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Ultimate Referral Guide







The Ultimate Referral Guide Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Main Tactic

Chapter 2: Don’t Bot, It’ll Get You Banned and This Guide Useless

Chapter 3: The Step by Step of Normal Tactic

Chapter 4: The Website Tactic

Chapter 5: The Deceitful Way

Chapter 6: Picking your Servers

Chapter 7: The Best GPT to Advertise




Chapter 1: The Main Tactic

Now, you bought this guide and since you saw my stats, you know that this is worth it. I’m here to tell you, that from this guide I have made in total over 750$ in free stuff and cash simply from this one tactic. It is worth the 25$

Now, when I tried to defend from Blade’s leakage, which I did successfully, I said that the tactic she posted was not my main one. It’s not; the difference is the fact of knowing the tips and tricks to the site. I have preserved it so it would not be overused.  I have been using this tactic since March and I have perfected it throughout the past months to be the most effective and to get the most active referrals. Before you call this a scam, read the whole guide.

All of this information and special commentary has been compiled by me over a history of doing this tactic.

The tactic revolves around a website called Evony. It is a RPG site that is just like Runescape and your basic WoW stuff. This one however has a world chat that can be followed by other people who are playing the game. When you sign up to Evony, they ask you for an email address. You can put in anything there as long as it has a @yahoo.com because you don’t have to confirm the email you sign up with. So you do that and then enter a password.

Now, it’ll bring you to a screen where you must enter a Hero’s name and all of that other stuff. The only thing you have to enter is the Hero’s name. This will be the username that people will see when you post on the world chat. Make it a real word or something. My tip to this is if you’re watching TV listen for a name to name your account. You do not need to keep track of these accounts as they are disposable. It’s better to put a real name and not just random letters because then you will not seem like you are a scammer/spammer. You will also need to change your ref link into a tinyurl for the best free results. If you have a domain name that has a .com or .net then you’ll be good.

Next you will be redirected to the actual game. It’s not much to look at but it really doesn’t matter. You will go and look at the moving chat box. There, is a text bar where you can enter in text to put into the world chat. They do not allow links so make sure you use the [.] trick or just say dot to take the place of the actual dot. Now you need to be convincing in order to get people to act on what you’re doing. The other main part that you have to watch out for is the fact that you can only speak in the world chat 5 times with one account. You can make infinite accounts. Another disadvantage is the fact that they do not allow you to send the same message into the chat one after the other, so just add an extra space somewhere. A good part about this tactic is that you can have multiple tabs/windows up that are all on different accounts. The rest of the guide will be listing tactics using this website to your advantage.

Chapter 2: Don’t Bot, It’ll Get You Banned and This Guide Useless

Now I know this may seem like the first thing that pops in your head after you read the first part of the guide but don’t do it. Recently, I had paid NOC 22$ to make me a bot to spam Evony. Before that Blade was using a Macro. So I started to use it and a few weeks later, Sandy was bitching that she got IP banned from Evony for the bot because she used it. Sure she may have gotten the equivalent of 2 months of work in one month. But now she can never use this goldmine again.

So, what this proves is that if you just want a quick buck than go ahead, use the bot that she leaked that I bought from NOC. BUT you will never be able to fall back on this tactic again and in the long run, you’ll be making much less money.

It pays to do it manually; some of the most effective tactics I include with my guide have to be done manually.


Chapter 3: The Step By Step Way of The Normal Tactic

This only uses the function of the world chat. There is no set up and it only involves a copy and paste job. Simply use any of these and if you feel inventive, try your own. I will list a few samples and what effects they have.

“If you want FREE EVONY COINS, free XBOX LIVE, free RUNESCAPE, and free WoW CARDS. Visit (Referral Link with the “.” Or however you want to do it) REMOVE PARENTHESES!”

This gets a lot of people from all types of MMORPG’s to visit your link. It works best on the slower servers because more players can see it. Also the only bad part about it is the fact that it gets more inactive referrals since there is no real explanation.

Another good one is


This one also works well because it catches their attention fast and you’ll get a ton of messages right away. These messages will come in rapidly. You will need to respond to them with something like this:

“To get free Evony coins then you should sign up here (ref. link) and just do a few quick free offers and accumulate 10 points easy by following this guide (offer guide link). Then cash out and get your free Evony coins.”

You can come up with a ton of other ones. These will be updated if I come across new ones.

Or you could simply post in the chat after you have finished the next chapter something like this:



I recommend setting up a Notepad file so you can use it to reference for copy and paste. It’s what I do.

