Midnight Matings 09 - Flynn Joyee Spells and Bananas [MM]X.pdf
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Midnight Matings
Copyright © 2011
Chapter 1
“And just in case you think to try and break this spell,” Elder
Burke said, “we have added a special clause. Anyone that attempts to
negate the covenants of this spell will instantly be cursed as befitting
their race. Vampires will no longer be able to drink blood. Shifters
will no longer be able to shift. Magic users will have no magic, and so
on. I’m sure you get my point.”
The two Elders went to stand back with their fellow Elders and
turned back to face the crowd. “Now, children, good luck. We expect
to see each of you in twenty-four hours. May your hunt be
I stood there for a split second in shock before the room detonated
like an atom bomb. Then I did the only thing an intelligent person
does when given a spiked drink…I stuck my finger down my throat
and tried to vomit it back up. As I was ungraciously gagging, some
chick groped my dick.
“Mmm, nice package. I’ll take you.” She purred and used her
other hand to grab my shoulder. “I’ve always wanted monkey sex
with a real monkey.”
Spells and Bananas
“Fuck off, cunt,” I snarled, turning only my head to face her. And
then she bitch slapped me. I shook it off and narrowed my eyes. “I
don’t have a problem hitting women.”
“You shouldn’t mess with me, monkey,” she sneered. “I have
powers beyond your comprehension.”
“But not as many as I have, Meghan,” a deep voice said, sending
shivers down my spine.
“Amery,” she gasped. “Have you called this one? I did not know.”
“No, but you will unhand him immediately,” he answered. In a
flash her hands were gone. “I suggest you go
someone else if
they’d like to be your mate. You know full well our laws prevent
forced mating.”
While they were talking, I went back to trying to toss my cookies.
The next thing I knew, she was gone and a large hand was gently
stroking my back. What had she said his name was again? I swear
when she smacked me she rattled my brain around.
“The spell will prevent you from banishing it from your body,
little one.”
“It was worth a shot.” I sighed and turned around to face him. My
body did a full shudder of lust at the gorgeous sight before me. “Any
chance you wanted to claim me then? I mean, we have to mate, and
you’re hot, and you’re sweet enough to have just saved me, and I am
a monkey, so the sex with my kind is really hot and—”
“You’re adorable when you ramble.” He chuckled and cupped my
cheek. “Would you really want me?”
I eyed over the reason for my hard-on like a thirsty man. He had
black hair and caramel-brown eyes like I did, but his hair was just a
tad longer than my short cut. But we definitely weren’t built the same.
I was five-five and lithe while he was probably six-five and so ripped
his muscles had muscles. Though not in that obnoxious way that just
screamed steroids.
Joyee Flynn
“Yes please,” I whimpered and dug my fingers into the wall
behind me to keep from reaching out to him. “You’re not a monkey,
right? We have to cross mate.”
“I’m a witch, and I would be honored to mate you,” he said, his
voice going an octave lower as his eyes filled with the same need I
was feeling. “What’s your name? I need to know what I’ll be shouting
during our hot monkey sex.”
“Kirby,” I moaned, giving in and reaching for him. “Kirby Saxon,
but you can call me yours.”
“I intend to,” he purred in my ear as he leaned down and wrapped
his arms around me. “All I need to know is that if we mate, there will
never be another for you. I don’t believe in open matings.”
“I’d never cheat on my mate.” Cheating on your mate was a death
sentence if caught amongst monkeys, but he was talking about it as if
he was expecting me to step out on him.
“Good. Some witches believe that mating doesn’t mean you stop
having sex with other people, but that’s not what I think.”
Light bulb!
“I’m so glad,” I whispered into his massive chest. Then I let out a
sigh. I’d never felt so safe and wanted as I did right in that moment
from a simple hug from…I still didn’t remember his name. “What’s
your name?”
“My apologies, Kirby.” He chuckled. “It seems I’m only thinking
with my dick right now. I’m Amery Goddard.”
I leaned back in the embrace, so I could get a good look at him
again and then nodded. “It suits you. I like it.”
“I’m so glad,” Amery said with a smirk, tossing my early words at
me playfully.
We both turned when the door the Elders had left through opened
again and they re-emerged.
“Do we need more time to talk, or should we be first in line and
get the hell out of here?”
Spells and Bananas
“We’re going to have to work some things out, Kirby,” he
answered slowly as his eyes searched my face. “I mean, this is forever
once we do this. We don’t know anything about each other or—”
“I’ve never been so drawn, felt so safe, or gotten an insta-hard-on
from someone else before,” I said firmly, interrupting him. “I trust my
gut, and while I’d love to take the time before officially mating to get
to know everything about you, we only have twenty-four hours.”
“You’re right,” he sighed as he nodded. “I’m just scared. You
know what I mean?”
“Yeah, it’s a huge step to take in the matter of a few moments. I
get it. But it feels right, too. Or is that just me?” I started to pull away,
realizing he might not be feeling the sparks and peace I was feeling at
the idea of being mated to him.
“No, it’s not just you.” He pulled me back into his arms, squeezed
me gently as he kissed my neck, and then stepped away. He gave me
a soft smile as he took my hand and led me up to the stage. It looked
out of place in a Scottish castle’s ballroom because it reminded me
more of the stage in the theater of my high school. I mean, it was
complete with curtains and spotlights.
Were the Elders acting out plays in their spare time? The thought
of some of them performing a musical was enough to make me almost
burst out laughing in the midst of all the chaos. Whether they were or
not, someone needed a lesson in decorating because the puke-green
drapes that hid the doors on either side tied back with purple rope had
to go.
I went to jump up the three feet onto it, but strong hands wrapped
around my little waist and lifted me up.
“What a gentleman,” I purred and gave him a wink. “I reward
such manners accordingly, my big, soon-to-be mate.”
“Oh really?” He swallowed loudly, and I saw his Adam’s apple
bob as his eyes glazed over with lust. Just the reaction I was looking
for. Sweet.
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