Ebook US ARMY FM - Sniper Training.doc

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This document reproduces the complete and unabridged text of a
United States Army Field Manual first published by the Department
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FM 23-10


No. 23-10              DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
Washington, DC, 17 August 1994



DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

*This publication supersedes TC 23-14, 14 June 1989.


FM 23-10


FM 23-10


FM 23-10


FM 23-10


FM 23-10


FM 23-10


FM 23-10


This field manual provides information needed to train and equip snipers and to aid them in their missions and operations. It is intended for use by commanders, staffs, trainers, snipers, and soldiers at training posts, Army schools, and units.

This manual is organized as a reference for snipers and leads the trainer through the material needed to conduct sniper training. Subjects include equipment, weapon capabilities, fundamentals of marksmanship and ballistics, field skills, mission planning, and skill sustainment. The left-handed firer can become a sniper, but all material in this book is referenced to the right-handed firer.

The proponent for this publication is Headquarters, United States Army Infantry School. Send comments and recommendations on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to the Commandant, United States Army Infantry School, ATTN: ATSH-IN-S3, Fort Benning, GA 31905-5596.

This publication complies with the following international agreements:




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Handling and Reporting of Captured Enemy Equipment and Documents

Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Radioactive Fallout and Biological and Chemical Attacks, and Predicting Associated Hazards


Artillery Procedures—AARTY-l Aeromedical Evacuation

Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference Report


Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men.


FM 23-10



The sniper has special abilities, training and equipment. His job is to deliver discriminatory highly accurate rifle fire against enemy targets, which cannot be engaged successfully by the rifleman because of range, size, location, fleeting nature, or visibility. Sniping requires the development of basic infantry skills to a high degree of perfection. A sniper's training incorporates a wide variety of subjects designed to increase his value as a force multiplier and to ensure his survival on the battlefield. The art of sniping requires learning and repetitiously practicing these skills until mastered. A sniper must be highly trained in long-range rifle marksmanship and field craft skills to ensure maximum efective engagements with minimum risk.


The primary mission of a sniper in combat is to support combat operations by delivering precise long-range fire on selected targets. By this, the sniper creates casualties among enemy troops, slows enemy movement, frightens enemy soldiers, lowers morale, and adds confusion to their operations. The secondary mission of the sniper is collecting and reporting battlefield information.

a. A well-trained sniper, combined with the inherent accuracy of his rifle and ammunition, is a versatile supporting arm available to an infantry commander. The importance of the sniper cannot be measured simply by the number of casualties he inflicts upon the enemy. Realization of the sniper’s presence instills fear in enemy troop elements and influences their decisions and actions. A sniper enhances a unit’s firepower and augments the varied means for destruction and harassment of the enemy. Whether a sniper is organic or attached, he will provide that unit with


FM 23-10

extra supporting fire. The sniper’s role is unique in that it is the sole means by which a unit can engage point targets at distances beyond the effective range of the M16 rifle. This role becomes more significant when the target is entrenched or positioned among civilians, or during riot control missions. The fires of automatic weapons in such operations can result in the wounding or killing of noncombatants.

b. Snipers are employed in all levels of conflict. This includes conventional offensive and defensive combat in which precision fire is delivered at long ranges. It also includes combat patrols, ambushes, countersniper operations, forward observation elements, military operations in urbanized terrain, and retrograde operations in which snipers are part of forces left in contact or as stay-behind forces.


In light infantry divisions, the sniper element is composed of six battalion personnel organized into three 2-man teams. The commander designates missions and priorities of targets for the team and may attach or place the team under the operational control of a company or platoon. They may perform dual missions, depending on the need. In the mechanized infantry battalions, the sniper element is composed of two riflemen (one team) located in a rifle squad. In some specialized units, snipers may be organized according to the needs of the tactical situation.

a.   Sniper teams should be centrally controlled by the commander or the sniper employment officer. The SEO is responsible for the command and control of snipers assigned to the unit. In light infantry units, the SEO will be the reconnaissance platoon leader or the platoon sergeant. In heavy or mechanized units, the SEO may be the company commander or the executive officer. The duties and responsibilities of the SEO areas follows:

(1)   To advise the unit commander on the employment of snipers.

(2)   To issue orders to the team leader.

(3)   To assign missions and types of employment.

(4)   To coordinate between the sniper team and unit commander.

(5)   To brief the unit commander and team leaders.

(6)   To debrief the unit commander and team leaders.

(7)   To train the teams.

b.  Snipers work and train in 2-man teams. One sniper’s primary duty is that of the sniper and team leader while the other sniper serves as the observer. The sniper team leader is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the sniper team. His responsibilities areas follows:

(1) To assume the responsibilities of the SEO that pertain to the team in the SEO’S absence.


FM 23-10



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