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Microsoft Word - Hidden.doc
Table of Contents
Setting Ï p. 4
Magic Ï p. 19
Basic Rules Ï p. 9
Mimicry Ï p. 20
Creating your
Character Ï p. 13
Electric Magic Ï p. 21
Combat Ï p. 15
Mind Magic Ï p. 23
Damage Ï p. 16
Healing Ï p. 17
Nature Magic Ï p. 24
Magic Ï p. 25
Fatigue Ï p. 17
Shamanic Magic Ï p. 25
W eapons Ï p. 18
Experience and
Advancement Ï p. 18
Flesh Magic Ï p. 23
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This gam e w as w ritten for the 24 hour R P G project. I heard of the project a w hile ago
and thought it w as a great w ay of trying out new R PG ideas. The m otivation/inspiration
for this particular gam e cam e out of a num ber of things: (1) liking A rs M agica, but getting
tired of the com plexity and enorm ous am ounts of bookkeeping required by the system ; (2)
w ondering w hat an A rs gam e w ould look like set in m odern tim es, (3) the Ñhigh dieÒ
version of R isus, and (4) a gam e like the Pool that gives m ore pow er to the players. A nd
hereÔs the result, such as it is J I w asnÔt able to do everything I w anted to; in particular, I
started w riting it as a ÑtraditionalÒ R P G w ith the assum ption of only one G M - w ith the
intention of going back and w riting in an option for m ore player pow er - but then I ran out
of tim e! Such is life, I guess.
ItÔs the best I could do in 24 hours. O ne thing I learned from the experience: IÔm no
longer 18; these days, getting only 3 hours of sleep adversely Ï and noticeably - affects m y
overall state of w ell being J
O f course, IÔd very m uch appreciate know ing w hat you think about this attem pt, and
any advice you have on any aspect of the gam e; in particular, do you think itÔs w orth m y
m aking a B eta version of it? You can contact m e at dream ofpeace@ earthlink.net .
The Hidden World is copyright 2004 by M anu Saxena. You m ay dow nload, print out,
and redistribute the gam e for free as long as you charge no fee for it. The im ages on the
first tw o pages are m ine; the others are royalty free and courtesy of the N O A A w ebsite.
The word most of us see s ony
the surace of a deeper word, hdden to
the average person. A seect ew are
attuned to ths hdden word, ether
through havng nherted a specal taent
at brth or through mystcal tranng.
From remote monasteres and
hermtages to the basements and
rootops of apartment budngs n our
bggest ctes, smal communtes of
mystcs contnue an age-ong tradton of
tranng gted students to see wth
arcane vson and to eel wth mystcal
attunement. n tme, f a student
possesses enough courage and
ntegence he earns the tte of Master
of the Mystc Ats.
He becomes a Mage.
Yes, magc exsts n our very own
word, today n the 21 st century. When
we were chdren we coud al see magc
and the ows of magcal energy al
around us, but chdren speakng of
these thngs are never taken serousy by
aduts; graduay, we are convnced to
gnore and shut down our arcane vson
as we grow oder. Most aduts today
cant see magc, even f powerul magc
s done rght beore ther eyes. Ther
mnds dont accept t, and so they cant
see t. f the magc s especay
powerul ther subconscous mght
transate t nto somethng ese, ke
seeng a ghost or an aen, but usuay
theyl smpy gnore t as f t ddnt
happen, and wl eel vaguey dsqueted
and uncomortabe wthout knowng why.
A ew ndvduas, however, never
earned to shut down ther mystc sght,
and so see what others dont dare to.
Some of these peope wnd up n mental
nsttutons, dagnosed as schzophrencs
or wth whatever term the atest DSM
manual suggests. A ucky ew are abe
to nd a mentor, a mage who has
earned to ve n the arcane word and
who s wng to teach. Others nd ther
way to remote monasteres, hermtages,
or even caves to receve tranng rom
the knowedgeabe ew. However t
happens, those who are abe and wng
to become magi do, and have access to
both greater power and responsbty
than the average person ever dreams o.
wth breaches of magcal aw and to deal
wth threats. Mages are expected to
spend some of ther tme n servce to
the Whte Counc. Part of the Mages
Credo s, Ìto those whom much s gven,
much s requredÍ. Whe most magi
woud preer to spend ther tme
researchng and nvestgatng the magcal
word, they reaze that because of ther
poston and power they shoud act or
the benet of humanty when the
mundane word s unabe to do so or
tse. Unortunatey, such occasons are
al too requent, and have been
becomng more so through the years.
One threat to both mundanes and
magi are dark wzards. Some dark
mages are peope who never had ormal
tranng, but earned on ther own how to
access magcal power. Unortunatey,
they dd so n such a way that t twsted
ther mnds so that they became crazy
wth power, and they use t to expot
others; a ew go on maddened
destructve sprees, ashng out at
everythng they can untl theyre stopped.
Most mages recognze ths
responsbty. The Whte Councl was
deveoped as a wordwde body to rue
the magcal word. Dsputes between
magi are brought to the Counc, and t
aso sets poces or reatons between
magi and the mundane word. The
Councl aso has an enorcement arm
known as the Excubtor Candors, the
Whte Guardans) of magi and mundane
hepers to use when necessary to deal
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