prawne
873 – what?cyrylica?nie wiem co wtedy było..
accused of being not orthodox enough
feast in 5th February – wtf?
king of the Franks
they let Methodius free...
Methodius was freed from captivity
Bishop/Pope John the 8th – gave the bull Industriae tuae 880
Methodius died in 885
It was continuing
Methodius ---> Gorazd (priest) and Wiching (bishop) (supported by Svatopluk the king) –
(Svatopluk was sth with the Franks) --> so there was interreaction between Franks and Methodius
Gorazd and companions expelled from Morava in 885
They were treated as heretics??
Because they were expelled, Czech and Slovak are not orthodox church (not with Russia). Slovakia
is border to orthodox world (Ukraine)
Slovakia is colourful – eastern Slovakia is mix of orthodox and Western churches
orthodox church is a minority in Slovakia, only small tense on history
894 ?
896 – Madziarowie zajęli Karpaty (Magyar)
907 – Bratislava battle – gdyby dali im przekroczyć rzekę to by dalej podbijali zach. Europę,ale
zostali zatrzymani, musieli się cofnąć – więc sobie zajęli część Słowacji i obecne Węgry
955 --> zatrzymanie na rzece?
1000 – Stephen was baptised by the Pope
two words for hungaria
slov. Uhorsko – historical Hungaria
after 1980 – Madjarska Republika
konflikt Słowacy-Madziarowie jak Polacy-Niemcy – odwieczny i bardzo ostry :P
5-03-2013 ---> nie było mnie, odpisać/skserować!
(historia od XI do XVIII wieku)
dzisiaj historia XVIII-XX wiek
1711-1740 Charles VI
Resolutio carolina 1731 --> Maria Theresia -->torture while asking people – even if she was
catholic,she was trying to humilize
1740-1780 Maria Theresia
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin