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An Insider’s Story....
How IAcquired a NewAK-47 -
And You Can Too...
How to Obtain a Working
AK-47 in the Next 24 Hours
What would you say if I could
GUARANTEE that YOU would own
a working AK-47 within 24
hours of reading this?
Sound Unbelievable?
Here’s the truth - It’s easier than you
think to acquire your own AK-47, and
I am going to prove it to you.
Listen - I didn’t believe it either, until I learned
about secret new discovery that everyone
is talking about - something straight from the
mind of a young American inventor - something
that guarantees you will be armed with a
semi-automatic 9mm AK-47 in less that 24 hours!
Read on to learn the true story of an amazing new discovery
By Jack Benteen,
Contributing Writer,
Small Arms Review Magazine
Dear Friend,
Never in my life have I been so excited about a new dis-
covery as I am today. I urge you to lock the door, take
the phone off the hook, kick off your shoes, get com-
fortable, and STUDY this letter -- it IS that important!
It introduces something THAT revolutionary! My guess is
that this new discovery will change you life just as it
has mine.
From this moment on, forget everything you’ve ever read or
been told about guns, the military or irearms in gener-
al - because what I am about to reveal to you will amaze
even the most experienced irearms expert.
Who ever heard of an ordinary person like me obtaining
an AK-47 in less than the time it takes for the sun to
rise in the east and set in the west? After all, there
are waiting periods...forms to ill out...government red
tape...and that’s assuming you live in a place where AK-
47’s are for sale at all! For most people living on plant
Earth, an AK-47 is strictly prohibited, and cannot be ob-
tained at any price....
Yet that’s what happened to me. And the methods I used to
obtain my AK-47 can be applied by almost anybody, almost
Maybe you’d like to obtain an AK-47 because you’re a col-
lector, or because you enjoy shooting for fun. Maybe you
need a reliable irearm to protect yourself or your loved
ones, and you can’t, for whatever reason, purchase it
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on the open market. Or maybe you’d just like to own a
piece of history.
Listen, we all know the AK-47 has become the world’s most
proliic and effective combat weapon; a device so cheap and
simple that it can be bought in many countries for less
than the cost of a live chicken. Depicted on the lag and
currency of several countries, waved by guerrillas and
rebels everywhere, the AK is the irearm of choice for at
least 50 legitimate standing armies and countless ighting
forces from Africa and the Middle East to Central America
and Los Angeles. It has become a cultural icon.
Can You Keep a Secret?
While you may be able to recognize an AK-47 whenever you
see one, I’m willing to bet you don’t know a dirty little
secret about the AK-47...Something those govenment busy-
bodies don’t want you to know about...Something nobody has
been willing to reveal until now...
To be honest, I couldn’t believe this secret when I irst
heard it, either.
I’m going to tell you this...but you gotta keep it to
Ready? OK - here’s the secret...By this time tomorrow you
can own a semiautomatic AK-47 in 9mm caliber - but you are
going to have to make it yourself. Does that sound dif-
icult? Well stay with me, because I want to share a new
discovery with you that will RADICALLY simplify the manu-
facture process....It’s so easy, ANYBODY can do it! heard
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that right....It’s faster, cheaper and easier to make an
AK-47 than it is to buy one....even in a country like
the United States, where the semi-automatic AK-47 is
bought and sold openly!
There Must Be a Catch To It!
Right now, it would be understandable if you were sput-
tering “But - but - it’s not that simple. There must be
a catch to it!”
Of course there’s a catch to it. There are hundreds of
“catches” - hundreds of pitfalls and traps for the un-
wary who have never traveled what I call “the reality
road to responsible irearms ownership”.
But I made it, learning from an expert - the same one
you can learn from, if you want to. And you have a
priceless advantage this young inventor never had - the
advantage of being able to know beforehand everything he
had to learn by trial and error.
And He Makes It So Simple!
Whether you are a complete novice or a person with lim-
ited irearms experience, this is the article you have
been waiting for!
Here’s why...
It begins with the assumption that you know nothing
about irearms. None of the terminology. Nothing.
Every lesson....every explained in plain
English. There’s no confusing jargon. No technical lan-
Every step is sequential. You simply can’t make
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a mistake because every step is self-correcting.
It’s easy! And it’s fun! You’ll be amazed at how
quickly you’re learning.
You’ll be able to print this article on standard
8.5”x11” pages. The templates and blueprints are all
to scale - you simply need to “peel and stick” the tem-
plates using scissors to cut them out and Elmers glue to
paste them to your sheet metal pieces.
Everything is fully illustrated with drawings and
photographs. So you not only read - you actually see -
each step.
You’ll learn how to navigate through the build pro-
cess just like a pro....master basic terminology....cre-
ate and form each piece and part....even if this is the
very irst irearm you have ever created!
You’ll be able to recognize all of the parts of your
AK-47....know how each part functions..... and how to
repair your irearm if the need ever arises.
You’ll understand how to create a 30 round
magazine...a critical step most builders overlook.
You’ll discover a simple, easy way to make a barrel
from scratch.
You’ll discover how to fabricate the all-important
and critical ire control group, (FCG); one that will
function reliably for years to come.
You’ll learn a secret way to test your new creation -
one that will
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