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A World of Possibility
Stacy walked the circle very carefully, making sure
that everything was right. The moon would be in its best
aspect soon, and everything had to be right. The candles
were all lit and properly placed. The reagents were
The circle was etched with care. She had traced over
the pattern in the book at least a dozen times now. Every
line, every curve, and every intersection was perfectly
made. Even the tiny little flourishes at the ends of the
lines were properly curved.
As the moon rose into prominence, Stacy took
position at the edge of the circle. Lifting her dress
carefully, she knelt down into the soft earth and began to
chant the mantras.
Hour by hour passed, but she was vigilant. Her
throat was dry and cracking, the words coming out in a
strained whisper. The candles burned low as the way
spread over the ground. The wind slowly died down to a
At long last, the time had come. Stacy's heart
quickened, pumping hot blood into every part of her. Her
breath come faster, more ragged. She had even begun to
feel a little excited in that most special way. There was
something erotic about a spell working out the way you
wanted it to.
The circle began to glow red and a mist rose up as
the candles died out in a burst of wind. The mist
coalesced into a human form, with dark ruddy skin.
Stacey raised her head to it and said, “Welcome great
spirit, I have called you here to serve me.”
The demon grimaced down at her and replied, “I
think you made a mistake little girl. This circle is all
wrong and your not at all powerful enough to command
me.” He then took a step towards her, but Stacy did not
move. She smiled as a slight worry shook through her.
She didn't make a mistake, but the thought of it gave her
a chill.
Reaching behind her back, Stacy removed the
twisted ritual knife. “No, I am quite confident that this is
how I wanted things to go,” she spoke. And then she dove
towards it thinking, “This is always the best part.”
Table of Contents
Page 3 – Introduction
Page 4 – The Basics
Page 9 – Character Creation
Page 11 – Behind the Curtain
Page 15 – Physical Paradigm
Page 20 – Mental Paradigm
Page 21 – Spiritual Paradigm
Page 22 – Wielding the Unseen Powers
Page 24 – Shaping Events
Page 25 – Items and Inventory
Page 26 – Paradigms
A while back, I found out about the 24-Hour RPG
project and though to myself, "Damn, that's a cool idea."
Making a whole game in 24 hours perfectly suited my
attention span, so I started thinking about ideas that would
make a good one. After sifting through a few in my
muddled mind, I decided upon an idea that had occurred
to me after reading a Wikipedia article about occultism.
Apparently, there's this kind of magic(k) called
"Chaos Magic," that works around the idea of paradigm
shifting and such. The idea of a modern magic game
suddenly seemed really cool. Of course, I quickly realized
that stuff like Mage and Unknown Armies had already
treaded this ground, but I thought I could do a good job
and bring something different to the table. So here it is,
Discord, my 24 hour game about modern mages and
casting your way through life. Enjoy.
A Few Words on Style
Throughout this text, I try to keep the tone light, but
within the realm of its material. Since this is a game about
magic and mystical stuff, I wanted the text to sound kind of
"whoOoOOoO" mysterious. More than likely, it will not
quite have that effect, but I hope it remains legible.
As to my use of gender pronouns, an issue that every
game designer just has to talk about these days, I decided
to be funny and use the Spivak pronouns, "e," "em," and
Nothing is True
...And everything is permitted. This paradox is the
fundamental law of chaos magic. Everyday, everywhere,
people are creating their own realities. In every corner,
there is the stirring of magic, but most just cannot fathom
it. They look at it, all the time, but they do not see it .
What does it mean to see? How can anything be
permitted if nothing is true? Understanding comes with
time and study. At the surface, it simply means that you
can see and do anything you want, but nothing you do is
absolutely true. There is no higher Truth, no one great
force that governs all. There is only you, and your will.
There is more to it, however, than simple acceptance.
Chaos magic is not about accepting, but about rejecting.
First you reject the idea that anything is absolutely True,
then you learn that anything can be true. Belief, faith,
dogma, and ritual are all tools for the magician to wield.
They are clothes that the mage wears to aid in creating er
effects. The changing of belief systems, the "paradigm
shift" is one of the primary rituals of chaos magic.
In this game, you take on the role of a magician. You
can be a chaos magician, or you can stick to one paradigm,
or something else entirely, whatever works for you. In the
next few pages, the various things that make up a character
will be discussed. But first, take a look at the character
sheet at what a character is made from, then you can
explore what the individual parts of each character are.
What You Need
All you need to play are pencils, copies of the character
sheets, and a bunch of six sided dice. You will probably
need about 5 per person.
The Magician
In Discord , characters are defined by their beliefs.
These beliefs are called paradigms. All characters have
three fundamental paradigms that define how they interact
with reality at the basic level. These are Physical, Mental,
and Spiritual.
The physical paradigm defines that everyone has a
body, that can be used to manipulate the world at the
physical level--the most mundane level.