Chapter 4: The Website Tactic

Now, for this tactic you need to make a blog that is based on free Evony coins. Try to get a good name for it. Make it have a good title and bolded keywords. After you are done, add a hit counter. Then go to Evony and do the whole


Now respond to them saying

“Follow this guide to I made get free Evony coins: (Blog Link) If you have any questions, post them in the comment section and I'll get back to you.”

You will not only get blog views to boost the blog on Google, but you will get a ton of referrals to your site as the traffic comes.

Don’t copy it word for word but an example of this is: freeevonycoins.blogspot.com





Chapter 5: The Deceitful Way

Now there are two ways that you can use Evony deceitfully. One is by telling people that after signing up and doing 3 offers, the Evony coins will go right into their account or whatever and the other is by making a program using Visual Basic to make an Evony Coins Generator. I will go into both of these tactics in detail.

              Lie #1

            First, you will need to either make a website or use the one listed in Chapter 4. You will need to say something like simply signup with the email address you signed up with Evony for and then after you get 5 offers to confirm      (whatever number you wish), you will receive 200 Evony Coins in your account for free. Then use the tactic listed in Chapter 4 to promote it. When things appear to be so easy for them to reach what they want, people will go for it right away and give it a shot. Of course, you won’t get as many referrals, but you will get better earnings.

Evony Coin Generator

This is pretty hard to do but once you get the hang of Visual Basic, you can pop them out like crazy. Now the first link you need to go to is http://www.microsoft.com/express/vb/Default.aspx

And download Visual Basic for free. It takes a little while to download. It requires a restart. Now I’m going to go through this nice and slow for the people that don’t know how to use Visual Basic to make programs.

1)You open VB, then go to File, then New Project, then click on Windows Form application








After that is done, this should come up:

Now if you look to the right, there is a bunch of options. Text will change the “Form1” on the program. Now put Evony Coin Generator. You can mess with the colors and font if you like.

You will then hit the toolbar on the left, Then Click on All Windows Forms, you should be on a window here:

Hit Label, this will make a text bar in which you can put in whatever you want. I put this in:

“Welcome to the Evony Coin Generator, simply enter you E-Mail address that you signed up with on Evony and Click the Button, The Program will not work until you have signed up at (shortened referral link) and completed 3 offers.”

You can make it fit by hitting the arrow by the Text bar near the Properties of the Label. And make there be different lines.


The next step is making the buttons for it. So simply go to the Buttons option under the toolbar and then Edit the Text of it to say “Generate My Free Coins”.

Then go to Text Box and add one. Then have it say “Enter your E-mail Here”.

Then Save it and upload it to Rapidshare. Then use the Evony Chat Method saying


When they respond to it say,

“Use this program I found! It worked so many times for me. (Link to program here)”

Boom, a ton of referrals. Get it popular enough and you might really get a ton of referrals easy.1

Now, besides just telling people about it on Evony, you can tell people about it on Youtube!  A Evony Coin Generator. So make a video and upload it and it should get some serious downloads and referrals.



Chapter 6: Picking your Servers

Another important part of this tactic is switching up your servers. If you keep on spamming the same chat over and over again, it will become less and less effective.  Switch it up every two times.


Chapter 7: The Best GPT to Advertise

Now I’ll admit, this doesn’t get extremely active referrals. Maybe one out of every 4 or 5 will do an offer (average). Now sure, this all depends on which tactic you use. Each one will give you different results and the one I have found best is the deceitful website telling them to do 3 offers and then they get the free coins. It gets me more active refs than not and a lot more cash than any other way.

Now since most of these referrals won’t be really active, you will need to be on a site that has referral earnings or active referral bonuses so you can make more money. My suggestion is either Cashiest or Points2Shop to send these referrals to. They will earn you the most money in these two sites. Beware; P2S might ban you if they see any suspicious activity for no reason. If not these two sites, then I’d recommend something like Rewards1 for their offer descriptions that will help your referrals to do offers more.

Now for the usual stuff, you paid 25$ for this guide. Now let’s say you told two friends. And let’s say you would’ve made 100$ in the first week of doing this (very possible) and those two friends also do it. Since you guys are all doing it at the same time, you are basically splitting the earnings for free. Now would you want 100$ or 33$???? So don’t leak it because if you do, it’ll mean more money wasted on your end and less money earned for you in the future.

Thank you for the purchase of this guide and I am offering my full support to buyers. Feel free to contact me on AIM:  CCMZ12 Not only do you get my full support, you also get free updates to this guide.


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