The mental paradigm defines that everyone has a
mind, that can be used to perceive and understand reality.
The mind operates at a higher level than the body.
The spiritual paradigm defines that everyone has a
soul, that feels other souls around it and tries to be one
with the universe. The soul is about social change, as it
combines ideas of empathy and emotion.
Beneath the paradigm qualties are five lines to write
out the character's tricks. A trick is something that a
character can do or knows which aids in manipulating
reality. A character can have a number of tricks under one
paradigm equal to the Belief rating in it.
Along the side of the sheet, you will note a Will track.
Mages need Will to change things. The more a mage has,
the more often and more powerful eir changes can be.
The Magic
Magic is everywhere around you, all the time. This
fact may be hard to believe, but the reason you so easily
overlook it is that most magic is not that stunning. Indeed,
you could be doing some minor magic right now and not
realize it. When you ask someone to grab you a soda from
the fridge, that's a minor command spell. When you head
into the kitchen to get it yourself, you are performing the
minor miracle of teleportation. It's a very slow and short
ranged teleport, and it involves a tiresome ritual known as
"walking" but its a minor magic none-the-less.
Of course, most people don't want to play a game
about walking to the corner mart to pick up beer. Magic of
the more spectacular sort is very possible, but everyone has
to start somewhere. With all that said, the method of
performing change in Discord is quite simple.
First, state what you want to do. This could
something mundane, like writing a novel, or it could be
something more amazing, like shooting out fireballs.
Whatever you are going for, have in mind what effect you
would like to go for.
Once you have figured out what it is you want to
accomplish, pick a paradigm that aptly defines it. You may
use any of the three core paradigms freely, or you may use
There are many other paradigms, but everybody has
these three. Each paradigm is in turn defined by no less
than three aspects. These are the qualities of Power,
Control, and Belief.
Power is how much force you bring to bear. When a
mage tries to change the world, er power defines how
much of a change is possible.
Control is how able you are to use the force you have.
When a mage tries to change the world, er control defines
how well that changes is in line with what the mage
Belief is the knowledge, the faith, that your changes
will take hold. Mages must have a certain degree of belief,
in order to make changes, but they can become lost in
dogma if they are not careful of their belief.
another paradigm if you have shifted into it. Paradigm
shifting will be covered in a moment.
Now, you get to roll dice to figure out what happens.
You may roll a number of six sided dice (d6) up to or equal
to the Power quality in the paradigm you are using. For
each die that rolls to four or higher, count one "Event." If
any dice roll up as 6, reroll those and check again for
number of four or more. Reroll any more 6s and keep
going until you stop getting them and have a final count.
Next, take a look at the value of Control for that
paradigm. If the number of Events is equal to or less than
the Control, then each Event is yours to use as you want.
Events that you scored in excess of the Control value are
events outside of your control. In a simple situation, they
might just remove events that you have earned. In more
complex events, the extra events may be used by other
Events can be used to change the course of the story.
To do this, you set variables that your events will update.
Woah! That's kind of complicated huh? Not so much as
you might think. A variable is just some defining quality of
a situation. An example is probably in order about now.
Jenna is attempting to draw a picture for her art
class. She needs to make a roll to see how it turns out.
First, it is determined that making a peice of art will use
the Spiritual paradigm. Jenna really feels as though she
puts a peice of her soul into every drawing she makes.
Next, she determines that there are two important
variables in this test, time and quality. Quality is how
good the drawing is, and time is how long it takes her to
do it. The consensus is that it will take 3 hours to make a
drawing, and it will be of average quality, if nothing but
a minimum effort is given. Jenna rolls 5 dice, and gets 5
events. Her control is 4. Up to four and she would have
gotten all her events. Because she rolled one over four,
one event is removed from her usable total. That means
that she has 3 events to herself. She uses 2 events to raise
the quality of the drawing twice, and 1 event to lessen the
time required. After 2 hours, Jenna creates a great peice
of art.
The immediate question that arises is "How much
can one event change?" The answer depends on the group,
and what the players think is fair. In general, a single
Event can:
Raise or Lower a variable by about 10%.
Increase or Decrease time by one of whatever unit is
being used (hour, minute, second, etc).
Raise or Lower a descriptive quality by one level.
Add one new variable to a situation.
Raise or lower one variable in order to double raise or
lower another one.
By this point, if you have played an RPG before, you
might be wondering exactly who gets to decide on all this
stuff. I have yet to mention a gamemaster (GM), because
that role is optional. Discord , being a game about chaos,
runs well as a communal storytelling exercise. Every
player can tell a part of the story as it develops. For a given
situation, everyone can pick a paradigm and roll, and then
use the events they get to individually alter the outcome of
the entire situation.
Of course, playing the traditional method by having
one player take the role of GM is acceptable as well. The
GM plays all the minor characters and directs the story as a
whole. Either way, you should do whatever best suits the
Although a situation can have many variables, one is
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